
Collosol titan (38)

You know, Akira just wanted to have a nice day and spend time with Krista while doing the bare minimum for his job.

You know, if the job requires them to carry 20 gallons, he will only carry 20 gallons and not go above and beyond.

He will do exactly as the person told him, no need to overwork himself before he even gets to fight a titan.

His gaze then landed on Ymir, who really seemed to be trying to find proof for blackmail...teasing material...yeah that.

"You pop it didnt you"

"No idea what you talking about"

"Don't act dumb on me"

"You dumb...never"

"You fucking me with arent you"

"Oh you learning, how fun"

Akira smiled smugly as he looked at Ymir, she wouldn't get the satisfaction of getting any satisfaction from him.

"You two stop it," Krista said getting in between the two of them, Akira and Ymir would be like this a lot by virtue of them being close to Krista.

It was a fight between a lesbian and a man who would be really goddam convincing as a cross-dresser or a trap, his gentle face would have anyone who didnt know him question if that was a guy or a dude.

Dam his Hyuga genetics.

At least he wasn't an uchiger.....ok, he had a problem.

"A guy and a girl at a cabin alone, and you tell me nothing happened, do you think I am green behind the ears" Ymir said looking at him.

"Not everyone is dirty-minded at you, people can be pure of those sinful thoughts," Akira said with a smug expression on his face.

"Are you sure"

"If I am lying may the collosol titan himself appear"

Lightning could be seen infront of the wall, Akira slowly turned his head toward the wall and there he saw it.




The fucking collosol titan himself.





"Bwahahahahah" Ymir burst out laughing.

"What are the fucking odds," Akira said sounding annoyed, how, the collosol titan could have appeared at any time and it would have been fine, why now.

"So....you are lying"

"Shut it"

Akira then heard the sound of a hole was made in the wall.



Akira silently vowed to himself, that he would turn the collosol titan into titan meat, how dare he appear like this?

Veins begin to appear next to his eyes.....

"Someone seems a bit mad'' Ymir teased to which Akira just looked annoyed.

"Me mad...I have no clue what you're on"

Akira's foot pressed into the floor with so much power that the floor cracked beneath him, the next second he was gone.

He was already halfway to the wall, He rushed toward the collosol titan, and as he got closer he could see there was a shape chakra network around the titan's nape.

With no actual care for that human, Akira rushed toward it at full speed.

However before he got there, the collosol titan vanished, Akira's eyes locked onto its human shape and prepared to chase after it...however he was unable to do so, as a screech could be heard.

It sounded like the sound of a female titan yelling, all of the titans that were around the wall rushed toward where that sound came from.

The titans came rushing out of the hole that had been made in the wall.

Akira gritted his teeth, he had to choose...between chasing after the collosol titan in human form....or killing those titans and stopping a bunch of humans from dying...

This whole thing seem like it was planned especially for his byakugan... someone who knew he possessed such an eye planned this out in order to not get found out.



To say that Akira was annoyed or angry would be a major understatement, Akira was currently slashing through the Titans like they were butter.

He was so pissed.

Akira used his ODM gear in order to go backward just as a titan with red skin was seen... The titan roared as flame came pouring out of its body.

The fuck...he didnt see that in the anime...in the game maybe but in the anime, the closest thing to do would be Eren fiery state that he saw in an edit.

The titan rushed at him like no other, Akira dodged and weaved the titan blow but steam kept pouring out of the titan's body.

It seemed like it was burning itself up in order to get to Akira.

The titan's muscle seems to be burning up in order to give it more power to reach Akira.

Fuck...what kind of buffed titans were those.

Akira jumped back again as a titan came crashing past him at 40 miles per hour....that was a quick one....

Was this world being buffed...

Using his byakugan he could see it....chakra was pumping through each and every single one of them, however to some of them, some anomalies seemed to happen where chakra seemed to be pumping to a singular part of their body.

The titan that seemed to be burning itself for power was being killed because all of his chakras were being pumped into his heart, like the gate of death from Naruto...

The super fast one had all of its chakra going to its legs, which meant it was fast but every other stat he possessed was on par with the average person.

Why was this world so complicated?

Why was he being overwhelmed like this, what the fuck were the other cadet doing?

Akira looked up to see that they were all frozen in fear...He was annoyed.

Using his needles, he threw about 20 needles at 20 titan, hitting all of them in their nape causing their body to fall on the floor limp.

"At least kill the Titans that are immobilized, don't just stand there and watch me getting jumped," Akira said in a clearly irritated voice.

He was slowly beginning to realize this world's overall power was higher than he expected....if he hadn't trained so hard, he would have gotten a reality check quite fast.

But he had trained hard, so he could keep up.