
I'm a celestial dragon in One Piece

In the cold, realistic world of the Celestial Dragons, Ethan Mars stood as a beacon of potential change, a young boy whose distinct ideas and unyielding spirit would one day challenge the very core of their supremacy. This fanfic will have a new version soon so if you don't like it this try please give me a second opportunity in the next version DISCLAIMER : I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS FROM THE ONE PIECE ANIME OR MANGA EXCEPT FOR THE OC. THIS IS MY FIRST NOVEL, PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW ON WHETHER I COOKED OR NOT.

Cronos_512 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
17 Chs

Chapter five : Boa Hancock and Ethan(1)(Rewritten version)

Time skip of 2 days

In this 2 days Ethan starded to try to have a conversation with hancock

"But I'm so worried about my sister."

"Me too. Suddenly saying that the body doesn't matter and Celestial Dragons can take it whenever they want. It seems like I'm giving up on myself."

When the two sisters said this, they looked at each other and sighed in unison.

Sister, it's so difficult.

The Celestial Dragons young master seemed to like his sister very much, and even arranged to give Sister Hancock a position instead of calling her around casually.

This cheap love may allow the three sisters to live for a long time.

But it will also make sister Hancock lose a lot of things.

 They were really worried that one day they would wake up and see the familiar sister no longer.

Instead, he is an obedient slave kneeling in front of Master Celestial Dragons, with his head bowed. He does whatever he is told, and does not come back to sleep at night. Instead, he obediently waits for Master Celestial Dragons on the bed.

During the auction, they didn't know how many timeFollowed Ethan all the way to the dining room.

"Let's serve."

Ethan gave the order and sat down at the dining table, waiting leisurely for the meal.

Hancock seemed ignored and watched from the sidelines like a marionette.

Ethan hadn't looked at her the whole time they were eating.

Not a word was said in the room. 

This gave Hancock an incredible feeling. She could clearly sense that this young Celestial Dragon master had a strong desire for her.

This kind of desire is like a wild predator that was waiting for a moment of weakness of his prey to then attack, and his desire was burning like the fire.

He didn't even try to hide it, it seemed that with his gaze he wanted to tell her that he wanted her for him, but in a strange way in his gaze there was no trace of perversion most of the time, only appeared occasionally and disappeared like a shooter star.

This young Celestial Dragon master didn't even try to hide it.

She was ready to endure humiliation, so why didn't he touch her? Hancock secretly had doubts.

This is not Stockholm syndrome or inexplicable attraction, but rather distrust and discomfort.

Ethan's behavior is very different from a normal Celestial Dragon.

This makes Hancock unpredictable. Ethan's thoughts.

Very unsettling.

Hancock was worried that Ethan might have even more evil plans or ideas in mind and was planning to carry them out on her or her two sisters.

If that was the case, she would rather submit and learn how to suit Ethan's liking.

Instead of being relegated to a pet that wasn't even human.

"What the hell is this guy thinking?" Hancock looked at Ethan secretly with a stern look on his face.

The same question arose in the housekeeper's mind.

He looked at Ethan questioningly.

Ethan ate slowly, savoring each dish, with relish.

But there was clearly more food waiting nearby, so why not take a peek? "That doesn't make sense." Master Ethan has no diseases in the area and is in good health from his annual physical examination." The housekeeper frowned and said, "Even if you are not yet an adult and cannot practice with live ammunition, there is still a lot you need."

"Why don't you give Master Ethan the records of the matches of the masters before they died?"

"Well, this can be seen as a kind of inheritance from his father."

The butler began to think seriously. Ethan was enjoying his meal. If he knew what his butler was thinking, he would probably spit his food out.

The music the Celestial Dragons were performing was no longer Fancy, but rather a chaotic demonic dance.

It's nothing more than challenging the physical limits.

There is also oppression, manipulation, bullying, and control on the spiritual and spiritual levels.

More Hypnosis than Hypnosis, more common sense control than common sense control.

