
I’m a Proud Member of the Frieza Force!

At the bottom of Lord Frieza's army, a low-class Saiyan plots of power and conquest. With a cunning mind and a ruthless determination, he plans to rise through the ranks, manipulating his fellow soldiers and defeating his enemies no matter what means he must do so. But his ambitions go far beyond just rising through the ranks. He wants to tread grounds that no other villain has ever done in this multiverse. As he grows in power, he faces challenges from both his enemies and his allies.. But he is not deterred. With each victory, he comes closer to his ultimate goal, acquiring the strength and tools he needs to succeed. Can anyone stop this ambitious villain, or will he succeed in his quest for ultimate power and domination? Find out, right now, in this Dragon Ball Z fanfic that has certainly never been done before, and witness the rise of the most cunning and ruthless villain the multiverse has ever known. Chapters are Bi-Weekly (Weds & Thurs)

CaptainBoyHole · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
96 Chs

Chapter 21: That Strange Monkey.

The Red Magma of the Ginyu Force, Jeice, scowled as his eyes scanned the vast assembly of soldiers inside the training room. The sheer number of participants was staggering, far surpassing the pitiful turnout they had for the Ginyu Force tryouts. They made one in response to the Crusher Force holding tryouts. The Crusher Force seemed to have drawn quite a crowd. What irked Jeice even more was the presence of soldiers with impressive power levels, individuals who possessed abilities that would be better suited for the elite Ginyu Force than this 'monkey force.'

He couldn't comprehend why so many soldiers failed to appreciate the art of posing. Jeice believed that posing was more than just a physical act; it was a means of self-expression. Through their carefully crafted poses, warriors could convey their innermost feelings and emotions, showcasing their pride and confidence. It was a way of life, a lifestyle that Jeice embraced wholeheartedly. How could these fools not see the greatness in the art of posing?

As Captain Ginyu's loyal right-hand man, Jeice had been entrusted with the crucial task of gathering intelligence on their rivals. While the rest of the Ginyu Force subjected their potential recruits to rigorous tests, Jeice was assigned the role of reconnaissance. It was his duty to assess the strength of the competition discreetly. After all, it would be a major embarrassment if Captain Ginyu himself had to scout out the strength of their adversaries personally.

Jeice considered passing this duty onto Guldo, their weakest and often cowardly comrade. However, he knew all too well that Guldo was scared of the monkey brat leading this group. Despite his occasional frustration with Guldo, Jeice couldn't deny the usefulness of the small warrior's mutant abilities. His posing skills weren't too bad, either.

With a sigh, Jeice focused his attention back on the soldiers in the tryout area. He would need to observe their techniques, power levels, and potential carefully. Only then could he provide Captain Ginyu with a detailed report, allowing the Ginyu Force to stay one step ahead of their adversaries. He could personally scout anyone useful here to try out for the Ginyu Force.

As Jeice continued his surveillance, a mix of mockery and annoyance fueled his thoughts. What kind of recruitment test was this? The saiyan didn't do anything but fight the recruits until they all fell to his strength. He didn't test their teamwork, ask if they had any unique techniques, or even ask them to show their power. All he did was beat them up.

These wankers would rather come to this brainless monkey's tryout who doesn't even know what he's doing! What was the point of beating up potential recruits instead of testing them for how useful they would be to the force? Did the monkey brat go insane and forget the purpose of holding tryouts? He wouldn't be surprised if so. Saiyans were always a stupid lot. This would be better for the Ginyu Force. He had to make sure to tell the Captain to hold the tryout over multiple days too. Some of the fools from the monkey's tryouts would come running over to their tryouts after this mockery of a recruitment test.


The operators kept deathly silent as the Ginyu Force's Red Magma stood behind them, watching the cameras. Jeice wasn't someone that puny engineers like themselves could talk to at will. Even lesser soldiers could get away with killing non-combatants like them if they wanted. Naba was frustrated but knew she was powerless in a situation like this. She wanted to help Turles, but she would only be throwing her life away by trying to prevent someone from the Ginyu Force from doing what they wanted.

'Don't do anything I would do.' Turles's voice popped into her head.

"What!?" Naba exclaimed as she stood up in shock.

"Naba. What's wrong with you?" Another operator asked.

'Sit down and calm down. Respond back to me in your head.' Turles advised.

"N-Nothing. I thought I felt a bug touch me." Naba sat back down in her chair.

She heard Jeice scoff as she replied back to Turles, 'How are you in my head?!' She desperately wanted to know. Could he read her mind? Could he read her memories? What couldn't he do!?

'Relax, Sis. I just wanted to tell you to calm down. I know Jeice is watching, but he's nothing to be concerned about. Just keep doing your job. Everything is under my control.' Turles assured her. 'Probably.' and his assurance to her vanished instantly.

