
Humanities Perfection

Reincarnated into Twilight?! My sister is emo and in a love triangle? HWAT IN DA HELL --- This will be an AU No Harem MC is human, he has human emotions. He is not a sociopath or a psychopath.

Simo_Kiba · ภาพยนตร์
8 Chs

Chapter 6: Curious Cats

A single sweat dripped down Sam's face, as his fist curled, and his feet shifted. He wasn't going to take a chance, Carlisle was a peaceful man unless it came to his family. An old and experienced vampire was a dangerous first opponent. "Doc, you've seen my blood work, haven't you? I'm fully human"

"You're human, but different. Let me rephrase the question: Are you a sorcerer? Or something else."

'Sorcerer?' Sam repeated the word in his head with his brow furled. He'd never heard of this term in his previous life, nothing in the movies even hinted at it. To his knowledge, four races existed. Werewolves, Vampires, Shapeshifters, and Humans. If those existed, what else did? 

"No, that look tells me otherwise. Yet, you know something" The doctor mumbled to himself, seeing Sam's confused look. He could hear the drumming of Sam's heart, it quickened when the question was posed to him. He knew that Sam had some knowledge. With a sigh, Sam's mouth cracked open.

"Fine. I really am human Doc, I'm just different. I don't know why, but I've always been stronger, faster than anyone around me." Sam relented his knowledge, at least partially. The Cullens were better allies than enemies, after all, they were technically the second-biggest coven. 

Carlisle's eyes narrowed, he knew that Sam was human, that was undeniable. However, there was something underneath that. "I showed my hand Doc, why don't you show yours?" Carlisle shifted a look of surprise. "Emmett's inhuman strength, Edward's impossible speed, and skin that is almost deathly pale? Doesn't seem very human does it?"

Carlisle's lip twitched into a smile, kind, and warm despite his death-like skin. "You're weary, but don't attack? I think we'll get along just fine" His hand stuck out, with an inviting handshake. "Me and my family are different from most, while we are vampires we are vegan. Well, as much as we can be" 

"A vegan vampire? Sounds like a bad movie plot" Sam cracked a joke, trying to stop the tension in the air. Carlisle was willing to make a deal, and Sam wouldn't decline it. Like with the shapeshifters, Carlisle would leave Sam be, and he would do the same. He was a man of peace after all, and Sam was nothing more than a worried son. 

"You could look at it that way." Carlisle thought about it and he couldn't deny it, it did sound like the plot of a bad movie. "Please don't think of Emmett any different, he might not seem like it but he doesn't have many friends." 

"Him? No friends? Nooo" Sarcasm dripped from his voice, as he mocked the Cullen's loner behavior. He wouldn't entirely blame them, since blood did make it hard for them to control themselves. "Truthfully? I don't see any difference in him, I'm not racist." 

"Thank you, as a father, it's hard to see them distance themselves from others due to how they are" Carlisle's eyes wandered as he thought of Alice the most, and how desperate she was for friends. "If it wouldn't be too much trouble, would you meet the coven?"

In their first meeting with the shapeshifters, the Cullens had tried to broker a friendship. One where they could call on each other if a time should come, but alas, they were extremely headstrong in their beliefs. The most they could agree on was to stay away from each other's lands. A friendship with a human such as Samuel would be a benefit that outweighs the cons. 

"Sure, say Friday?" Sam was well aware that he would be walking into a den of lions blindly. He was willing to take that chance, after all, none of them attacked, nor had he even read about vampire-like attacks happening around town. "Perfect. I'll let them know, and finally give my wife a reason to use that kitchen." His kind smile was very fatherly, it gave Sam a very grandfather vibe. 

"you better go and Chief is probably worrying his head off right now. He might not seem like it but he really cares for you two" He nodded sagely, as he opened the door to leave, guiding Sam out of the office. 


The meeting with Carlisle went better than expected, although he was always calm. He only wanted to live peacefully with his family. 'Nothing more than a father who wants the best for his children.'

Sam had thought to himself as he balanced a one-armed handstand on the dislocated arm. He gradually lowered himself in a controlled manner before forcing himself up. While it did cause him pain, since the shoulder wasn't fully healed, he controlled it. Powering through it, and forcing himself to keep going. 

A knock rapped his door, as he slowly lowered himself, before finally rising to his feet. Opening his door, his sister stood with arms crossed, and an annoyed look marring her face. "Can we talk?" 

"No" Sam's face went blank before slamming the door in her face, he could hear her muffled huffs before she grabbed the knob and forced the door open. With a sigh, he flopped onto his bed. "Oh sister, after all I've done for you, you treat me this way" Wooing himself, as he hugged one of his pillows for comfort. 

