
chapter 7-danger

Gon turned to the examiner and asked "Hey Mr Satotz, is this where the second phase begins?"

"No, it isn't. We have quite the way to go"

Soon all the other examinees made it to the top, but it was hard to see everyone due to the heavy mist in the area.

Adam, knowing that this exam could go on a while, made somewhat of a plan to speed this up as he wanted to get his hunter badge and continue with his training

He decided to start eliminating people who are quite strong or were people he remembered made it to the fourth phase. This is because if they have insufficient people to go to the island in the fourth phase they would have to skip it, and as well as that Adam was dreading spending even more time on an island away from civilization.

So while the mist was blocking most people's vision and the ruckus was going on regarding the fake Mr Satotz with the man-faced ape impersonating him, Adam circled around the edge knocking people out, who were either weak or had their guard down. He did this by hitting them hard on the head with his fists, like playing whack-a-mole. Then he moved them away so hopefully people wouldn't notice what he'd done which would result in them ganging up on him.

Adam knew his limits and knew that he couldn't take everyone on if they ganged up on him, even if he fully displayed his nen.

And of course this didn't go unnoticed, as the people more on guard could see that over time the people in their view was slowly depleting.

Adam even noticed Mr Satotz glance at him while he was slowly taking people out, although Adam couldn't tell what that man was thinking with his constant straight face.

He wasn't worried about being disqualified for this as Hisoka had previously killed a man in front of everyone and he was still taking the exam to the disappointment of Adam. Even though he knew that Hisoka wouldn't get disqualified, a man could still hope.

After a few more minutes had passed of slowly taking people out, nearly everyone noticed the evident lesser people than what had first made it up the stairs previously.

But as they were keeping up their guard, they saw the examiner run and they quickly ran after him, dropping their guard, which Adam took advantage of. He quickly knocked out a few of them without minding the other people looking, as most had already run after the examiner.

The people who saw this realised it was Adam all along taking everyone out, they had a murderous glint in their eyes, but were also shivering in fright of Adam as they saw how quick and physically powerful he is to take out a number of examinees in mere seconds of letting down their guard.

Adam saw this, and smiled.

"I get why Hisoka's smiling all the time now. This is fun"

Then Adam ran towards the six people shivering ready to take out some more applicants.

He first went to the one at the front and quickly swept his legs,letting his head hit hard against the floor knocking him out, this quickly awoke the rest of them to what was happening and they got ready in a fighting stance.

"If you surrender now, I'll knock you out with less force so you will wake up sooner"

Seeing no one taking his offer he sighed.

"A pity" Adam muttered.

He then threw a right jab to the person on the right hitting him straight in the nose and causing him to squirt a fountain of blood and faint.

While at the same time receiving a quick attack from the person on the left, who sent a roundhouse kick towards Adam. Adam promptly blocked with his left leg, then kicked straight into the guy's chest, sending him flying away and colliding against the wall of the tunnel they had come out of.

"Ouch he isn't getting up after that one,three down three to go"

Adam then looked at the remaining three. One pissed his pants and fainted, while the other two stood there in fear.

"I surrender" said the remaining two men at the same time.

They then looked at each other then it was lights out for both of them as Adam knocked both of them out by hitting them on their heads.

After that he turned around and ran after the examiner following behind everyone.

As time passed and monsters took out more contestants, Adam began to think if even taking out those weak guys from earlier made any impact on the number of applicants.

Adam easily avoided the creatures using his speed and cleared his mind of everything except running after the examiner so he wasn't led astray by any illusions or deceits.

However, all of a sudden while he was running with his mind clear he felt something approaching the back of his neck at a high speed.

Adam barely dodged whatever was coming at his neck by quickly using his muscles in his neck to quickly move it out of the way.

Although he did get scratched by what he saw now as a long needle.

Feeling another coming at his back he spun around and rolled to the side while activating his ten.

He remembered that ten was when a person had opened their Aura Nodes and they must learn to keep their aura from leaking away from their body. Ten (Ten: "Envelop"/"Shroud") is the process of keeping the nodes open, but also having aura flow through and around the body rather than away from it.

Once maintained, it creates a shroud around the user that feels similar to standing in a lukewarm, viscous fluid. Ten maintains youthful vigour and reduces one's ageing, since the energy powering the body no longer leaks away; one can keep the body from breaking down and deter the ageing process.

Ten is the most basic defence against emotional Nen attacks, and it also offers limited protection against physical attacks.

With this knowledge and his natural instincts he managed to use ten without having any practice in it.

Soon another three needles came at him but this time he was ready, he could see a man sitting in a tree firing these needles from what looked like a tree branch with a hole.

He knew this man was one that made it all the way to the fourth phase.

Adam, remembering this, thought that it might be a good idea to eliminate him early.

Adam grabbed the three needles, which were coming at him, between his fingers and threw them back, but this time having more power than when the man shot them out through his blowpipe originally.

The man was able to dodge two of the three while the third struck him in the shoulder making him fall from the tree and land behind some shrubbery.

Adam quickly sprinted over towards where the man fell into the bushes but couldn't see him.

Then in an instant Adam became woozy and felt weak all over.

Adam collapsed to the ground barely keeping his eyes open.

That's when the man with the blowgun approached him.

"Finally it took you a while to be affected, I poisoned the first needle that scratched you with my strongest anaesthetic poison, I saw you take out those applicants at the start, and I knew you were strong, so I thought I'd take out one less competitor. Don't worry, I won't kill you, but you will be unconscious for a few weeks or months. Good luck not being eaten while knocked out though"

'I guess I was a bit overconfident after learning nen. I hope that I get a third life from that god sigh' Adam thought to himself while he was slowly beginning to lose consciousness.

As the man began walking away, Adam saw his head get decapitated cleanly of his shoulders and a familiar feeling creeped over his body. Hisoka came out of the bushes and looked towards Adam.

Adam's eyes closed and the last thing he saw was Hisoka's creepy smile, giving him bone chilling shivers.

(Thanks for reading, If anyone feels like buying me a coffee: Ko-fi.com/hunter931)
