
Chapter 9

I opened the portal and went to Kamar-Taj, my instructor suddenly came and said "Ah, hello Marcus very nice of you to show up. How are your studies going?"

"Hello Master Cheng, my studies are going great I'm also taking part in a competition to try and get a scholarship to Harvard ." Truth be told I didn't have the best of reputation in here, I had a bad name to myself since I didn't devote enough time to my magical studies,

"Oh that's good for you, what brings you here then?"

"I needed some help." Master Cheng gave a long look and asked "What sort?"

"Well I made a new friend, a special kind, who doesn't have any home or family so I was thinking if-" before I could finish he interrupted me.

"No. Absolutely not. This is a place to train people to protect the earth from the dark forces not a place for a homeless people to come too."

"Hear me out it's not for long I'll find a different place for her to stay but please just for some time, please."

He was unsure of what to do since the Ancient One favored me, and that was something I wanted to find out the why to if possible, but Thai put him in a weird place since he didn't exactly agree with her favoritism.

"Alright she can stay but she will not be allowed to learn magic and that's only for 3 months."

"Sure, that's perfectly fine by me but I did want talk about the magical bit, you see if possible I would like it if she wasn't exposed to magic at all."

He gave me a weird angry look and said "You expect her not to be exposed to magic and live here at the same time?"

"Hopefully... I guess."

"Well if you want that you need to ask either the head of the other sanctums or the Ancient One because that isn't happening here with this place being the core training grounds. Also the Ancient One isn't available at the moment. Come back after a few days."

"Oh thank you so much, I'm going to put in extra effort in my magical studies for this."

"Good then also take this ring it's from the Ancient One."

"What is it?"

"I'm not sure myself but she said it's a good luck charm."

'A good luck charm from the Ancient One? Interesting.'

I quickly left and went to New York. Now 3 months would be more than enough time for me to learn some new spells to to make a house from scratch and then make permanent portals to it with a constant supply of food. Now the tricky bit would be the permanent portals but 3 months would be more than enough for that.

My exhibition was on the third day and today was the first day and for people choosing to do Biology so I went ahead and tried to see if I could find any mad scientists and recruit them before they went mad.

I walked around looking at the various projects the place had to offer and some of them were genuinely interesting I must say. Now looking around I found a project which caught my eye it wasn't their idea which drew me in buy it was rather the name of the person who had done it in the corner was the name Charles Xavier.

Sorry I was busy and couldn't stick to the schedule so here's a double chapter and the next one will be on the weekend.

God_Of_Allcreators' thoughts