

Traveling through the world of pirates coincides with the defeat of the pirate Golden Lion by Wang Luffy. Luo Chen hurried before the navy and found the golden lion that fell into the sea. “Mr. Shiki, do you have any last wishes?” He took out the dagger he had prepared, and said seriously to the frail blond old man. puff! When the dagger pierced the back of the golden lion, the prompt sound followed. 【Ding! Congratulations to the host, inheriting the ability of the Golden Lion] 【Ding! Congrats to the host, inherit the ability of Float-Float Fruit] 【Ding! Congratulations to the host, inheriting the Golden Lion Kendo] … But Luo Chen felt that it was not enough. Therefore, he held two long knives with dead wood and Ying Shi, and aimed at Whitebeard who was about to die in the war on the top. Those who rule the sea are called pirates, what is the name of those who rule the world?

Jeffrey_Nin · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
170 Chs

Chapter 69 Torn Marineford

"It's Lion Fruit's ability!

Sengoku was shocked, turned his head to look in the direction of Luo Chen, and said solemnly: "What does he want to do? Will he tear the entire Marineford apart?"

But soon, he was horrified.

"No, this kid, didn't he realize what he was doing!"

Even Marshal Marine Sengoku, who has experienced strong winds and waves, is extremely shocked.

Marineford is a huge island.

The sea torn out is even bigger.

If you look at it from a high altitude, the diameter of the island and the sea is almost hundreds of kilometers.

What terrifying ability is this?

"Hey, hey, true or false, this kid's ability to use is more terrifying than Golden Lion~?"

Aokiji frowned tightly.

The trembling battlefield, it is impossible to fight any longer.

After all, even standing seems difficult.

The Golden Lion broke into Marineford alone, but was stopped by Sengoku and Garp.

The price was the destruction of half the town of Marineford.

And now.

The world's strongest man, the world's most vicious criminal, and the world's strongest newcomer gather together.

In terms of Marine, it has the highest combat power of the golden generation, Marine three Admiral

The war is not over yet.

However, the entire island is heading towards a state of being torn apart.

All parties with a clear-cut stand were unable to fight at this time, and fell to the ground one after another.

"Woooooooo… Naval Headquarters collapsed!"

"Damn it, this is a blasphemy against justice!

"The pirate who deserves to die..

Seeing the collapsed Naval Headquarters Justice Building, as if the belief of Marine soldiers had collapsed, made countless soldiers feel grief-stricken.

A pity, even if they wanted to do something about it.

But first, stand firm on the sloping ground.

"Luo Chen?

The torn and inclination of the entire island made the dragon relieved for the time being.


Until the island is calmed down, no one can fight anymore.

boom —

The steel giant cracked, and Bullet came out of it.

He returned to Shiryu and the others.

At this time, the injured people were already wrapped in bandages.

There is a fighting doctor who is always there to ensure wounds are treated.

"Are you all right?"

Bullet glanced at it and asked lightly.

"Not dead yet!

Rubiya grinned.

Beside him, Lu Qi and Kaku have been bound with bandages, and Shiryu's shoulder wound has also been treated.

"The captain's battle is not over yet!"

Lu Qi stared blankly into the distance.

All the awake people opened their mouths wide, unable to utter a word.

The live broadcast is transmitted to the world.

Countless people were horrified.

"Do you still fight?"

"But, if you keep fighting, the entire island will be destroyed!"

"Unprecedented brutal war!"

"Justice is trampled on, and evil is reckless."

Sitting in front of big screens around the world, people watching, were shocked and numb.

result, no matter what.

Marine loses!

Without executing the Fire Fist Ace at execution time, Marine would have already lost.

I want to save face of justice.

Unless one of Whitebeard and Long falls.

After all, Fire Fist, Ace and Luffy, are potential threats in the future.

And Whitebeard and Dragon, are the current threats.

The degree of danger is far greater than the former.

boom —

It was at this time.

The island that rose to a height of thousands of meters, and the ocean around the island, stopped at this moment.

The sloping earth gradually calmed down.

"Is this intentional or unintentional?"

"But no matter what, this opportunity cannot be missed."

Marine Marshal Sengoku, known as The Resourceful General, narrowed his eyes slightly, and the corners of his mouth raised a dangerous arc.

Holding the phone bug in the palm of his hand, he didn't know what he was talking about.

"Luffy, let's go now!"

Zoro was the first to react.

