
I am weak (39)

Akira was annoyed as he listened to the commander give the order, sure he had killed about 20 or so Titans, he was on a killing spree but no he had to stop because all the new cadets were being called back.

He couldn't believe this man, he had killed 30 Titans, and 20 of them he had assisted in killing, so he had a titan body count of 50, truly a good start, now he better not become like Ronaldinho.

"I want everyone to split into 4 squadrons, as practiced. All squadrons are responsible for supply running, message relay, and enemy combat, under the command of the GArrison regimen!"

The Intercept squadron will be taking the vanguard. Cadet will be taking the middle guard led by a support squad, rear guard will go to the elites!"

"I expect you all to man your post knowing the advance team has been wiped out"

This info shocked some people but Akira couldn't help but notice the way the man was sending the cadets to their death while he hid behind.

"That right, the outer gate is history!" The man declared

"The Titans are in. This means the armored titan is likely to reappear. If and when he does, the inner gates will also be history!"

Akira could hear people murmuring about this being a bad dream and wanting to wake up from it, however, he couldn't bring himself to care much.

He wasn't cold toward how they were feeling, they were scared and that was okay...but people were dying outside and all they could do was be scared, that was what annoyed him the most.

He said some other stuff before giving them a stern warning that if they defect they will get killed.

So no matter what they were going to get killed, so either get lubed up and get fuck by that titan or if they desert get lube out to get fuck  by the human.

While some cadets were fearing for their life wishing for this to be a dream, Akira was well into his mission of killing as many Titans as possible, he needed to stall for as long as possible so that the people could evacuate if he could even as much as buy them 5 extra minutes he would do it.

Rushing past all the titan, he coated his blade with chakra before slashing down their necks.

One after the other titans fell and fell.

A white blur passed all around the battlefield and wherever he went, titan's head could be seen flying.

Using his byakugan, he could see, everything all around, within a 360-degree vision, nothing escaped his sight.

Akira's eyes now being activated and working like they were supposed to, begin to scan the battlefield.

He could see the fear in the eyes of his fellow cadets, he knew that they were scared, after all, they were fighting Titan, a beast that was by all means, superior to the average human.

Pumping a bit more chakra into his leg, he began to speed up even more, boosting himself even further and using the ODM gear in order to move at a speed at that a regular soldier could never hope to achieve.

Nor an elite for that matter.

He could feel himself feeling more and more angry at himself...he was so selfish.

With his Byakugan, he had 4k super detailed ultra HD vision of people dying left and right...and here he was having fun killing Titans.

He rushed toward a nearby group of cadets that were currently looking dead at some titans who were getting ready to eat their light snack...the snack in question being the cadets.

Akira took in a deep breath before rushing toward them at full speed, he gripped his blade tightly, making sure to enhance it with chakra.

In a single yet precise strike, the titan's neck was severed, matter of fact the 3 titans that were nearby also fell.

They didnt even have the time to react before they were slain.

The cadets were stunned by the sudden turn of events, they stared at Akira with awe and relief.

He had just saved them from becoming titan food.

"Don't just stand there," Akira barked, "Get back to the fight!"

"Or at least help the civilians evacuate, just do something, instead of just cowering in fear," He said a bit frustrated as with his byakugan opened he watched a little girl get devoured by a titan about 400 meters away....

There was nothing he could have done about it, he was too far away, and he was not that fast.

Akira turned around as he noticed another titan making a dash toward their location, the titan was about 15 meters tall, and he was advancing toward a group of injured cadets, that were about 50 feet infront of Akira...sure they were like a house infront of Akira but he could see the cadet chakra signature through the wall.

Akira using his Odm gear made sure to get some air time....as he was roughly about 30 meters off the ground, he took out 2 needles from his pouch, infusing the needles with chakra, he launched the two needles at the titan's eyes.

As the needles landed the titan was now blinded for at least a good 30 seconds.

"Now!" he shouted to the cadets. Seizing the opportunity, they attacked the immobilized Titan, their blades finding their mark.

Fuckkkkkk, the more people he saved, the more people he saw dying in his byakugan range....he was beginning to feel powerless, even with all that power he couldn't save everyone.....

He wasn't as overpowered as he thought he was.....He was too weak to save everyone.....
