
Humanities Perfection

Reincarnated into Twilight?! My sister is emo and in a love triangle? HWAT IN DA HELL --- This will be an AU No Harem MC is human, he has human emotions. He is not a sociopath or a psychopath.

Simo_Kiba · ภาพยนตร์
8 Chs

Chapter 5: An Accident

I understand that some people don't like the poll results. Just because you don't see the votes doesn't mean they are there. Votes were accidentally deleted when I edited the chapters, so I had to triple-check myself before posting the chapter. 

If you don't like the result and are butt hurt by it: Don't read my book. I don't do this for a living; it's a hobby. Tho, I wouldn't mind becoming an actual writer one day. 


Days melded together; a whole week had passed before Sam knew it. His training had increased; two Buddha statues, each weighing roughly 10 tons, were strapped to his legs. Mix that in with the heat; his body was worked to the bone.

He completed minor quests occasionally, cementing himself in the school's history. He broke track records; cross country was a walk in the park, and even in flag football, he was untouchable. The spotlight was instantly on him; coaches flocked to him, hoping to revive their school's reputation. It wasn't hard to see; physically, he was one of the best in the school. He still had to share the spotlight, even if it's just a bit. 

His school life wasn't hard; he'd already taken the same classes in his past life, and with his enhanced intellect, school was a breeze. He didn't get straight A's but still maintained a B average. 

He lazied about in his second class and stared out the school windows. As a snowflake fell from the sky, he thought, 'Snow?' It was mid-March, and it didn't feel that cold, yet snow fell. His mind drifted to his training the progress, it wasn't bad by no means, just slow. 'Sats'


Samuel Swan

Health: 250/250

Strength: D+ Agility: D+

Speed: E++ Intelligence: D

Endurance: D+ Luck: F


[Boxing] {Unorthodox}: Intermediate

[Muay Thai]: Amatur

[Mechanics]: Intermediate


[Fighter's Mentality]: Passive


Speed, Endurance, and Agility had all gained a '+' beside them. While he didn't qualify for 'C Rank' strength, his parameters did increase. If only slightly. Though he couldn't help but wonder how his strength matched the others. Emmett was stronger than him, he wasn't above saying that. If he had to guess, it was around C Rank, maybe even B Rank. 

Emmett was the strongest among the Cullens physically that is, Edward was the fastest, and Carlisle had the most self-control. That's as far as he knew about them, their strengths, and their abilities. 

If Emmett was stronger than him, Edward was more than likely faster than him. The others would be around his strength level, maybe at most C. Ones like Jasper were more dangerous, purely because of his experiences with firearms, and combat. Sam would rather fight Emmett than Jasper. 

He can't hit what he can't touch after all. Jasper's fighting style and his ability gave him an edge. CQC was a dangerous style—at least Civil War era — that focused on killing your opponent rather than knocking them out. He'd rather save the fighting with Jasper unless he absolutely needed to. 

'I wonder what about weapons?' His mind drifted to the different shows and movies he'd watched. One of the most prominent characters he could think of was Toji Fushiguro, an extremely strong character who could have killed the strongest in his verse with nothing more than some planning, weapons, and a little bit of elbow grease. He was a testament to human strength.

'Shop' He mentally spoke as his eyes grazed over his cash: '5,432'. He's gotten around 5 grand from his quest which isn't bad. But looking at some prices of these weapons....'How could I ever afford them' He hung his head, complaining about inflation. 

He blindly scrolled through the list, his eyes grazing over the prices along with the item, until one caught his eye. Looking deeper into this item, his eyes scanned through the description. Suddenly a chill ran up his spine, it felt weird, like he was in danger but also not. He turned his head to the side to meet a girl about to tap on his shoulder. 

His gaze was drawn to her shoulder-length blond hair, which was swept back by a black headband. Her green eyes stood out because of her black leather jacket, and red top. She was a petite woman with a height of 5,2. [Image]

"Hey, I'm Sabrina. You wanna be partners?"

"What?" Sam had completely forgotten he was in class, he zoned out reading over the items. "For the project?" 

"Oh, yeah yeah. But uh- wanna explain? I'm not gonna lie, I was not listening at all." 

She giggled before sitting at the empty desk next to him, opening her notebook, and showing him her notes. "Here, we have to pick an economic system and talk about it."

Right, his second class was Government. "So which one do you wanna do?" 

"Hmm, Market economy? Or maybe Traditional economy?"