He simply doesn't treat people as human beings.

Although Ethan is also a Celestial Dragon, his moral level is inherited from his father and mother he would like to say, and his level in this aspect is slightly higher.

Although he is greedy, he does not take pleasure in destruction of others.

Just an ordinary pervert guy who is curious.

Ethanan finished his meal, wiped his mouth, and nodded with satisfaction.

Just letting Hancock stand by and Hancock's worries quickly, soon showed a moment of weakness and he would take full advantage of it.

Just thinking about it.

Ethan brought a cup for mouthwash and a small bowl for collecting saliva.

The angle was a little different from usual.

When Ethan turned around, he saw Hancock handing him the cup and small bowl with blank hands, his face cold and emotionless.

The smell of her hair hit his nose.

Ethan unconsciously reached out his hand.

Hancock's eyes lit up at Ethan's action without any resistance, and he obediently tilted his head so that Ethan could stroke his head more. "The training is very good for the maid who is cold on the outside but slutty on the inside, the princess who is proud on the outside but has to yield on the inside, and the saint." Pure and holy on the outside, but slowly corrupting at heart."

"Or maybe the cold, desireless mountain top actually seems to already put the whole body and mind to work."

"The stark contrast was really impressive !"

Ethan felt a fire beginning to burn in his stomach.

Ethan was already lost in thought.

Ethan couldn't help but sigh, and gently touched Hancock's face with his palm, then took it back.

Others in the dining room turned a blind eye.

The middle-aged woman even showed an expression of joy.

She feels that she has figured out Etha Mars's preferences and can get more rewards!

On the other side.

The two sisters were surprised as they received their training instructions for to make them excellent caregivers of the gardens and the exterior of the property.

They were all surprised.

The instructor who was supposed to be there was teaching them seriously, as if he was going to turn them into fine housekeepers.

But they were both a little distracted. They took advantage of their break to sit together and talk quietly.

"This young Celestial Dragon seems different from the others, doesn't he?"

"Yes, my sister said the same thing."

They had been watching this scene.

After all kinds of brainwashing and education, no matter how loyal a person is.

The temperament of the city had changed drastically, abandoning its previous dignity and patience to become a completely inferior and despicable being.

It was noon. Ethan had finished his morning reading. "Prepare lunch." Ethan ordered casually, and the butler waiting next to him immediately signaled the maid to go to the kitchen and let him know. And on the other side too.

Hancock stood quietly with an indifferent expression, holding a towel in his hand, ready to hand it to Ethan so he could wipe his face at any time. An entire morning had passed. Hancock was even more surprised and confused by Ethan. In her opinion, this young Celestial Dragon is becoming less and less like a Celestial Dragon. What Celestial Dragon would spend the morning reading a book?

In any case, Hancock had never experienced this before. And more importantly, an entire morning had passed, and Ethan hadn't done anything to her. Hancock couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. She would rather have Ethan make a move on her, to let her know that this young Celestial Dragon master is lustful. But now, he is clearly showing his desire for her, yet he is doing nothing. If anything, Hancock was unsure.

"You go back to eat and rest. I'll watch a movie in the afternoon and I wanna have a fight with you in the backyard ."Ethan said to Hancock.

Hancock's expression changed slightly and he subconsciously looked at the middle-aged woman in the distance as if I was asking you for advice on what to do.

Is this coming?

Unexpectedly, the middle-aged woman in the distance also changed her expression. She hasn't she didn't expect this to happen.!


The housekeeper coughed at this moment, attracting the two people's attention.

He knew that both of them had gone astray.

"It's just a fight." The butler said slowly.

Hancock and the middle-aged woman suddenly understood. They expressed contempt for each other simultaneously. They had both thought of something at once: a bloody Hancock on the floor with Ethan standing over her.

It was only then that Ethan realized the two women were already thinking of scenes where he and Hancock were fighting, which was amusing to him. Although, in a sense, it was true—it was not going to be a physical battle but a battle of minds, a game of chess. A fight where it's all about how you manage your time and how skilled you are in chess.

