


Fleeing for her life she hit the thorns from the rose bush in the forest. Screaming, she jumped into the lake. Splash! It could hear the hunter behind it. Leaping out of the water, like no natural creature. Thankfully she wasn't. She was the mythical sea fairy. Hunted for her magic of granting wishes, and the magic of the ocean. She couldn't fly because she sacrificed her wings for all of humanity.

'And this is how they repay me?! Geez! I saved their little butts and they want to capture me!? Ugh!'

"Come here little fairy…" he hissed.

Scared out of her mind she fled deeper into the woods. Not caring that this was the Doom woods. The one path leads to the vampire's house. Not one person can't find it. But if you go in you never come back out.