She rolled her eyes, sitting on the floor leaning on his bed. "Edward, he was by his car wasn't he?" She helplessly questioned her bother, as he pushed her head lightly with his foot. "I don't know, I wasn't exactly paying attention to him." 

"....Oh. Well, he was over by his family's car, and he just appeared next to me. It's like he teleported or something." She spoke with a sigh, as she looked off to the side, thinking of answers. "And, when I confronted him about it, he called me crazy and brushed it off" 

"Adrenaline." His answer was almost matter-of-fact. In Sam's mind, he didn't have the right to reveal Cullen's secrets like that, though he was conflicted on whether or not to tell his sister about it. "Mr.Cullen explained it to me, pretty much my body went into overdrive. It's how I was able to stop the van myself" 

Bella's mind dismissed it, a small boost like that, wouldn't give me that kinda of speed. She accepted it with Sam, as he was always extremely strong. She had been gifted with intelligence, and Sam had been gifted with strength. Not only that, he didn't walk away unscathed. "No, Edward spoke like he knew why. He even said he would explain it, but then he brushed me off and tried to gaslight me" 

"What are you talking about Gaslighting isn't real." Sam rolled his eyes with a shit-eating grin, luckily Bella couldn't see it. "What? Dude, gaslighting is real." 

"Nah, you're crazy Bells." She huffed out a sigh, before annoying raised to her feet, grabbing a pillow and chucking it at him before leaving the room. "Asshole" She lifted as she flipped him off. 

With his dying grin, Sam glanced off to the side, he wondered if he should tell Bella what monsters lie in the dark. The only reason he hesitated was due to her safety, of course, Edward was there and would protect her but with this new timeline, these new monsters in the world. He didn't know what to expect, most of it had followed the original plot.

There were different additions to this world, a sprinkle of sorcerers, comic book characters, and sitcom/action characters. While the Cullens were vegans, there was still the matter of the other covens like James's hunting troop Aro's little vampire police, and that shitty newborn army. 

Who knows what other monsters were added to make his stay more exciting. Sam wasn't the battle-manic type, he really only wanted to protect his family. He though they weren't his first, he still cared for them greatly. Charlie's emotionally distant and stoic nature reminded him of his original father. Someone who Sam admired, and was inspired by. 

Bella, on the other hand, was massively different from his original sisters, taking more from Charlie's Introversion. But his closeness with her broke through her little anti-social barrier. He truly saw them as his family. And so he cared for them as such. 

'Training' His screen flickered to the training tab, as he looked at his abilities, seeing a new one. 

{Brute Strength} 

Like the others, it had a brownish color to it. Noting to himself to check it out later, he chooses to focus on his boxing skills for now. He's best offensive and defensive skills at the moment. 


Carlisle sat in his home office chair, scrolling away on his computer, jotting down notes about the sheets he glanced over. It wasn't just any sheet, it was Samuel Swan's medical sheet. Something only, he has the head doctor had access to. 

He pinched his nose with a sigh, as he looked at the sheet. Almost as if summoned, his wife, Esme, appeared at his side. She was a beautiful woman who looked to be in her late 20s. She had a heart-shaped face with a warm compassionate look, billows of soft caramel-colored hair, delicate eyebrows, and a small, slender figure. [IMAGE] 

"My love? What's wrong" She asked caringly, even though she had more than guess what it was. It made him feel better if she asked, something he could only figure out after being with him for so long. 

"The Swan boy. I'm looking over his X-ray, his real X-ray, not the fake one." Carlisle wasn't dumb, he knew entering Samuel's real X-ray into the system would raise questions. What he didn't understand was how other doctors from Samuel's past didn't raise any flags about him. 

His finger tapped against a printed-out version of Sam's X-ray. "His bones are nearly 3x as dense as a normal human's. His joints are reinforced with stronger and thicker ligaments" He leaned back into his chair, folding his arms as he looked to his wife. "I had to actually try and use a good portion of my strength to even relocate his shoulder."

"Oh my." She gasped, her eyes scanning over the other papers that dropped over his desk. "Is he truly human?" 

"... Surprisingly, yes. The way I see it, he's genetically enhanced." He spoke exacerbated "His muscle fibers are mainly type IIX and have a high level for recruitment" Type IIX fibers are the ones used for lifting heavy weights, sprinting, jumping, and so on. A recruitment is the use of a certain amount of muscle fibers at will, the higher the level the more the person uses. 

"Not to mention his cardiovascular and his enlarged heart, and his high stroke volume. His alveoli density is off the charts. I don't even know if I can consider this person a human." Carlisle had never seen anything like this, and to him, it didn't look like his body was stopping either. Humans have never really found the peak of their bodies, sure they have been exceptionally strong humans, but never one like Samuel. 

