
HP: Reborn in the broom closet with Harry Potter

Adam came home exhausted from work and fell asleep on his couch without eating. What a surprise it was to wake up in the broom cupboard at the Dursleys' next to the famous Harry Potter. Strange, just as strange as the melody he hears every time magic happens near him. Follow Adam's journey into the world of Harry Potter and his rise to become the most powerful wizard.

Henry_Parquet · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
13 Chs

Chapter 11 : Ritual

Adam felt torn inside, he knew he should have warned Harry that Dumbledore was manipulating him, that he should use the public image to threaten Dumbledore and stop him from coming after him.

But there was this feeling deep inside him, this menacing feeling that if he went against Dumbledore when he had no power or influence, he'd end up going down before he even knew what had happened to him.

Some people might not know, but Adam did: Dumbledore's melody was anything but reassuring, not to mention extremely powerful. He shivered as he remembered.

In short, he was too weak and needed to be remedied as soon as possible. 

- First expand my knowledge and build myself an acceptable physique, then discover the secrets of my wand and finally hook his heart with more of those points of light that ran through his body. he thought to himself.

[Scene break]

Two months had passed since Adam had drawn up his program. Two months in which his life consisted of training, attending class and reading in the library. Two months in which, apart from Theodort, no one spoke to him. Malfoy was getting braver and braver, and he and his two companions were beginning to harass him. 

Adam was quick to make things clear with him.

The young boy looked at himself in the mirror. Although he was eleven years old and had only been playing sports for two months, juvenile muscles were beginning to develop on his body. He had mastered all the first- and second-year spells to perfection and was beginning to read the third-year program.

- It's too slow..." he grumbled one evening.

After so much effort and practice, he wasn't satisfied with the results he was getting. 

Adam set off for the seventh floor; even if the on-demand room didn't contain everything, it was still very useful and he hoped it would help him again.

- I want the ritual knowledge," he repeated.

A door emerged into the corridor.

- Brilliant!

He stepped inside. An entire library rested in the center of the room, along with a desk and all manner of study materials.

Adam spent the rest of the afternoon in the room on demand, luckily for him it was Sunday and he had no classes, so he was able to devour all the books.

Adam read and read and read, and although the proposed rituals suited him, they required a knowledge of arithmetic and ancient runes that he was far from possessing.

- Crap

The first ritual he'd chosen was quite powerful, but required very rare and expensive materials. It would increase his physical power considerably.

He would need Hippogriff feather, mature Mandrake leaf and drops of Basilisk venom.

He would have to form a huge triangle filled with runes whose properties he didn't know, with the blood of dragons, in particular a spiked Magyar, under the glow of a full moon while uttering the incantation "Virescor Tonus, Vis Fortia et Anima, Potentia Cresco!

- It looks like my ability to transfigure materials permanently is going to be more useful than expected, Adam sighed.

The second ritual he'd retained would give his magic core greater potential. It would grow much faster and absorb the surrounding magic more quickly. However, in return, it would attract dark creatures, while light creatures like unicorns would feel an aversion to its existence.

But before he could perform this ritual, he had to gather Sombral feathers, Basilisk blood again and essence of detractor.

He had no idea how to go about the essence of stunner, as it seemed it had never been done before.

This book that brought these two rituals together had no name, no author, as if it had been written and placed in the room just for a student to find and use.

- I don't know who did it or why, but I thank him.

While waiting to gather all the ingredients and perfect his rune calligraphy so that no mistakes were made on the day of the ritual, he was going to order some ingredients which, once mixed, would boost the benefits of his physical training.

 [Scene break]

Halloween came quickly, and Adam, although aware that a troll would soon be roaming the castle, had other things to worry about.

Thanks to the on-demand room, he now had a fair amount of metal that was of no use to anyone.

- Let the work begin.

Adam was trying to find the right melody of gold so that he could transfigure every piece of scrap metal into gold and finally have his first source of income that would allow him to order from the Weasley twins the ingredients that would be his main source of food to reinforce his training. 

He had just finished the Wingardium Leviosa spell charms class with Professor Flitwick and still had a little time before dinner.

It took him a good three hours to get it right.

- AHAHAH at last!

The little statuette representing a little house elf was now completely made of gold instead of the original iron.

- Who knows what I'll be capable of when I've mastered the scores of every spell, every material and every element that makes up this planet," he smiles. Let's join Theodort in the great hall, I don't want to miss tonight's event.

He hid the small statuette in the room on request and left to join his only friend.

He entered the great hall, specially decorated for Halloween. Thousands of bats flew around the room, melting onto the tables in great black clouds that made the candle flames inside the hollowed-out pumpkins flicker. Suddenly, the feast dishes appeared on the golden platters, just like at the banquet at the beginning of the year.

Adam sat down next to Theodore under the hateful gaze of the Slytherins, who resented him because they would lose the house cup this year for the first time in seven years.

- So how's it going," he said to Theodore, who was already stuffing a potato into his mouth.

He didn't have time to reply as Professor Quirell came running into the Great Hall, turban askew, face contorted in terror. Everyone watched as he rushed towards Professor Dumbledore, half collapsed on the table and stammered out of breath:

- A troll... in the dungeons...I wanted to warn you...

Then he fell unconscious to the floor.

Panic exploded in the room.

Hi everyone !

Sorry I forgot that school existed and also that midterms existed.

So I'm in the middle of revising and I'll be posting a little less this month.

If you want to support me or get an early chapter, come on my Patreon : https://patreon.com/ScribeNovel?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=join_link

Henry_Parquetcreators' thoughts