

kellyxx1 · สมจริง
2 Chs

The beginning...

Before you start reading a little disclaimer some paragraphs are a little 🔞🔞🔞soo read at your own risk.........


Woke up normal at 7:50 to get ready for school as it generally only takes me 30mins anyway to get dressed, brush my teeth, do my hair and grab my bag to jump in the car for 8:20 skipping breakfast coz I normally never eat it anyway unless I'm in a good mood... waiting in the car for my mum I always beep coz she takes forever like seriously she gets up an hour earlier then me everyday why does it take her so bloody long.... on the way to school we always put on some music and sing to it with everything we've got coz why not... as I pull into the school gates it's just a regular day or so I think anyway I hopped out anyway to skip all the crap I'm going to explain::::

at school I'm currently (yr 10) key factor remember that *********^^^^

anyway at school me and my mate D hang around the year 11s coz we've just always been friends with the olders anyway, it was R's birthday in a weeks time and she had invited us all to her dads pub for the party there were going to be a lot of people we didn't know which we was fine with...

Anyway skip to a week later and me and D had arrived at the party slightly late which is fine coz late is always better then early.... okay so the party went great and we was all drinking and a lot of us had smoked weed and took balloons and pills so a lot of us were not sober but about half way through inside I was giving one of my girls drinks when u bumped into me and I turned around and looking straight into your eyes the first thing I did was slap you...which yes may have been reflex's or the alcohol speaking but I dono... maybe things would of been better if I had just ignored you, maybe you wouldn't of done me so dirty, anyway back to it tho...you spilt a little of your drink on my dress which I didn't mind and I apologised for slapping you and blamed the drink when really I just wanted to husband you up like for real I had never seen anyone so good looking before...

we got talking and dammm if I could go back I would gladly do it all again. And so we got talking and I found out you was yr12 which made you 17, 2 years older then me which I was fine with and I told you the truth I was year 10 which you said you was fine with.... so all was good and a while later we started going on dates and you used to come over and I introduced you to my mum and I had never done that shit before so you should think yourself lucky. My mum liked you she said you was nice and that's when I decided you know what he actually might be good for me so I started opening up to you about my past all the bad things I had done all the things I am ashamed of and you understood me and I was soo happy so why did u have to go and fuxk it up. A bit into us dating someone told you a rumour about me and u fukcing believe it... I had never lied to you why would I, BOY I WAS IN LOVE WITH YOU every single minute of every day, every fuxking second I was always for you and then you went and ended us over a misunderstanding... and Yh we ended okay I accepted it and it hurt for a while but it soon healed kind of.....,even writing this brings me pain because I still feel lost, but I guess you have to be lost to be found right.

Then a week after we broke up your ""best friend"" who I told you liked you became your girlfriend and I told you I dammm told you that she liked you and what did you go and do when u told me I had nothing to worry about you started dating her.... posting it on social media and I didn't even find out from you I found out from your friend... such a low blow and it hurt it really hurt and to make it worst she cheated on you, she hurt you and all you had to do was come to me I can heal you I can help you I always will be for you I PROMISE... any problem you have I can solve. i know it hurts but it will get better.

After a week after you got cheated on, you hopped into another relationship and she was not right for you I could tell but you would never listen to me and at this point me and you were on talking terms and Here's me thinking ahh maybe not all is lost, maybe we could fix us but u ended up dating and she got jealous of our relationship and blocked me from your phone and then all I could see was you tooo together which made me so sad... I just didn't understand.

Kelly's mums-pov..

It's odd since that party Kelly was in a good mood she always got up and made herself breakfast and then I met the reason why she had been so happy, he generally was a nice boy and I was happy for her. I let him stay over and it was cute they was like an old married couple I honestly though it would be a long term thing and then he stopped coming over and she stopped eating breakfast and food in general, I could see that she wasn't getting enough sleep and was severely ill and I couldn't figure out why because she wouldn't talk to me.... things just began to spiral and I could see that she was hurting...