
Hunter x Hunter: Card Apprentice Daily Log

Jack Daniels, a gunshot victim of Earth finds himself alive in his favorite anime Hunter x Hunter as a genius Nen user with the Diamond Grimoire of his favorite Webnovel 'Card Apprentice Daily Log' as his Nen ability. Due to a series of mysterious events, Jack ends up joining Kite's team, Amateur Hunters, on their adventures and mission to conduct a biological survey of the Kakin Empire in the Azian continent. Join Jack on his journey with Kite and his team Amateur Hunters.

IGotStones · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs

Flaw x Success x Regeneration

Despite the impressive qualities of the Magical Lizard Beast Metabolism and Magical Lizard Beast Recovery cards, Jack remained unsatisfied. His true ambition was to craft a skill card that emulates the wondrous regeneration ability of the magical bipedal lizard beast. 

However, despite his efforts, Jack's attempts have so far resulted in the creation of various other cards, leaving him determined to succeed in his quest for the perfect skill card.

Jack pondered his elusive quest to distill the regenerative prowess of the bipedal lizard into a card, and a spark of insight ignited within him. Perhaps, he mused, the answer lies hidden within the pages of the original novel  'Card Apprentice Daily Log' as the concept of his Nen ability 'Diamond Grimoire' was from it.

Though his origin card 'Nen Remaster' had changed the power system of the diamond grimoire to suit the Nen power system of the HxH universe its functions remained the same. So his knowledge of the 'Card apprentice daily log' could come in handy here. 

With newfound determination, Jack tried recalling what he had read in the novel, especially regarding card creation and card fusion. Jack had no trouble recalling the book's content as waiting for new chapters to pile up he had reread the novel 'Card Apprentice Daily Log' five times so far. He was thinking about binge-reading the novel for the sixth time but crossed over to the HxH universe. 

Going through the chapters of the 'card apprentice daily log' Jack recalled a basic point in card creation and felt stupid for not realizing this sooner. 

Jack finally realized the reason he kept failing was because of insufficient card ingredients. The reason he repeatedly created subpar cards despite following the correct creation process was that he kept using a single magical bipedal lizard beast corpse card as an ingredient. Which supposedly was not enough for him to craft a skill card containing the preventative prowess of the magical lizard beast. 

This was evident when Jack took note of the additional stat points of each item and skill card he created provided him with when equipped. 

The magical lizard beast leather jacket item card gave him Defense +3 and Charm +1 when equipped. 

The Magical Lizard Beast Leather Boots item card gave him Agility +3 and Defense +1 when equipped.

The Magical Lizard Beast Leather cloak item card gave him Defense +4 when equipped.

The Magical Lizard Beast Claw Knife item card gave him Sharpness +3 and Attack Speed +1 when equipped.

The Magical Lizard Beast Teeth Necklace item card gave him Reputation +3 and Respect +1 when equipped.

The Magical Lizard Beast Teeth Bracelet item card gave him Reputation +3 and Respect +1 when equipped.

The Magical Lizard Beast Skull Mask item card gave him Defense +1 and Fear +3 when equipped.

The Magical Lizard Beast Metabolism skill card gave him Stamina +2 and Recovery +2 when equipped.

The Magical Lizard Beast Recovery skill card gave him Stamina +4 when equipped. 

All the item and skill cards created by Jack using a single magical lizard beast corpse ingredient card gave 4 additional stats in total when equipped. It shows that a single magical lizard beast corpse ingredient card can only give 4 additional stats at max. 

This meant that Jack could use two or more magical lizard beast cards to create cards with better effects and additional stats. 

Having figured out what he had been doing wrong so far, Jack was ecstatic. So much so that he felt it was worth getting shot over. Then he summoned his diamond grimoire and immediately opened the card creation page. Placing five magical lizard beast corpse ingredient cards out of the 8 remaining cards on the card creation page, he enthusiastically began the card creation process all over again. 

The reason Jack only used 5 ingredient cards and not all of them was that he did not want to fail his card creation process by overdoing it. So, he chose to adhere to moderation.

As the card creation process started Jack began to visualize the anatomy of the magical bipedal beast. Then took the visualization one step further by imagining how the bipedal lizard's regeneration worked and how it responded to different wounds. 

He recalled every minute detail about the bipedal lizard's regeneration he read and visualized it happening, giving life to the concept of the bipedal lizard's regeneration.  

By the time the visualization in Jack's mind came to an end the ingredient card had morphed into an item card letting out a bright light, indicating the success of card creation.

Jack excitedly grabbed the card and went through its card info, 

[Card Name: Magical Lizard Beast Regeneration 

Card Type: Skill Card (passive)

Card Effect: Your body's healing factor is enhanced, increasing your health recovery speed. 

Additional Effect: Health +20

Note: The same card's effect does not stack. Recovery stat here represents stamina recovery.] 

Going through the card info Jack's enthusiasm exploded as this was the skill card he wanted to create. He failed to create it twice and instead ended up creating subpar passive skill cards. The happiness he was feeling could not be explained by words.  The two failures had made his success even sweeter. The resulting card was beyond satisfactory to him. It was better than he expected it to be. 

However, after creating the card he felt a little tired. 

[Nen: 590 >>> 350 aura units]

Turns out the creation of this one skill card hosted him 250 aura units. No wonder he felt tired and light-headed. Spending so much Nen in one go would do that to anyone, not to mention a newbie like him.

Then, without any further delay, Jack equipped the magical lizard beast regeneration card in the only remaining empty slot of his three passive skill card slots. Soon Jack felt an unknown energy wash over his body and magically rejuvenate every cell in his body. This feeling was just supernatural, Jack found it very satisfying and felt that he could get addicted to it.

Out in the open, with the bonfire crackling and casting its flickering glow onto his face, Jack felt an odd sensation emanating from his chest, but something was undeniably different now. A warmth was spreading, contrasting sharply with the bite of the evening air. 

With trembling hands, he unraveled the bandage, half-expecting to see an angry, inflamed wound staring back at him. Instead, the skin around the bullet hole seemed to dance in the firelight, as if shimmering from some inner luminescence. It pulsed rhythmically, almost in tune with the flames before him.

Without warning, the stitches began to quiver. They shook, almost imperceptibly at first, and then forcefully ejected themselves from his flesh, as if expelled by an unseen force. They fell gently onto the ground, extinguished like tiny embers flicked from the bonfire.

Jack was spellbound as he watched the edges of the wound gravitate toward one another. Each cell seemed magnetically charged, pulling together in a seamless fusion. It was as though the wound itself was alive, aware, and eager to mend. In an awe-inspiring moment, the flesh sealed perfectly, as if he'd never been shot at all.

He touched the spot where just moments before a bullet had ripped through him. His fingers expected to find some tactile evidence, a scar or a bump—something. Yet all he felt was smooth, restored skin. 

Jack's peculiar movements caught Kite's eye. His focus shifted from the surroundings to Jack, who was carefully unwrapping a bandage from his chest. The taut muscles on Jack's face told a story of trepidation and wonder.

As the bandage came off, Kite's gaze fell upon the fresh gunshot wound—its raw, jagged edges made all the more haunting in the firelight. But before he could fully process what he was seeing, the unimaginable happened. Under the glow of the bonfire, the wound began to change, it healed at visible speed.

Soon the gunshot wound on Jack's chest closed without leaving behind a scar to show for. Kite was immediately reminded of the magical beast bipedal lizard's regeneration ability, he stared at the diamond grimoire hovering next to Jack in amazement contemplating its Nen abilities.