
Hunter x Hunter swordsman

Buck was a poor boy who dreamed of greatness but when his father was murdered he sought out revenge and ended up dying he was then transmigrated into the world of Hunter x hunter with a new world and fresh start will he be able to achieve his dream of becoming the world's best swordsman in a world filled with people with nen and magical beasts that have special abilities where he can die at anytime? Follow Buck on his journey in finding out he's in Hunter x Hunter and becoming the best swordsman while overcoming the obstacles in his way to achieve his dream.

Hunter931 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 2 prison

Some called him a vigilante while others called him a murderer but to him, all it was about was his father, he started to track the muggers and thieves in his area cornering them and killing them

He knew that he was unlikely to find the one who did kill his father but he believed the more he killed the closer he came to chancing upon the murder of his father

After a countless number of bodies that were discovered by the police with similar sword wounds caused by a piercing into their bodies killing them, it helped narrow down the killer to one man buck

Once upon a time, in a city plagued by crime, there was a man named Buck. Buck was just like any other man, until one day his world was shattered by a brutal tragedy. His father, a loving and kind man, was murdered by a criminal.

Buck was consumed by grief and anger, and he felt that the justice system had failed him. Buck was filled with a deep-seated hatred for the law and the way it was enforced.

Determined to make a difference to stop what happened to his father from ever happening again while seeking to find his fathers murdered, Buck took the law into his own hands and became a vigilante, using his skills and determination to rid the city of crime one mugger at a time. At first, people were grateful for Buck's help. But as time went on, fear began to spread throughout the city. People were afraid of Buck's methods as many of his victims were found to have died being tortured, and they began to question whether he was any better than the criminals he was trying to stop.

Despite the fear and mistrust he faced, Buck continued to pursue justice in his own way. He was driven by a single-minded purpose, and he had no patience for the legal process that had failed him and his father. He saw the law as corrupt and ineffective, and he was determined to clean up the city on his own.

But as Buck's actions grew more and more extreme, it became clear that his hatred for the law was clouding his judgment. He was making mistakes, and he was putting innocent people in danger.

When he did eventually find his father's murderer, by using the description of what he got from torturing other muggers he looked at the man as though he was already dead, he saw the man mugging a young woman in an alley he immediately sprung into action with his sword ready to put an end to his mad chase

But the man quickly pushed the woman into the line of bucks sword causing him to have to deviate from the path of his sword and halt in his sprint to not collide with the woman

This gave the chance to the man to escape the ally by hopping onto a fire escape and climbing through an apartment block

Buck followed behind like a savage dog onto a bone while the man was shouting and crying for help

This caused a disturbance in the apartment block that awoke many from their sweet dreams in a fit of anger only to hear a wail

This wail sent shivers down their spines thinking it was a ghost but quickly came to attention as they heard the words "help" and called the police

The police were quick to arrive due to the increase in the number of patrols around the area where the sword victims were found and identified the swordsman immediately

They gave chase to him trying to follow his whereabouts as he darted around the streets finally onto the man that caused the death of his father

He zipped through allies jumping over the fences and chasing the man while the police chased him

He thought it quite ironic how the police were chasing him while he chases the actual murderer but he understood that society couldn't stand the fact that he took justice into his own hands because of their fear that one day he might come for them

He found the legal system to be corrupt in the way it punishes criminals, he thought that the law should be more heavily enforced on murders

When he finally caught up to and cornered the man he wept as he stabbed the man in the heart killing him

Then he lay his sword onto the ground and lost the strength in his legs collapsing to the ground and feeling a heaviness in his chest left him

The police jumped on top of him grappling his face into the concrete as they handcuffed him and brought him into a police car

They brought him back and held him in an interrogation room not knowing what to do with him for a while due to the unique nature of this case and the sensitivity of the issue

While also many officers are afraid of the swordsman too afraid to even enter the same room as him

But as the director of the police commission stepped up and interrogated him, they began to see Buck in a different light. He was just a young man, still grieving the loss of his father, and trying to make a difference in a world that seemed hopelessly broken.

The police officers who had once sought to bring Buck to justice now felt a sense of sympathy for him. They understood that his actions were a desperate attempt to cope with the pain of his loss, and they saw in him the potential for redemption. They arranged for Buck to receive the help he needed to heal from his trauma

But that didn't stop them from seeing all the wrong he's done and locking him away in a maximum security prison

not even a few months after his spree started he was quickly locked away in prison with the title sword demon is just a teenage boy spreading through the headlines of the newspapers, but at the same time it was also a death sentence for him as many inmates saw the newspaper and his lock-up in jail

No longer with his sword and many criminals wanting to kill him for killing many of their brethren, and for the honour of killing the sword demon he was quickly surrounded

"Hello little chump, your daddy here wants to enjoy hitting you a little, hehe," a bald criminal said with a disgusting glint in his eyes

Buck mentally marked him as a must-kill target, Buck didn't get outraged visibly at the mention of his father from a dirty criminal but on the inside, he was burning with rage, he was only there to get justice for his father, what the police failed to do but for his reward for taking out the trash of humanity he was instead brought to their level and sent to die by the very system that is supposed to protect people.

"Now that I see all of you in one place you criminals just look more and more like cockroaches hiding away in the darkest of corners to spread your diseases and bacteria and never seem to die no matter how disgusting you look and act," Buck said with vicious, venom on his tongue

But this seemed to rile the criminals up more as they began to attack Buck, Buck dodged some of the people's fists and makeshift shanks as he got closer to the one who he wanted to kill than when he was in range he used the side of his had to strike at the man's windpipe

The bald man not expecting it was unable to dodge or block as he has never been in a fight with someone so trained, his windpipe was struck and left the man gasping for air as he fell down to his knees clutching his throat

Buck dodged some more attacks and waited for someone to stab towards him with a shank which he dodged but then grabbed the man's wrist and thrust it more forward into the eye of the bald man on the ground

Buck seeing this had a smile grow on his face as the man fell to the floor in a pile of his own blood