
Hybrid in the hybrid universe (HPxMarvel)

Klaus always wanted to travel to a magical world, and experience how it feels to be able to use magic and have superpowers. When he wakes up in what looks like his old room,and is given chance to do just that. Only price is that he must make sure that his new world isn't destroyed by humans, mutants, wizards, crazy aliens and many others. While he is at it he should probably do something about all those animals that are going extinct, and that ice that is melting. What is newly created Hybrid to do,but give it his all. ----‐------‐---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mc is tasked with keeping Earth from being destroyed by humans,but at the same time he must let humans prosper,explore and be free. The story will concentrate a lot on magic and how it works while mc lives through human history. (Marvel × Harry Potter)and there might be some elements from DC. This is my first time writing, so constructive criticism is welcome. I am trying to get better at grammar as well as story writing. I noticed that everyone does this so I am going to do it too. I don't own anything except mc and some original characters this is a fanfiction everything else is owned by companies that own them. (Cover isn't my creation, and if the creator wants it removed please contact me.)

Strongi · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
48 Chs

Man of his word

(Klaus POV)

Currently I am watching King's conversation with his new queen in my crystal ball, while listening to them using my telepathy.

Crystal balls are excellent mediums for divination, well as long as you have something of the person you are observing. But they have one big weakness, they can only show what is basically a video without sound, but they can also serve as a focus for my telepathy, using it on a person I am looking at through the ball is as easy as if that person was standing right next to me.

Currently the Queen is telling her new husband that she is pregnant, and that she is unsure if it is his or her dead husbands. While King is sure it is, but is not telling her why, and isn't that a story.

I am so happy that I managed to put one of the shapeshifters from Avalon in King's inner circle.

Some time back the King was holding court, and met the wife of one of the Dukes. She is actually a squib from Greengrass family, I believe she was married of for better relationships between two families.

Igraine is a beautiful woman, and add to that a mystery of magic, King was fascinated with her.

After Duke noticed that King was eying his wife, he decided to leg it. But King wouldn't have it, he sent a royal decree to recall them back, Duke refused and war started.

After a while King tried to get in contact with me, to ask for help, but I wasn't on the Isles at the time.

Still he found help, from one of the enemies of Greengrass family. They gave him polyjuice potion, after capturing the Duke in an ambush, he used the potion to sneak in Duke's Castle and slept which his wife.

Next morning he had Duke killed and sent to the castle. Some time later demoralised forces of the Duke surrounded, and King negotiated the piece. He took the Duke's wife as a price, and here we are now.

I still don't get it why he did that whole potion thing, when he already won, but that are humans for you for all I know he wants to make sure she is good in bed before committing.

What is important is that child is on the way and I need to prepare someone to raise him. I need someone who will make sure he loves magic, and respects mages. Council needs a King to make them legitimate, so they can start creating laws for mages. Until now we acted more like trouble shutters, even after writing rules and trying to enforce them.


It's been little over a nine months since Queen told her new husband about her pregnancy. Today I am coming to pick up the child. I have prepared a family of shapeshifters in with one of them is a mage as well, they have a two year old son, and will be a perfect family for the little Prince.

"It has been long time your majesty" I say as I dispell my illusions.

King jumps backwards and goes for his sword, but then he recognises me "Merlin, is that you?"

"Yes, I came to pick up my payment." He went pail when I said that.

As we were talking Queen that was holding her son looked at us in confusion for a second, but then she recognised me.

"Warlock Merlin, what brings you to our home?"

"That my dear, your husband will explain."

It took a while, and somewhere in the middle of emotional outburst I decided to help things along with my telepathy.

At the and of it all, I left the castle with that baby and King's right hand man. After travelling on horses for few days and camping during the night we came to where little Prince is going to grow up.

I gave the knight a enchanted necklace that should protect him from at last a normal sword attack. I will need him alive as a witness in the future.

After we left the child we went our separate ways, and won't see each other for next fifteen years.


AN: OK this chapter wouldn't let me write it, but I managed somehow.