
HP: The Foreigner

Axel had lived a questionable life but after his death by his own hands he was granted a chance to live again. With the responsibility of saving the world from unknown threats, Axel begins his new journey in the drastically different world of Harry Potter as a foreign soul. . . . A/N: Here are a few things, No harem. No system. It's an AU with huge changes so if that's not your cup of tea, you've been warned. Atleast a chapter per day

Ferzd · Book&Literature
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First Day at Hogwarts

First day at Hogwarts

Al walked to the famous 9 ¾ station. He was accompanied by his friend Nevile Longbottom.

"Damn, It's the first day. Are you pumped Al? Cause I sure am." Neville smiled.

"Yeah." Al looked at the train in front of him. Although the wizard society was way stronger than in the books, the statute of secrecy was still maintained… somehow.

After they found an empty compartment to sit in, they casually chatted for a while enjoying the scenery from the window.

Midway through the journey Al heard a knock on their door. A lady entered. "Excuse me, do you boys want anything?" She politely asked, handing them a menu of sorts.

Neville immediately ordered a bunch of stuff while Al simply had a cup of honey lemon tea.

Neville had gotten used to his friend's peculiar taste. He had tried tasting it once, and boy was it not for him.

After a few hours, the train came to a halt and they could see the silhouette of the Hogwarts' castle from the window.

It looked every bit majestic as they had been told. The most prestigious School for magic in Europe.

Being accepted here was already a big deal. In this world children above the age of 11 born from Muggle parents were taken and enrolled in the numerous magical schools across Britain, once 13 everyone would be allowed to take the Hogwarts' test for entry, which wasn't very complicated but the thing about it was that only the top 500 students from the test were allowed to be admitted and students from all over Europe attempted to get into Hogwarts.

Al and Neville themselves had taken the test and passed with flying colours.

The first years were neatly led through a beautiful bridge, across the beautiful lake which reflected the sky above.

He could also see his reflection in the water. A young boy with shoulder length black hair tied up and two piercing silver eyes.

"Al?" Neville questioned as they were falling behind. "Oh sorry." Al said as they continued their journey to the castle.

As they entered through the college gates, Al couldn't help but admire the pattern of the ceiling. Star gazing was his hobby in both his lives, so was cloud gazing… well he liked looking at the sky.

"Ah-m" An authoritative voice commanded the first year students' attention. "First of all welcome to Hogwarts I am Minerva McGonagall, the vice principal." She looked around the room as if to gaze at everyone's reaction.

"I would like to congratulate each of you for passing the test of entry…

…and with that I would once again like to welcome you students." She gave a long speech that Al definitely didn't enjoy but some other people were listening intently, heck he saw a brown haired girl even take notes.

"Now it is a matter of house selection." Another professor who just arrived said as he looked at the group of first years.

Instead of the old hat he was expecting, he saw ten crystal balls. Each was placed in a stool and a professor stood beside it with a long list of names. "We would call your names, as you are called, you are to put your hand at the crystal where your house will be decided."

'Makes sense, Checking 500 students individually would take too much time.' Al nodded. 'But the people of this world really like their balls huh?'

"Avery, Brian. Bones, Susan…" The names continued as the professors called the names of ten students simultaneously each time. The ball would glow in one of four colours, Red (Gryffindor), Blue (Ravenclaw), Yellow (Hufflepuff) and Green (Slytherin).

After a while his name was called. "Reiner, Alphonse." Al quickly headed towards the professor who had called him.

The one who called him had silky black hair, a tall physique and a somewhat crooked nose, yet he still was someone who could be considered handsome, Al recognised him as Serverus Snape.

Al put his hand at the crystal ball and it glowed green, professor Snape quickly moved on to the next student while Al left the stage, wondering what was the basis for classification.

As he left the hall and arrived at the main hall, yes there were two halls, Al was given a new robe to go on top of his student uniform which looked like a standard school uniform but had a few magical elements like a cool looking sweater, just now he received a cool looking robe.

The robe was black and had the Hogwarts' logo embedded in its chest with green accents that denoted his house. It also had one star embedded on its right shoulder signifying his status as a first year. He also received a custom badge which denoted the affinity of the student in his case, space.

Since space affinity was so rare, in fact the only other one with that affinity in the entire school was in her third year, The badge had to be custom made.

After gearing up, Al walked to the Slytherin table. He saw a few familiar faces. On the right surrounded by multiple other kids was Draco Malfoy, Al could see from his badge that he had the wind affinity.

He could also see someone with a badge with heavy plant symbolism. She was probably Daphne Greengrass, whose family was known to have a unique magic that could control plants.

The entire hall was filled with murmurs and laughs of new students socialising with each other.

"Hey." Al heard someone say beside him. The one who called him was a brown haired boy with brown eyes and a somewhat bored expression.

"I'm Theodore Nott." He offered a handshake. Al shook his hand, "Alphonse Reiner."

"Your name.. it sounds German."

"Yeah, my family moved from Germany."

"Called it." Nott smiled seemingly proud of himself. "So… space huh?" Nott said, looking at his affinity.

"Yeah.." Al was surprised not everyone recognised the badge for the space affinity so, the guy before him knows his stuff.

Al noticed the guy wearing the badge representing the earth affinity.

As they engaged in some idle chit chat. The hall once again fell silent after the arrival of the headmaster.

The headmaster was an old man, whose hair had turned grey from age and skin had wrinkled yet he still seemed full of life. He wore a white hat and white robes.

His golden eyes seemed to occasionally sparkle as he gently smiled at the students. This was the strongest wizard in Europe and one of the strongest in the entire world. 'Albus Dumbledore.'

The headmaster cleared his throat as he addressed the students. "Welcome everyone, To our wonderful Hogwarts." This was followed by a clap by the students.

"Thank you. I hope Minerva has already told you some basic information. So, I'll start by saying that Hogwarts is a place for camaraderie and friendship along with learning and experiencing. Here you will learn the fundamentals of magic, vital to walk in the path of your choice. I hope all you will keep in mind that Hogwarts doesn't allow any sort of belittling of the other students based on any factors. No duels or conflict that takes place outside the duelling ground will be tolerated. Breaking of these rules will lead to disciplinary action and could also lead to your expulsion." The entire hall broke into soft murmurs as soon as the matter of expulsion was brought up.

"All of your actions inside the class as well as the halls of this academy are monitored and will be accounted for in your practical marks. I hope you guys do well to uphold the honour and discipline which have been upheld for generations. Now with that, Let the feast begin."

The table was suddenly filled with plates with food of all types. The sweet aroma of food filled the hall as the feast began.

Have a nice day!

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