For the time being, he wanted Hancock to stay tense, thinking about a possible physical fight and its consequences.

"Everyone, come down with me. Change your mind now. I want to fight first and then watch the movie," Ethan commanded.

The waiter shook his head, and Hancock followed Ethan, the middle-aged woman trailing behind. Hancock was getting used to her new identity and did not want to face the possible consequences of confronting Ethan.

Once everyone left the room, the butler approached Ethan with a hesitant expression. "Master Ethan, even if you are feuding, Hancock was raised to be the next queen of Amazon Lily and is four months older than you. Just because she is a bought slave does not mean you should indulge her by allowing her to fight with you. She has Haki armor, after all."

"You are the noble Heavenly Dragons! You do not need to fight against a simple minor!" the butler exclaimed, trying to make Ethan reason to avoid a physical fight.

Ethan shook his head. "I'm not going to fight as you think, nor am I going to let Hancock leave this room. I bought her, and from now on, she will be mine."

"Then how are you going to fight?" the butler seemed confused.

"A chess battle," Ethan said with a confident look.

The butler felt a burden being lifted from his shoulders. It seemed like it was going to be a simple game of chess. He hurried to bring the chess board so that the game could begin.

Hancock's Perspective

Hancock didn't realize what was going on. She thought Ethan was going to ignore her today as he had done many other days. She did not understand why he suddenly wanted to fight with her.

As the chessboard was set up, Ethan explained the rules to Hancock, who listened intently, her eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and determination.

The Chess Game

The chessboard was made of ebony and ivory, a luxurious set befitting the Mars estate. The pieces were meticulously carved, each one a work of art. Ethan sat across from Hancock, his expression calm and confident. Hancock, on the other hand, appeared tense, her mind racing with thoughts of the impending game.

"Ethan, I'm ready," Hancock said, trying to mask her nerves with a composed exterior.

Ethan nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Let's begin."

The game started, and it quickly became apparent that Ethan was the superior player. He moved his pieces with precision and confidence, anticipating Hancock's moves and countering them effortlessly.

As the game progressed, Hancock found herself struggling to keep up. Ethan's strategic mind was on full display, his moves calculated and deliberate.

"You're doing well, Hancock," Ethan remarked, his voice steady. "But you need to think a few steps ahead."

Hancock's brow furrowed in concentration. She tried to anticipate Ethan's moves, but he was always one step ahead. With each turn, her pieces were captured, and her options dwindled.

The middle-aged woman watched the game with a critical eye, her expression one of disdain. "You need to be more aggressive, Hancock. You're playing too defensively."

Hancock nodded, trying to heed the advice, but it was clear that Ethan had the upper hand. His pieces advanced steadily, and it wasn't long before he had her king cornered.

"Checkmate," Ethan said, his tone even.

Hancock stared at the board, a mixture of frustration and admiration in her eyes. "You win, Ethan. You're really good at this."

Ethan smiled, a genuine warmth in his expression. "Thank you, Hancock. You played well. Remember, it's all about strategy and thinking ahead."

The butler, who had been observing the game, nodded approvingly. "Well played, Master Ethan. And you too, Miss Hancock. A good effort."

Hancock felt a sense of defeat but also a determination to improve. She looked at Ethan, her eyes filled with a newfound respect. "I'll get better, Ethan. Next time, I'll give you a real challenge."

Ethan's smile widened. "Well, usually the loser, has to comply with a winner's order don't you think Hancock."

Hancock felt an intense sense of resignation and defeat when he shut down what Etha said to him."Wh-What do you want me to do"Whispered Hancock"

Ethan smiled with satisfaction at Hancock's words, and I speak with a tone of superiority and sufficiency."What about give me a massage, Hancock"

Hancock just assent with resignation to the words of Ethan prepared to suffer that humiliation by Ethan for having to give him that massage.