'Fine, but stay out of my head. It's creepy.' Naba threatened him as she started thinking of very violent things she wished she could do to him.

'I'll try my best.' She felt him smiling somehow, like being able to read her mind was funny or something!


"Get up, you worthless fools, and fight me!" Vegeta shouted.

Nappa and Raditz were laid out on the ground staring up at the prince. Their bodies were bruised and battered, along with their spirits. Raditz tried his hardest to at least rise to his knees, but even that was an insurmountable task. Nappa couldn't rise to his feet, but he kneeled on one knee. Vegeta looked at them with frustration and disgust.

"I'm sorry, Prince Vegeta. I just can't…" Nappa apologized.

Raditz couldn't even respond as he emitted a pained groan, the sound escaping his lips in a mixture of anguish and exhaustion. It was a deep, raspy groan that carried the weight of his injuries. Each breath he took seemed to be accompanied by a grimace of pain, his body protesting with every movement. The groan resonated with a hidden frustration. Why did they suddenly need to train all of a sudden?

"Useless! That low-class fool was nothing but a bug to me. I could've crushed him underneath my boot anytime I wanted. But all of a sudden, he's grown strong enough to rival the Ginyu Force in only a decade!? Impossible! I refuse to believe he could grow so strong in such a small amount of time! What has he done to grow so strong?! There's no way he simply trained. That's simply preposterous!" Prince Vegeta's ki fiercely radiated around himself.

"I…could…ask…" Raditz offered. It was better than being tortured by Vegeta under the excuse of training.

"Whatever. I'll go ask Frieza myself just what kind of mission he sent that low-class scum on." Vegeta exited the training room.

"..." Nappa looked at Raditz as if he was a fool. As if Turles would reveal anything to them after how they've treated him. It was a fool's errand, perfect for a weakling like Raditz, he supposed.


"Lord Frieza, do you really believe that brat's explanation? There's no way that he grew that strong through training." Dodoria frantically talked.

"He must have found something during his mission that granted him that much power!" Zarbon was just as panicked as Dodoria.

"It sounds to me like you two are afraid of Turles's retaliation. It would be his right to dispose of you two after your treatment of him, after all. Now you're trying to use me to protect yourselves, am I correct?" Frieza smiled.

"N-No! I wouldn't dare try to use you, Lord Frieza!" Zarbon shouted.

"It would be insane of us even to suggest such a thing!" Dodoria backed him up.

Lord Frieza laughed as he could feel the fear of death sweating down his two advisors. He wasn't an idiot. He knew of their attempts to weaken and eliminate the Saiyan all those years ago. It was because of them that the child decided to go out on his own. At the time, he didn't care about a lowly Saiyan child running away. He'd send some soldiers out to kill him eventually to prevent any future troubles.

But Frieza was glad that he stayed his hand. The Saiyan wasn't running away from his control but simply making use of himself elsewhere. Planet after planet, race after race, all of them subjugated through sufficient use of power and diplomacy. Very rarely had Turles ever had to exterminate a planet's species. Even the planets filled with monsters and animals that couldn't talk were forcefully domesticated. He offered Frieza the suggestion of having them serve as pets for the soldiers. Developing a planet to raise, tame, and domesticate those lesser creatures as a force of intimidation, rewards to loyal soldiers, and providing another means of funding the force by selling their resources. Pelts, milk, meat, and other such things.

He was surprised to admit it, but the efficiency and usefulness of this unusual Saiyan made him rethink his plans of eventually killing him once his usefulness wore out. If he continued to develop these ideas for the Frieza Force, he would be far better than these two. Two advisors that were slowly losing their usefulness in comparison to the saiyan.

"Enough." Frieza silenced their blabbering. "Do you take me for a fool? Of course, I've looked into the Saiyan's history. Something that you two buffoons should have done before complaining to me like inept frightened children. I've marked all of the planets he visited and saved all of the audio files recorded from his scouter and the saibaman's scouter. Why don't you two go make yourselves useful and find out anything useful from that information?" Frieza glared at the two.

"Right away, Lord Frieza!" Zarbon tried to shove Dodoria out of the way of the doorway.

"As you command, Lord Frieza!" Dodoria wasn't having it and shoved right back.

Zarbon was briefly forced into transforming as he could feel the room shaking from Lord Frieza's power. Dodoria was knocked aside as he fled from the room. Dodoria pitifully crawled out at high speeds. Leaving Frieza to think to himself about what he was going to do with this Saiyan.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction based on the Dragon Ball Z series, which is the property of Akira Toriyama and Toei Animation. I do not claim any ownership of the original characters, settings, or storylines. This work is not intended for commercial use and is solely for entertainment purposes. No copyright infringement is intended, and I am not affiliated with the creators or publishers of Dragon Ball Z in any way.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen, Blacklionpride24

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