
Chapter 6


Superman leads the Hulk and the little girl through the dense Metropolis forest towards a shimmering portal hidden among the trees

(gasping)"Whoa, what's that?!" Erin said 

"Stupid glowing thing better not be a trap!" Hulk said while growling at it

 (chuckles)"Relax, it's not a trap. This is a teleportation portal to the Watchtower - the Justice League's orbiting headquarters" Superman said, amused by their reactions

"The real Watchtower?! You mean we get to go to outer space?!" Erin said, her eyes going wide like it was her dream come true

The Hulk eyes the portal suspiciously, poking at it with one gigantic finger

"Space thing don't look so tough. Hulk could just jump really high to get there" Hulk said

"Even you wouldn't make it through the thermosphere without an oxygen supply, big guy. The portal is the only way" Superman said while smiling

He activates his communicator

"Superman to Watchtower, three incoming for transit. Let them know we've got...some unusual guests" Superman said

"Can you believe we're really gonna be on the Justice League's space station, Mr. Hulk!" Erin said while tugging his finger

 "Hulk no get what big deal is. It just a dumb floating thing in space" Hulk said with a snort

The portal shimmers and glows brighter as it activates

"Alright, who wants to go first?" Superman said

"Ooh ooh, me me!" Erin said while jumping up and down

Before Superman can react, the fearless child runs straight through the shimmering portal, vanishing in a crackle of energy. The Hulk's eyes go wide with surprise

"Girl?! Where'd she go?!" Hulk said while panicked 

"Easy, she's fine! She just teleported up ahead of us" Superman said, putting his hands up

The Hulk glares at the portal distrustfully

"Hulk no like glowing circle thing! Smash first, then go!" Hulk said, preparing to punch it

He winds up and delivers a thunderous haymaker that distorts the air... only for his fist to harmlessly pass through the portal. The Hulk blinks in confusion

"Don't worry, the portal's perfectly safe! Although punching it may not have been the wisest choice" Superman said while laughing

"Stupid magic circle better not try anything funny..." Hulk said while grumbling

He eyes Superman for a moment, then scoops up the Kryptonian in both massive hands

"Just in case, Hulk bring Stupid Cape for shield!" Hulk said

"Wha- No wait, that's not nece---!" Superman said, his eyes widening 

With an eruption of displaced air, the Hulk leaps headlong into the portal while bear-hugging Superman to his chest. As they disappear in a flash of light, Superman's muffled voice remains

"...ssary. Ugh, why do I even bother?" Superman said, giving up


In a brilliant flash of light, the hulking green form of the Hulk emerges from the teleporter, still clutching a slightly ruffled Superman in his powerful grip.The young girl is already there, staring around in awe

"Woooooow! We really ARE in space!" Erin said

She presses her face against the panoramic viewing window, admiring the Earth hanging in the inky blackness beyond. The Hulk immediately sizes up the assembled Justice League members with a distrustful glare

"What stupid heroes want? Hulk only here 'cause of deal with Cape!" Hulk said

"So this is the one responsible for decimating half of Metropolis..." Batman said

"Peace, Bruce. Let's not be hasty in judging our new...colleague" Wonder Woman

"Ooookay, the big guy's definitely compensating for some-" Flash said

Wonder Woman shoots him a warning look and the Scarlet Speedster's mouth clamps shut

"You're...you're Wonder Woman! The real Wonder Woman!" Erin said

Before anyone can react, the fearless child races across the hall and throws her arms around the Amazon warrior's legs in a tight hug

(beaming up at her)"You're my number one favorite superhero ever!" Erin said

"Well, it's an honor to meet such a brave young lady as yourself" Wonder Woman said while chuckling

She kneels down to the girl's level with a kind smile

"I've heard how you were the one to stop the fighting between these two mighty warriors. That took incredible courage and heart" Wonder Woman said, smiling at Erin

(huffs) "Stupid Shiny Girl is right. Puny human stronger than she looks" Hulk said

(mutters to Flash) "Does he have to call everyone stupid?" Green Lantern said

(whispering back) "I think it's some kind of verbal tic. Like a stutter but, y'know...angrier" Flash said

(flatly) "You can't be serious about letting this uncontrolled brute onto the team. Even if the girl was able to defuse the situation once, we can't rely on--" Batman said, already changing his mind about him joining

In a burst of surprising speed, the Hulk crosses the hall and gets right in Batman's face, hot spittle flying

"Hulk do what he wants! Only here for deal with Stupid Cape!" Huly yells

(tugging on Hulk's arm) That's enough, Mr. Hulk! These are the good guys too, remember?

The Hulk pauses, glancing down at the innocent child. His fists slowly unclench as his breathing calms.

(grumbling) "...Girl is only reason Hulk here. Hulk no like any of dumb heroes"

(rising to her feet calmly) "Then let's properly introduce ourselves so there are no further misunderstandings. I am Diana of Themyscira, Princess of the Amazons" Wonder Woman said

She offers her hand, awaiting the Hulk's response. The towering jade giant eyes it uncertainly for a long moment

(muttering) "If I have to make a boxing glove construct to shake that thing, so help me--" Green Lantern said

(sneering) "Hulk no shake hands! Hulk just--" 

To everyone's surprise, the little girl darts in front of the Hulk and takes Wonder Woman's hand herself, vigorously shaking it up and down

(beaming) "Hi, I'm Erin! Thanks so much for being nice to my friend the Hulk. We're gonna be Sooooo good at the Justice League stuff!" Erin said

A strange look crosses the Hulk's features - something almost approaching sheepishness. He seems cowed, if only briefly, by the sweet innocence of the child.

(laughing warmly) "Well met, young Erin. I have a feeling you'll teach us all some very valuable lessons"

As the other Leaguers begin introducing themselves more congenially, Superman catches Batman's eye and smiles, nodding towards the humanizing scene. For once, a ghost of a smile tugs at the Dark Knight's lips as well

(grudging) "...Maybe there's some potential here after all"


(Black Canary gets introduced next chapter)

(1078 words)

(Thank you for still reading!!!!)