
I’m a Proud Member of the Frieza Force!

At the bottom of Lord Frieza's army, a low-class Saiyan plots of power and conquest. With a cunning mind and a ruthless determination, he plans to rise through the ranks, manipulating his fellow soldiers and defeating his enemies no matter what means he must do so. But his ambitions go far beyond just rising through the ranks. He wants to tread grounds that no other villain has ever done in this multiverse. As he grows in power, he faces challenges from both his enemies and his allies.. But he is not deterred. With each victory, he comes closer to his ultimate goal, acquiring the strength and tools he needs to succeed. Can anyone stop this ambitious villain, or will he succeed in his quest for ultimate power and domination? Find out, right now, in this Dragon Ball Z fanfic that has certainly never been done before, and witness the rise of the most cunning and ruthless villain the multiverse has ever known. Chapters are Bi-Weekly (Weds & Thurs)

CaptainBoyHole · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
96 Chs

Chapter 24: Training the Newbies.

Turles stood on the open door of his space pod far above the planet they just ravaged. His attack ball provided him with the necessary oxygen to breathe in the vacuum of space, although leaving it like this drained its ability to do so. The attack balls ran on miraculous fuel and technology that Turles couldn't wrap his mind around why they weren't selling either. With a powerful yet silent clap, Turles brought his palms together, causing lightning to crackle around them. A ring of ki materialized between his hands, glowing with a mesmerizing dark orange hue. The power of the ki ring forced his palms apart. He poured his ki into the attack, pushing it to its limits until he could no longer contain it between his palms. With a swift motion, he raised the rapidly expanding ki ring above his head and hurled it toward the once-thriving planet that had been drained dry by the Tree of Might.

The members of the Crusher Force watched in awe as Turles's Hyper Kill Driver encircled the doomed planet, forming a perfect ring of destruction. Turles clenched his fist. The gigantic planet-size ki ring contracted around the planet and squeezed. Chunks of the planet began to fracture and crack, but before they could splinter off into space, Turles's Hyper Kill Driver imploded, unleashing a cataclysmic explosion.

Within moments, the planet disintegrated, reduced to cosmic dust. Turles, his malevolent laughter silently echoing through space, reentered his pod, leaving no trace of the fully grown Tree of Might or the once vibrant world it had consumed. The Crusher Force followed his lead, their sights set on the next planet in Universe 7, a vast and bountiful universe ripe with resources for their conquest. Little did it know the impending threat posed by the ambitious Saiyan known as Turles.


"Hey! Surrender and kneel to the Planet Trade Organization, or I'm going to exterminate all of you!" Mepple pointed at the short red-skinned aliens.

They were a short and slender humanoid species with vibrant red skin. They had a charming and chubby appearance, characterized by their wide, round heads. Their heads are adorned with a crown of pointy ears. 'So this is the home planet of Monaka.' Since this planet was already inhabited, Turles decided not to plant the Seed of Might. How could he help conquer the universe if there are no species to live in it? Subjugating these people was more efficient than slaughtering them.

Turles decided to let Mepple conquer the planet as a training lesson of sorts. As soldiers of the Planet Trade Organization, they needed to understand how to take over planets properly. Appule would conquer the next planet.

"I don't see anyone kneeling," Mepple exclaimed, angrily tapping her foot. Her patience was wearing thin. "I'll give you five seconds to kneel."

They all stared at Mepple, wondering whose lost child she was. It seems the people on this planet haven't heard of or seen the Frieza Force before. Turles didn't know whether to say they were lucky or unlucky. Their ignorance would soon be shattered, and their peaceful existence shattered along with it. The sudden shift from their peaceful lives to being ruled by a powerful organization was about to become a harsh reality.

"Fine! You all asked for this!" Mepple vanished from her current position and appeared next to a family of three.

In only a second or two, Mepple didn't hesitate to drop the confused citizens. Her fist nearly penetrated a hole in the father, her foot almost snapped the neck of the mother, and surprisingly, she didn't kill the child. Turles was surprised to see she had that much control over her strength after eating two fruits from the Tree of Might. The child was slapped unconscious.

The people started fleeing after seeing this sight. Like a little predator, Mepple chased after the hapless aliens. Turles shook his head, a faint smile adorning his face. Mepple had much to learn. Mindless destruction was not the path he intended for his Crusher Force.

Eventually, the defense force on this planet arrived to apprehend Mepple and them for being associated with her. Mepple grinned as she saw them aiming at her with their weapons. This made Turles curious. He wondered how old Mepple was. She looked like a child and acted like one, but that didn't really mean anything in this universe. Well, it probably didn't matter…

"Stand down, or we will be forced to fire!" The possible police chief warned, his voice laced with determination.

"You stand down, or I will be forced to fire!" Mepple retorted, her hands glowing with two pink balls of energy.

"Why are you attacking innocent people? What do you criminals hope to accomplish by doing this?!" The officer demanded, his gun aimed squarely at Mepple.

"Criminals? What did we do?" Appule interjected, flabbergasted by the accusations.

"Guilty by association, have you never heard of it?" Turles commented with a hint of amusement.

"It is rather strange to place the crimes of one person onto another just by being related to them." Bonyu reasoned.

