
HP: The Foreigner

Axel had lived a questionable life but after his death by his own hands he was granted a chance to live again. With the responsibility of saving the world from unknown threats, Axel begins his new journey in the drastically different world of Harry Potter as a foreign soul. . . . A/N: Here are a few things, No harem. No system. It's an AU with huge changes so if that's not your cup of tea, you've been warned. Atleast a chapter per day

Ferzd · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
9 Chs


Axel sat in the wheelchair that he had been using for 10 years.

He looked at the pouring rain. It seemed as if the rain was mocking him. He sighed as he took another bottle of vodka and chugged it.

Throwing the empty bottle aside he looked at the room around him.

It was simply luxurious but to him it was a reminder… a reminder of all the things that he's done. He took another bottle but he couldn't bring himself to drink it.

He remembered the life he had lived until now…

When Axel was young he was considered a genius. At 12 his parents put him in a private school to 'nurture' the growing bud.

Axel's father was a strict man and he instilled in him the value of money.

At 16 he was a millionaire, At 18 he was a billionaire, but the thirst for wealth and power had consumed him, by 24 he was dealing with weapons and soon he was dealing with drugs.

Hailed as one of the brightest minds in front of the public but behind the scenes he was just a criminal.

In the course of his dealings he had made many enemies, one of whom had made him crippled for life…

But living as a cripple had taught him a few things, yes, money was powerful, yes, money could help him take revenge, and yes revenge was sweet, but he was still a cripple. No amount of money could solve that.

Axel remembered something his father said, 'Money is the means to all ends' But he had made money his goal, not as a means to an end but an end itself.

And that had gained him nothing. He was not happy, he was never happy. Greed had ruined him.

'I wonder what I should've done.' Axel thought as he looked at the gun on his table. Taking it, he reloaded one bullet aimed at his head and with a final breath…

Pulled the trigger.

Axel looked around him, it was a white room… well it was not a room, it was a void of infinite white. 'Is this my afterlife?' He thought as he could feel himself falling yet nothing around him had changed, he didn't feel any wind, or any other sense, all he could see was white and all he could feel was the sensation of falling… it never stopped.

'This must be my punishment.' He sighed as he remembered all the things he'd done.

'How long has it been? Months, years?' Axel thought as he had accepted his hellish torture.

Axel always had a fear of heights but falling for god knows how much time had made him come to terms with it… he had also come to terms with his actions of his life..

He accepted that he would fall for all eternity. He was wrong…

Suddenly he felt himself stop. It was weird because he had no body and there was still an infinite void of white around him as if nothing had changed from the moment he died.

Suddenly he felt the presence of someone behind him.

'?' Axel looked behind him to see a man… woman? A gender ambiguous person looking at him.

"Are you god?" Axel tried to say but he remembered he didn't have a mouth.

"You… might interpret it like that." The being said, "But I am not the creator entity."

"I see, So.. is my punishment over?" Axel said.

"Punishment? Well I don't know about that… but you have been chosen for a task." The entity said.

"A task?"

"Yes. Your soul will be reincarnated in a foreign world and you shall play a vital role in protecting it from another foreign threat." The entity simply said.

"... Why me?" Axel asked.

"Hm.. fate is mysterious I wouldn't know her plans." Entity said but for some reason he felt it.. smile?

"What do I have to do?" Axel asked.

"When the sky splits,

And locks break open,

Four souls will appear,

One choose by fate,

One blessed by the world,

One foreigner,

And a soul who knows no end,

As destiny ends and so does time,

As the world nears its end,

The four will unite and seal it,

Or maybe they'll fail,

And no one will be left to tell the tale."

'What the fuck is that supposed to mean?' Axel thought.

"So I have to seal this… threat?" He asked.

"It is upto you how you interpret this." The entity said before saying.

"I wish you the best."

The world suddenly went dark.

"Uh.." I opened my eyes to a bright sun and a clear sky.

"Did I sleep in the garden?" Axel.. no Al asked himself.

Al pondered about the dream just now. He had suddenly remembered all these memories that seemed so familiar to him.

"Saving the world… huh? And in the previous life I was called Axel." Al remembered his previous life.

It was completely different from this one. The current him was the heir of a pure blood family who had come from Germany.

His name was Alphonse Reiner. Most people called him Al.

Al sighed as he remembered his objective… It seems a peaceful life was not for him. He didn't remember the prophecy well but he did know that there were four souls. He was probably the foreigner as his soul originated from a different world.

So, he decided to make plans to save this world from this 'threat' whatever it might be.

'First I need to find and gather the three others who are supposed to seal this threat with me.' Al decided.

"Hey Al!" Al heard.

He looked at the young boy who called him. It was Neville Longbottom, who was his friend as their father were close friends. He had messy brown hair, a fit physique, two bright brown eyes and a blinding smile.

"Hey we get to check our affinities today. Let's go!" He said excitedly.

"Ah, of course." Al smiled.

In this world once a wizard reaches 13 their bodies have a well developed affinity to a certain element. This is why Hogwarts starts from 14 here as opposed to the 11 in the book from his previous world.

The course also lasts only 4 years after which, the wizards apply for other more advanced magic universities to develop their own unique magic which could last anywhere between 3 to 10 years depending on their specialty.

Hogwarts also had a magic university.

Al looked at the magical transparent crystal that seemed to randomly generate sparkles. It was a crystal that belonged to the Longbottoms who had offered to check Al's affinity as well.

Of course the Reiner family had a crystal as well but, since they were such close friends it had been decided they would check together.

Al noticed that this Neville was much different from the one in the novel. He was a confident, outgoing and relaxed guy unlike the one in the novel who seemed like a scaredy cat.

Neville put his hand on the crystal which glowed in a strong Maroon colour.

"Magma," Alice excitedly remarked. It was a unique element. And a strong one at that. Magma was the magic that manifested itself in a maroon colour in the aptitude crystal allowing the user to have a relatively strong affinity in both fire and earth magic as well.

Neville seemed really with his aptitude after all it was the same as his mother who also had the magma affinity.

"Now, Al it's your turn. Put your hand in the crystal and let's see your affinity." Neville animatedly said.

Taking a deep breath Al put his hand on the crystal. The crystal suddenly glew in a silver light with small sparks throughout them.

The entire room was silent as Alice said shock evident on her face, "Your affinity is… Spatial magic."

Have a good day.

Ferzdcreators' thoughts