"The second one. We could use farmers and traditions, and tie it to suppliers, and such"

"Yeah, I'm down to do that one. Let's see, it's on page....456 to 486" 

Sam flipped through the textbook, scanning the pages, looking for the right number. Before Sabrina tried to make conversation. "Swan, you're the chief's son?"

Without looking up he responded. "Yeah, I lived with my mom most of my life. So I didn't grow up around him. That's one of the reasons I moved here back."

"One of them?"

"Yeah, some other issues. What about you?"

"Well, I moved from Folks to New York for my dad's work, before moving back to Folks."

"Oh cool, New York fun? Also, "traditional Econ is a system that relies on customs, history, and time-honored beliefs." page 456" 

She started writing down what he said as she spoke. "Eh, kinda. Didn't like some of the people over there, but I still had a couple of friends."

Like Emmett and Olly, Sam had given her his number, partially because of their project, and partially because he wanted to be friends. In neither Arizona nor Folks did he have a lot of friends, preferring to keep the group smaller than anything. But he also didn't want to be as anti-social as his sister. 

He couldn't exactly say that now though, she was different than she was in Arizona. Back then Bella only had maybe three friends, but now she had her own little group. He was proud of her, even if it was because of the main character's perks. The day was quick, it blended with the others, one thing that really stood out was Sabrina. 

Sam couldn't quite put his finger on it, but something was off about her. She was different from the rest, her being near him put him on edge. He had met Oliver Queen of all people, so it wasn't exactly farfetched to say she wasn't a native of this universe. It was obvious that this world wasn't like the one he had watched on the big screen. 

Then again, this world was now real, there was no telling what could and couldn't happen now. 

He shivered from the cold air as the doors opened for him to exist. His breath was visible, as he blew hot air into his hands. His glasses annoyingly started to fog up from it. 'I really gotta do something about these glasses' 

His thoughts were ripped away, as a ding suddenly went off. The system appeared in from of his face, his eyes widened at the words. 

[Emergencay Quest]

[Risky Vampire] Save your sister from fate. Stop the incoming car, before Edward

A screeching sound blared through the parking lot, painfully loud. A dark blue van tires locked and squealed against the brake pads and rotors. They spun wildly, whoever was driving had lost control of them. The van began to skid across the slick parking lot road, going down the slight drop in incline. 

Right where Bella's truck was parked. 

Bella who was standing outside of her truck almost in a daze from the incoming van, she moved her arms slightly to try and shield herself. 'Was she stupid?' Was all Sam could think before his feet moved on their own, as fast as he could, he wasn't that far from her. Maybe a car or two down. 

Instantly, he threw his body forward into the van, shoulder first. The van bent around Sam's body slightly, with a dent that was in the shape of his shoulder, as it came to an immediate halt. Looking down at his sister, her head had hit the black ice on the ground. Not from the van, but from someone else. Edward. 

Fate against all odds somehow persists. 

Sam's eyes flickered between the vampire, the van, and his sister. He was completely uninjured, his endurance was enough to stop any injuries from it. However, that would raise some suspicion, so he did the most sensible thing. Grabbing his shoulder, the one that clashed with the van, and forcefully pushed down hard enough to dislocate it. 

Biting his lip, he groaned in pain. It was a sharp pain, a burning sensation from the center of the shoulder followed that. He quickly shook it off, while it hurt, Gongseob's punches hurt more. Still through his gritting teeth, in a pained voice, he spoke. "Bella, you ok?" 

"Ugh, my head hurts" She spoke as she rubbed her temple, while Edward sat her upright. "Are you..." She trailed off, trying to clear her head. "Are you ok Sam?" 

"Fine. Just probably a dislocated shoulder" 

"Just-?!" She cut herself off as she grasped her head in pain, most likely a concussion. Her eyes flicked to meet Edward's, she stared into his eyes for what felt like forever to her. "How did you?"

"I was right next to you, what are talking about Bella?" Edward's response was blunt and was obviously a lie. But not more words were spoken as some teachers spilled out, and sirens blared. It took around 8 teachers to push the van out of the way, as the ambulance arrived. Three EMTs rushed out, two came to Sam to check his body, and another rushed to Bella with a flashlight in hand. 


The halls of the hospital were stained with a citrusy smell, Sam across his hospital bed. Bella had sat across from his, with worry marring her face. Tyler, the student who was driving the van, sat on the bed beside hers. Their doctor, Dr.Cullen, was examining Sam's limp arm. 