"He's genetically bred for fighting. This is just the surface of his body, who knows what else he has hidden in that body of his." A slight chuckle slipped from his lips, truly, Samuel was the peak of the human body. 

"Speaking as a vampire, how dangerous is he to us?" Esme questioned, her voice carrying a surprised tone to it. "To us? I'd say a middle-level, he'll be able to maybe take out one or two of us." Carlisle carried a confident tone to ease his mate, as he relayed his own analysis of the human to her. 

"And to regular vampires?" 

"High, more than likely, he'll be able to take out an average vampire, one-on-one. Unless that vampire is experienced like our Jasper or those with gifts at Volturi" This is how he's lived for so long, his experience to weed out the strong people and stay away. While he wasn't as strong or as fast as Emmett and Edward, he more than made up for it in experience. 

The only one who could maybe outdo him is Jasper, simply due to Jaspers's combat history. This is the main reason Carlisle was the coven lead, and he was a father figure to them all, so it only made sense. "Either way, I'd rather have Samuel as an ally, than an enemy" 


Due to the accident, both Sam and Bella got a day off from school. Both spent it differently, Bella was in her room, glancing over her computer, or reading. Sam on the other hand was found under his car, with music playing in the background. "Dance, Dance" by Fall Out Boy played in the background as he worked under the car. 

"Hey, Sammy, you wanna uh, grab some food? Just me and you?" Charlie's voice sounded out, over the music, as he turned it down. Sam slid out from under the car, his hands stained a black powdery color, with a wench in hand. "Yeah. Just let me shower and get changed."

"How's the car coming along?" Charlie tried to ease the silence with a question. "It's coming good, the transmission and differential are the last two parts I need to repair. After that, I'll start on the interior." Sam said excitedly, as he wiped his hands off from the grease and dirt. "Oh, uh, do you wanna swing by the junkyard and grab some parts? I'll pay." 

"No, no, it's fine, I have the money, Dad. But yeah, I wouldn't mind swinging by, the only thing, I do wanna order a new transmission than get an old one." Getting a new one was far better than an older one, in his opinion. After all why not when he has the money?

"I have this old friend at the auto shop who could probably get you a deal on one." They talked a little bit before Sam rushed upstairs, jumping in the shower. After the shower, he picked a pair of clothes out. 

He was dressed in a plain black shirt that was tucked into his black pants, with a black cropped leather coat over it. He wore a golden chain that dropped to his sternum and wore a silver watch on his wrist that was covered by his coat. [IMAGE] 

(A/n: Listen, I'm not gay but....I won't finish that sentence)

"Nice jacket, wish I had one like it" Charlie complemented his style choice, for the early 2000s it really wasn't bad. They both hopped into Charlie's blue truck and drove into town, leaving Bella behind. The ride was silently, awkwardly so, Charlie looked like he wanted to say something, but couldn't form the words. 

"Does...." Sam's eyes glanced at his father, as he struggled to form the words. "Does what?" 

Does....Bella. Does she.....Hate me?" His eyes quivered, as he focused on the road. Charlie wasn't able to form any other words, as worry and uncertainty married his face. His voice was heartbroken, as he recalled, Bella snapping at him when he had taken her home yesterday, and even earlier when he tried to invite her with them. 

"...No, it's not that" Sam had thought about it. It wasn't exactly his fault, they both were extremely introverted, and he wasn't much different. Unlike the other two, his mother's personality mixed in, and created a strange combination of both extroverness and introvertness. 

"She's just anti-social like you have to go out of your way to interact with her. Kinda forces a conversation sometimes, you both a lot alike in that aspect" Charlie nodded, almost like he was taking mental notes about it. "You both need to kinda force yourself to talk to each other, I mean how did you and Uncle Billy become friends?"

Charlie glanced off to the side, trying to remember. "Well, we kinda got stuck in every class together in high school, so it just kinda happened." 

"So, you need to do the same with Bells. Not too much force, then she won't want to be around at all." Sam spoke wisely, stroking his non-existent chin hair. Charlie glanced at his son, seeing this. "Stroking those pubs you glued onto your chin won't help them grow." 

Charlie brushed his own mustache, almost smugly. "Maybe, if you try, you can grow a mustache as good as mine." 

"That porno-stache?! Never in my life will I grow that." Sam's eyes rolled, mocking his father. Little does he know of his own future. 

"You'll grow to appreciate a stache as good as mine, one day." This time Charlie brushed his mustache with his fingers, sagely. With a smug grin, carved onto his face. His mood shifted quickly at the mention of his mustache, though deep down, he was only due to his bond with his son growing.


I am so over college man ಥ‿ಥ I am so glad, I've finally finished them. The best part is I passed them all with fucking A's and B's, WOOOOOOOO Yeah Baby! That's what I've been waiting for!!!!!!

2845 Words

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