
Life so far

Leaving the shed I went straight home, it was an abandoned house on the outskirts of the city.

When I arrived I went straight to the bathroom to clean myself, it was very painful due to the bruises and bruises, after finishing I fell straight into bed and thought about the life I had after arriving in this world

I was an ordinary person of the land, in my 18th birthday, but for some reason I ended up dying of a heart attack, even though I was completely healthy.

After I died I appeared in a dark place, which had only a translucent screen telling me to choose a world, I spent a lot of time thinking about all that, but after a while I came to terms with the situation and even felt excited, because between the world choice options had a very interesting

<Hunter x Hunter>

This one from the moment I watched it was my favorite anime and manga, everything about it was to my liking, the construction of the characters, the world, the fights that didn't use the power of friendship to be decided, but the coolest thing was for sure the power system, the NEN, was incredibly complex and well-crafted

So I didn't think twice and clicked on it, then a message appeared saying

<random birthplace, and unchanging appearance, starting loading>

Seeing this message I was sad not to receive chets, but it was for a short time, that way it would be more interesting and I would just have to work a little more, I mean if I have a good talent


The second after this message I was already on a woman's lap, I couldn't move or see properly

Suddenly she started talking

"I'm sorry Genji, I'm useless as a mother *cough* I'll leave you alone in this world"

The woman I now knew was mine looked extremely sick, pale skin, sunken dark eyes, it looked like she was going to die any second.

'It seems that I will be an orphan in this life too, it will be a difficult life'

Genji thought looking at his mother, she was using her last strength and kept talking

"So make a lot of friends, be careful with women and drinks and above all have fun"

After saying that, the woman whose name I don't even know closed his eyes to never open them again

I felt a little emotional that a person would show so much concern and care for myself in their final moments so I mentally thanked them for giving birth to me.

After a while I started to get worried, because no one showed up and I was getting hungry, the thoughts that I was going to die without even having lived yet, started to appear in my mind

But then suddenly a man with torn clothes appeared, took me and took me away

After that in the following years he took care of me and taught me a little about the world, and how and where to get easy food, he never told me his name until his death which was when I was 5 years old

I was very sad at the time but I moved on, after that I started to seriously train my physique with crazy exercises I wanted to get stronger to get out of this shit situation, this continued until I was 8 years old, which was when I realized that to get stronger fast i needed real combat

So I went to the illegal fights, once the merchant I bought things with money he stole, told about them, said that it was brutal but he paid his fighters well even more if you bet on yourself

I was enchanted by the idea because it would solve my two problems at once, the money and the real combat experience for training

But I knew that these fights were brutal and only ended with the death of one of the two fighters, I spent a lot of time deciding whether to enter or not, I even watched some fights to see how it was, and it really was crazy all the fights ended in deaths

But I thought about it and realized that I would have to get used to it in this world, so as I entered the fights, with a lot of fear, the more I entered.

As soon as I started fighting there I realized that I had a lot of talent for fights, I could create strategies to beat opponents stronger than me, I gained a lot of fighting experience in this last year

'Haha, what a crazy thing in my old life I never fought, but now this is becoming routine for me'

Well now I'm here in my bed, these years were very difficult for me, but I don't feel sad or discouraged, I feel happy and more alive than ever

Now I'm looking for my next step, one of the most important

"I want to learn NEN"

All these years I tried to meditate to open my nen, but it's very difficult because I don't know what I'm looking for, I'm sure that if I keep trying I'll find out, but the problem is that it can take a long time, and I'm already anxious, try to pass 9 years in a world where you know there is a certain kind of power and you don't have it, it's even more distressing for me as a hxh fan

That's why I saved up some money to go to a place that I know there are a lot of nen users.

'Heaven's Arena'

"Maybe someone there can rehearse me, Also not that I had any other choice, I only have money for one trip, and there are many users if one refuses me I can go to another without having to spend more haha, being poor is difficult

A little about the protagonist's life so far

Mateus_Gomes_8695creators' thoughts