
Hunter x Hunter swordsman

Buck was a poor boy who dreamed of greatness but when his father was murdered he sought out revenge and ended up dying he was then transmigrated into the world of Hunter x hunter with a new world and fresh start will he be able to achieve his dream of becoming the world's best swordsman in a world filled with people with nen and magical beasts that have special abilities where he can die at anytime? Follow Buck on his journey in finding out he's in Hunter x Hunter and becoming the best swordsman while overcoming the obstacles in his way to achieve his dream.

Hunter931 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
17 Chs

Chapter 3 Death

One approached from the front using a sharp piece of a mirror, buck grabbed his wrist as the prisoner thrust forward with the shard and then rotated the man's wrist causing him to drop the shard, buck then used his other hand to grab the mirror shard letting the glint of light on the shard make it seem illusionary because as fast as he grabbed it he was just as fast as using it to pierce the man's throat

He then swivelled around to meet yet another prisoner holding a box cutter, but the man was already mid-swing, wielding the box opener to slash bucks stomach, buck stepped back just to receive yet another slash on his back

But this didn't stop buck as he punched the one in front of him in the liver sending his body in shock and drop-down, he then grabbed the man's hand still holding the box opener and used his hand to shove the box opener into his own eye

But that didn't stop the onslaught that took place as many more came at him bearing their own creative makeshift weapons each slashing a part of his body

He didn't feel the pain as he had so much adrenaline coursing through him giving him the indomitable will to carry on fending for himself

He grabbed another man by the throat as his arm got pierced by a sharpened toothbrush sticking into his arm

Unpertebed buck yanked the toothbrush stabbed into him out of his arm and used it to pierce the lung of the man he was holding by the throat then pushed the man onto the crowd behind him and advanced forward using the momentum to thrust the toothbrush into another prisoner

But that was the end of bucks advance as he was tackled to the ground and kicked from all directions, one reached his head sending him into a dizzy stupor only allowing him to curl up into a ball and just take the beating while he was being kicked and bleeding from the many slash wounds on his body.

until he was killed but still proud for taking many of the dirty criminals down with him, although a sharpened toothbrush was no sword it still allowed him to pierce many of them and caused some to bleed out

Though some will probably be saved by the medics there was a time crunch on a limited amount of doctors available in the prison and he was sure not all of them would survive or at least be disabled in some way after the carnage he caused

As buck lay on the floor of a dirty prison he felt that his life went so wrong, he wished he didn't have to live a joyless life stuck on revenge.

As Buck lay dying on the prison floor from being stabbed, he couldn't help but regret the choices he had made in his life. He had lived a life of crime and had always thought he would be satisfied with the death of the murder of his father, but now, as his life was slipping away from him, he realised just how wrong he was.

With each passing moment, Buck's body grew weaker, and he could feel the warm blood seeping out of him and onto the cold concrete floor. The smell of his own blood was overwhelming, filling his nostrils with a metallic scent.

Buck's vision was growing blurry, and the sound of his own laboured breathing echoed in his ears. The pain was intense, and he could feel it spreading through his body like fire. His body was trembling, and his skin felt cold and clammy.

Despite the fear and pain he was feeling, Buck found a sense of peace and acceptance. He had lived a life of revenge and crime, and now it was time for him to pay the price. He closed his eyes and took his final breath, feeling a sense of release as his soul left his body.

In his last moments, Buck realized that he could have lived a different life, one filled with love and kindness. But it was too late for that now. As his body lay still, his spirit lifted, and he felt a sense of calmness wash over him. In death, Buck finally found the peace that had eluded him in life.

As everything went black and he felt his mind slipping away he felt as though he was constantly falling down a pitch-black tunnel

Buck is feeling like he is falling down a never-ending tunnel that is pitch black. He feels a sense of emptiness and loss of control as the darkness surrounds him. The intense and disorienting feeling of falling is causing Buck to feel panicked and helpless. The endless nature of the tunnel adds to his sense of hopelessness and the idea that there may be no escape. The darkness is all-encompassing and Buck can't see anything beyond the immediate vicinity, leaving him with a deep sense of being lost and alone. The experience is overwhelming and terrifying, leaving Buck with a deep sense of unease.

But soon he came to a stop and felt his body once again he tries to open his eyes but as soon as he opens them a little his eyes are flooded with pain due to the amount of light

Suddenly, Buck snapped his eyes open and he was met with an intense, all-encompassing white light. At first, the sudden change from complete darkness to bright light is disorienting and blinds him temporarily. As his eyes adjust, Buck realizes that he is no longer falling and that he is in a completely white space. The white surroundings are stark and clinical, giving him a sense of being in a sterile and unfamiliar environment. The lack of detail and contrast in the all-white surroundings makes it difficult for him to orient himself.

He then feels a tugging motion and feels like his body is being dragged by something with immense strength as though he couldn't tell how fast he was moving due to the large expanse of nothing but white but he felt that he was going extremely fast.

He soon left the expanse of white and truly saw how fast he was going as he saw stars and planets pass by in streaks creating a sense of exhilaration and wonder. Despite the awe-inspiring experience, Buck is also filled with a sense of uncertainty as he has no control over his movements.

This was the first time he felt out of control of his body and he certainly didn't like it but he couldn't resist and felt powerless making him question if god was really real and if he could reach a realm above what is humanly possible with a sword.

He always dreamed of being away from the violence of his city and being able to reach a greater height than he could ever reach, having the means to reach above his current status and that's why he watched anime because it made him hope and believe he could achieve his goals, it motivated him to reach out of the realm of possibility and strive for greater