"That sounds so dumb," Naba added, glaring at the defender of this planet.

"Kyii." Sai nodded in agreement. He would rather accept the blame for his own actions with pride.

"I already told you! The Planet Trade Organization is taking over this planet. You all will now serve as our slaves unless you all wish to die." Mepple explained.

"Fire." The chief commanded.

A barrage of colorful lasers streaked toward Mepple, but she retaliated swiftly, unleashing her own energy bullets. The sheer power granted to her by the Fruit of Might overwhelmed the laser weaponry, resulting in massive explosions that engulfed the once-vibrant city. In a matter of moments, the defenders of the planet were obliterated, their futile resistance quelled by Mepple's relentless assault.

Once all of the cops were destroyed, Mepple continued her journey across the planet in hopes of making the people submit to her. From time to time, she would look back at Turles, looking for acknowledgment or something. Turles gave her a polite smile and allowed her to continue. Amidst the chaos and devastation, the city lay in ruins. Buildings that once stood tall and proud now lay in crumbled heaps, reduced to mere rubble and debris. The destructive force unleashed upon the city had left a trail of destruction in its wake. The once-thriving neighborhoods had been transformed into graveyards, echoing with the cries of despair and suffering.

The shattered remnants of lives and dreams scattered throughout the city, testifying to the overwhelming power and ferocity of just a single member of the Frieza Force elite squadron, The Crusher Force. Amidst the devastation, the indomitable spirit of the people shone through. Some scrambled to assist the injured and seek safety, while others desperately searched for their loved ones amidst the rubble.

As Turles sensed the remaining lives on the planet, he couldn't help but click his tongue at the wastefulness. All those lives that could've been used in far more efficient ways. While Turles thought slavery was a waste, it held benefits that genocide couldn't compare to. Although he was slightly disappointed, this was the norm for the Frieza Force. Mepple's performance was an absolute passing grade if they were judging based on Lord Frieza's expectations for his soldiers.

However, Turles was not Frieza. He held himself to higher standards than someone like Frieza, who could've conquered Universe 7 with ease if he trained from birth and kept at it. His fatal flaws were negligent if he had the training ethic of someone like Goku, along with his absurd mutant potential. To Turles, efficiency was the name of the game. So when Mepple looked to him for praise after exterminating most of Planet Wagashi, he could not, in good faith, praise her.

"If anyone else witnessed what you managed to accomplish, they would say you passed with flying colors." Turles began. His tone was polite yet critical.

"Yes!" Mepple exclaimed excitedly, pumping her fist into the air.

"However, I am not anyone," Turles continued, shattering her expectations. "In my eyes, you failed."

Mepple's exuberant expression dropped instantly at hearing Turles's words. She looked toward Turles with her jaw hanging before pointing toward the absolutely destroyed city and then looked back at Turles. "How would this destroyed useless rock have any use to the Frieza Force?" Turles asked her.

"W-We, We can sell it! We'll sell it to someone who needs it! Like we always do! How did I fail!?" Mepple asked, unable to understand her error.

"A thriving planet full of potentially valuable resources has been laid to waste because of your actions," Turles explained, his disappointment evident. "They could have been enslaved and utilized as farmers, engineers, scientists, and soldiers to further the Frieza Force's goals. But what use are they now that they're dead? An enslaved race is always more profitable than a lifeless planet. Planets do not generate income once they are brokered and sold; it is the people who hold value." Turles lectured her.

Appule, Bonyu, and Naba also listened carefully to Turles's evaluation of Mepple's invasion. Appule would make absolutely sure he didn't end up lectured like Mepple when it was his turn to take over a planet. Bonyu was starting to see how someone like Turles rose so quickly in the ranks with a thought process like this. It was so abnormal to see such a clever Saiyan… A Saiyan with higher-than-average intelligence was indeed a good thigh to latch onto. Their unnatural growth in power combined with the wits to use it efficiently. Bonyu couldn't help but bite her lower lip staring at him.

Naba was still caught up in the destruction of this planet. It was her first time seeing the combatants of the Frieza Force actually at work and in their nature. According to Turles, this was how things were normally done. All the lives taken, the destruction wrought with careless abandon, the architecture, and all signs of technological creativity weren't given a single thought. Maybe… Maybe Naba should focus her efforts on trying to create something that can withstand destruction like this. But as of now, she had no clue how to go about something like that.

"I... I understand," Mepple said, her voice trembling as tears threatened to spill.

"I hold the Crusher Force to a higher standard than the rest of the Frieza Force," Turles declared firmly. "We cannot indulge in wanton destruction across the universe if we aim to rule it. What is there to rule if everything is destroyed?"

"Yes, Captain Turles," Mepple sniffed, her voice filled with a mix of regret and understanding.

Turles clicked his scouter, turning it off. "Since this planet is useless now, let's make some use of it." Turles tossed a Seed of Might into a giant crater.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction based on the Dragon Ball Z series, which is the property of Akira Toriyama and Toei Animation. I do not claim any ownership of the original characters, settings, or storylines. This work is not intended for commercial use and is solely for entertainment purposes. No copyright infringement is intended, and I am not affiliated with the creators or publishers of Dragon Ball Z in any way.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen, Blacklionpride24

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