Dr.Cullen, Carlisle, was the adoptive father of the Cullens and Hales. Like his children, he had amber eyes, and blond hair that reached no further than his collar. He was tall at a height of 6,2 and had a lean frame. Many of the nurses in the room had taken glances at the man, while he focused on Sam's limp arm. [Image] 

"Hmm, it's definitely dislocated. Maybe even torn. I assume you already know how stupid you were to try and stop the van like that."

"Yeah, but I couldn't just stand there while my sister was in trouble!"

"I understand, just try and be smarter about it. You're a good bother. Now, I'm going to need you to bare with me. I'm going to relocate your shoulder."

Dr.Cullen had placed a hand towel into Sam's mouth, and Sam bit down with no complaints. Grabbing Sam's shoulder, and his arm, with a quick yank and push, he popped Sam's shoulder into place. Sam's teeth bit into the towel as he let out a growl of pain. 

"There. Don't move it for a little bit, they're finishing up your E-ray results now. We'll take a look at you and see if there any other problems that we did see."

The doctor had turned around and landed on Bella. Sam let out a sigh of relief as he laid back, looking at the ceiling. The screen popped up, saying completed. His eyes scanned the rewards from the quest, they were bad. However, the two that caught his eye the most were 10,000$ and a skill called {Brute Strength}, but he couldn't dwell on it at the moment. 

The doors busted open, as Charlie had rammed through them. "Bella, Sammy!?" 


"Hey, Dad." 

"You both ok?" Worry filled his voice as he borderline sprinted to their beds, he passed Tyler, which made him freeze. He looked at the young man, "You can kiss your license goodbye" Tyler couldn't say anything before Charlie grabbed the curtain and yanked it blocking him. 

"They're both fine for the most part Charlie, Bella took quite the spill and Sam took the brunt of force and walked away with nothing more than a dislocated shoulder."

The doctor spoke for the twins, as they looked at their father. His eyes lingered on Sam's shoulder, before turning back to Bella. "She doesn't have any type of head trauma, with a night's rest, and some Tylenol. She'll be just fine" 

"She'd better be or else I would-" Charlie's voice elevated, as almost to threaten Tyler. 

"Dad! It's fine, Sam and Edward were both there to help me."

"Edward? Your boy?"

Doctor Cullen nodded, but his attention shifted to Sam. "Sounds like you were very lucky. Though I think it's most due to your bothers help. Sam, please join me, we'll take a look at your X-ray" 

Charlie went to follow as Sam sat up. However, Carlisle halted his movements: "Patient only Charlie. Besides, Sam will stay a little while longer than Bella, so it would probably be best to take her home now. She's clear to leave."

Charlie's worried eyes glanced at his son, his eyes lingering on his shoulder. Sam held up his hand. "It's fine, I'll call you whenever I'm done." 

Begrudgingly, Charlie nodded with a sigh. "Alright, but you have to call me. Understand?"

"Yes Sir. I'll be fine, not the first injury I've had anyway." 

The doctor nodded in agreement, his eyes flicking between Bella and Sam. His thoughts were slightly conflicted, should he tell them now? Or wait until it's the right moment. After all these two kids wouldn't be the only ones affected. "He's a tough kid Charlie. I have never seen anything like him in my life." 

The two walked into another hallway blocked off by double doors, as the nurses all around stole glances at the doctor. Some even stopped their work to gaze at him. A chuckle left his lips as he noticed. "Popular aren't you doc?"

With a charming laugh that made some of the nurses freeze. "It appears so. Sadly for them, I'm taken" He flashed his wedding band, earning an irritated look from some of the nurses. 

Leading Sam into an off-hand room, with two X-Rays, posted on a white screen that forces the X-Rays to glow. Seeing it, Sam couldn't know anything, unusually about it, his eyes flicked between the doctor and the X-Ray. The hairs on his arm stand up, he feels like he's on edge from being in the same room with Carlisle. 

He knew Carlisle was a vegan, but that doesn't mean he would kill someone who posed a threat to him and his family. A very protective man, Sam wouldn't hold it against him. Carlisle's eyes snapped to match Sam's out of the corner of his eyes. "What are you?" 


"A hit like that? You wouldn't be walking for a week. You're different. I've never seen a being like you. So I'll ask again; Samuel Swan. What. Are. You?"


I apologize for the chapter taking so long, I had writer's block for a bit at the beginning of the chapter. School's ending, my first semester at college is up and I'm moving out of the shitty dorms. Finals are coming up. I have never regretted becoming an Arch major until now tbh.