In this quiet and eerie atmosphere, staying here will only increase the danger.

"Hey, even in the air, the Sunshine can do it!

Frankie laughed confidently.


The Straw Hat Crew was instantly excited.

"Don't you wait for Daddy?"

Ace frowned and turned to look at the burly figure in the distance.


The blue-blue flame phoenix flew and landed in front of Straw Hat Crew.

"Just leave, I'll watch Daddy!"

Marco disguised himself, urging them to leave before Marine could react.

Let's go. "We can't help you anyway!"

Nami looked worried.

Everyone, "Then let's leave first!"

Luffy patted his head and finally made a decision: "We are not strong enough to participate in this level of war."

It's rare, a guy who has always been stubborn, actually said such a thing.

"Everyone, after leaving, we must cultivate and become stronger!

"Hey, I got it!"

"Then go quickly!"

Straw Hat Crew, with Fire Fist Ace.

At the moment when the island calmed down and shook, he immediately turned and walked towards the coast.

But the next second, it was discovered by Marine.

"It's the straw hat boy!"

"Damn it, is Firefist Ace going to escape too?"

Tens of thousands of Marine soldiers shouted angrily.

But unfortunately, the Whitebeard Pirates and the Revolutionary Army formed a line of defense that blocked Marine's pursuit.

"Hmph, if you want to chase from the air, I'm waiting!"

Marco turned into a phoenix, fluttered and hovered in the air, ready to intercept Admiral's pursuit.

In this regard, it attracted the scolding of Marine soldiers.

Strangely enough, though.

Akainu, who has always been very strong, and Kizaru, who is a headache, rarely make any movement.

Even, when Straw Hat Crew and Ace, had come to shore, jumped on board.

Neither Admiral responded.

Straw Hat Crew, who had fled to the shore, secretly rejoiced.

... ask for flowers ...

But soon.

They knew why Marine had no organized force to pursue them.

I saw Kizaru's figure, in silence, turned into a golden light that filled the sky, like a river of stars flowing by.

next second.

The golden light gathered again.

Kizaru, has appeared behind the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Dragon.

"Have you ever been kicked at the speed of light?"

In the wretchedness, with a hint of teasing tone.

Long's attention was still on the Straw Hat Boys, and he never thought that Admiral, who was chasing after his son, would suddenly come to his side.


The long legs of photon condensation swept across.

The terrifying force directly kicked the dragon into the ruined town.

"Do you think Marine is really helpless?"

Akainu sneered, the whole person turned into lava, followed the ground, and went straight to the direction of the dragon.

At the same time, Aokiji, who was covered in cold air, slowly walked in the other direction.

The three Marine Admiral, gave up the pursuit of Straw Hat and Fire Fist, and turned their heads directly to deal with the revolutionary army leader Long.

"Hmph, the initiative this time is with Marine!"

Seeing this, Sengoku snorted.

He has long been impatient to be run around in a rhythm by the other party.

At this time, I directly changed my thinking, let go of the small ones, and just went after the big ones.

As long as the current deterrence is removed, straw hats and fire fists may become difficult in the future!

"What? Are they going to deal with Daddy?"

Ace, who had already boarded the boat, reacted instantly.

"Three Admiral shots, Daddy Luffy is in danger!"

Nami exclaimed.

"What can we do?"

Robin's beautiful eyes flashed with despair.

If the leader of the Revolutionary Army and Captain Whitebeard were to die, the organization and family they had created would probably fall apart.

"cough cough…"

A violent coughing sound came from below the suspended boulder.

The black-haired boy who was lying on the ground with a large font, coughed and slowly sat up.

Ribs, I don't know how many were broken.

Moved a little bit, and his heart was broken, and he couldn't help grinning.

"Before the change, I was killed with one punch.

Luo Chen murmured.

Then, glance up.

After searching for a while, I found the saber that had been dropped nearby.

Luo Chen held a long sword in both hands.

The slight sword sound, like the sound of weeping, was sharp and stained with wisps of Bloodline's blade, and the cracks increased a little.

Turn around.

The burly giant stood with a long knife, letting the ground tilt, as if his feet were nailed to the ground.

However, the two blood-red wounds on the front were very terrifying.

He took a deep breath, cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and his body became weak.

The eyes met at this moment.

The air rubs into endless arcs.

The two of them couldn't help but grinned.

next moment.

At the same time moved.

Before they made contact, the aura that erupted ripped apart Marineford's sky. earth.