
Hundred To One: Birth Of a Prodigy

When you should be in a place that you should be but receive something that you should not have. But you don't know that you have received something And did not realize that it originally did not belong to you?. Such is the Fate of Lee Is it a blessing or is it a curse?

Worlater · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Chapter 5: Ice dragon

The large ground soon started to fill.

  Students began to assemble by themselves and stood in an orderly manner. And soon Lee's school also assembled .

  After a couple of minutes everyone began to move.

  Everyone soon arrived before a large wall that was over 200 feet tall, soldiers could be seen patrolling on top of the wall and there was a huge gate that was heavily fortified and guarded . as soon as they came near the city guards began to verify there identity with a device , after everyone's information were verified they let them pass through the gate .after they went past the gate they entered into a large city which consisted of multiple skyscrapers.

  As soon as they entered a lady wearing professional attire approached them and lead them to a large building. She informed them that they will be staying in this building for now and there school was allocated from floor 74 to 78.

  After they entered they were allocated two persons to each room. Each floor consist of 50 rooms two people can share a room .They were informed that they need to wait for two more days to enter the mystic realm. Lee and Mike chose a room .after they had their lunch in the cafeteria present in that floor they decided to check the battle station present in each floor .

  The battle station is just a place to simulate battles but one can't find any difference between these and reality, The students of the kingdom all must use this type of simulators to fight as anything can go wrong in a real battle.

  The only difference between a fight in VR and reality is people won't die in this but they would feel all the pain that one can feel in a real battle, this simulator will stop working as soon as the user reached the maximum pain tolerance threshold and he/she will be immediately ejected out of the VR pod.

  This high tech machines are usually costly to operate and only the academies have them, All the academies get funded by the kingdom so even the small academies have them as it's considered a basic necessity. As students need to train everyday and one does not need suffer any injuries by using VR. But of course they can't train there body in VR and only there battle instincts can be improved in VR.

  After arriving to the battle station Lee and Mike each chose a pod .Each student have a account in which they will be logged in as soon as they entered ,They choose to battle against each other as soon as both of them logged into their respective account.

  As they have not become a beast tamer yet they are unable to learn any skills. So all they know and can use are basic techniques , both of them chose sword and all they could do is use move such as slash, thrust and stab. After couple of hours of training they went back to their rooms.

  Two days went by quickly in such a way.

  On the third day around 10'O clock they were informed that they should get ready and need to assemble outside the building .

  After everyone assembled outside there building and were ready to enter the mystic realm.

  At this time the Academy head arrived there and he stood in front of the students and seeing that most of the students still had nervous expression he said in a loud voice .

  "Even though they say that one needs a good aptitude to be successful that won't be the case always, for the people who work hard and strive to improve there will be always countless opportunities and fortuitous encounters.

  So, if your aptitude is not high don't give up the hope, there will be always opportunities coming by your way as long as you are willing to work hard for it .So don't be afraid about the results and perform well."

  After a pause he continued to talk "The students who perform well in today's mystic ground will have a chance to enter the top academies and for the best performer I will grant a special reward" saying this he looked at the students. Hearing his words all the students showed a look of determination.

   seeing this the academy head nodded his head ,"Good now let's get going". soon they arrived outside of a large dome shaped building which was heavily guarded by the military personals.

   After they arrived the students began entered the dome shaped building. as soon as they entered they saw a portal that was a dozen meters tall and people were going in and there was an another portal where people were coming out. Near the exit portal there was a huge device that checked the aptitude of the beasts.

   And people who came out of the portal soon summoned there beasts when they arrived near the device to test their beasts aptitude . There were all kinds of beasts such as wolfs , fox , feline creatures, bird type beasts, lizards , snakes and even insects such as Mantis , centipede, butterfly . when one placed there beast in the device it will show the star level of the beast.

  this device won't display the specific species, traits and skills of that beast because it is considered as personal information and leaking that information will lead to their opponents taking countermeasure against the specific skills so it is a taboo to ask specifics about their beasts.

  Suddenly they heard a commotion as everyone turned to look .

  There they saw a girl and on top of her shoulder a beast stood proudly and deep blue air was spreading around it , the beast had a slender yet majestic figure .it was covered with ice scales from head to toe .The staffs could only smile seeing the beast as they all know that it was a juvenile beast and was curiously looking around as it should be only around few minutes old now.

  Everyone began to mumble with their friends nearby.

  "That is a wyvern, right?"

  "Take a closer look, wyvern have their wings attached to their front limbs that is a dragon!!"

  "Tsk , Tsk how lucky to get an ice dragon, all the dragons are tier 4 at minimum"

  "Idiot , lower your voice she is the daughter of city lord"

  "As expected they are born with high aptitude ,looks like she will join the dragon academy "

  As the name implies Dragon academy only accept people with dragon as their first beast. They consider that if one tamed a dragon as their first beast they have high synergy to dragons and can bring out the hidden potential of the dragons they contracted, so all the students who study in dragon academy only have dragon type pets . It's difficult to find dragons in the wild and to form a contract with a juvenile beast as all the young dragons are protected by the adult dragons and they won't leave there nest until they are mature , but the dragon academy have unique mystic realms under them and they have special connections .The academy supports the students with the dragon type pets that they needed .Dragon's are considered as superior species and if one could contract all dragon type pets as there summons they will be on a realm on their own .

  And to further solidify the matter The Dragon Academy is the second strongest academy in the entire kingdom , it is called as second strongest academy only due to the reason that only less than 100 people are admitted into the academy every time. It is considered second best academy in the whole kingdom only because it have a low head count compared to the top academy which have thousands of students.