
What Money Makes Us Do

He speaks:"


<United States of saherta>

In an abandoned place in the city of Nova Ordem, you could hear several cheers from the crowd and curses, this whole mess is caused by two bloodied people who are in the center of the shed, yes this is a clandestine fight.

But what draws the most attention in this event can't be anything other than one of the fighters. He was a boy of only 9 years old and he was fighting a man almost triple his age and as crazy as it may seem the child was at the advantage of this fight.

That child was none other than our protagonist Genji.

'I need to get this over with quickly, I'm running out of stamina and the blood loss is starting to take effect'

After thinking about it for a second Genji started running towards his opponent awkwardly, almost as if he was too tired to take the next step.

'Finally this disgraceful boy is tired, but he is impressive his punches are strong and fast, even more than mine, but in the end he is still a child his body doesn't have much resistance, I will dodge the next blow and hit his throat '

thought of Genji's opponent, who was a veteran of clandestine fighting.

While standing 2 meters away from the opponent Genji realized that he had let his guard down, at that moment he straightened his posture and moved at an incredible speed that had not yet been used in this fight.

The man who had his guard down was startled by the sudden change of action of the boy who had no reaction when he approached.

The boy had created this situation on purpose since the beginning of the fight, he didn't miss the opportunity and when he was close enough to the veteran he launched a quick blow to his jaw, which made him lose consciousness for an instant, then he delivered another blow with his fingertips towards the throat, when the was connected the blow was able to hear a noise


It was the sound of the man's windpipe breaking, who fell to the ground soon after, agonized for a few seconds and died.

The shed was silent due to the shock of the sudden turn of event, it suddenly went into a complete uproar, many were sad to have lost their bets and others were happy to have won a lot of money betting on a 9 year old boy, these people could be counted on the fingers of one hand

"Whew, this was one of the hardest fights I've ever had, worthy of a veteran it was very difficult to make him let his guard down, but at least the money from the fight will be big enough to live a whole month of good, without luxury but without worries haha"

Genji came out of the ring and was soon approached by a fat man full of jewels.

"Here your pay little man, who knew you'd beat the veig"

Genji quickly took the money and counted it all out, and I finally looked at the man, he seemed used to the boy's attitude.

"You have very little trust in me Mr.M I never came close to losing that fight, he was just too weak"

The fat man looked at the boy all bloody and full of bruises, without having anything to say he just burst out laughing and said

"You're funny boy haha ​​I have to take care of some problems I'm going"

'Some problems are, it seems, are going to look for some whores to fuck'

"I'm going too"

Fight in the first chapter


Mateus_Gomes_8695creators' thoughts