
HP: Reborn in the broom closet with Harry Potter

Adam came home exhausted from work and fell asleep on his couch without eating. What a surprise it was to wake up in the broom cupboard at the Dursleys' next to the famous Harry Potter. Strange, just as strange as the melody he hears every time magic happens near him. Follow Adam's journey into the world of Harry Potter and his rise to become the most powerful wizard.

Henry_Parquet · Book&Literature
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13 Chs

Chapter 10 : Dumbledore

The two boys followed the Gryffindor headmistress to in front of a strange gargoyle Adam knew all too well.

- Shit since I'm here, she's not taking Harry to see Wood but straight to the principal.

Adam was beginning to feel nervous, even if he trusted his wand to protect his mind, he'd be up against the greatest wizard alive and who knew what tricks he had up his sleeve.

- What you've done is a serious breach of Hogwarts rules, especially you Adam, doing such dangerous acrobatics behind everyone's back, you could have killed yourself and no one would have noticed. Ever since you arrived, you've done nothing but make people notice you in a bad way, so I'd advise you to calm down, and very quickly. she growled.

- The Weasley twins are doing worse every day, it seems, and yet I'm the one being blamed for endangering his health? he retorted.

- They're not..." she began. 

- They're not in Slytherin and don't have the potential to become a black mage, are they?

- These insinuations...

- Are true though, I saw the look on everyone's face when I was sorted including yours filled with disappointment so don't try to lie. I know you're trying to treat me impartially but I still feel this hint of resentment at not seeing me in Gryffindor or in a more peaceful house than Slytherin.

Harry's head juggled like a ping-pong ball with each reply. 

McGonagall didn't say anything, she sighed.

- Lemon drop.

The gargoyle suddenly came to life and a stone staircase appeared.

- Go upstairs, the principal is waiting for you and he already knows," she told them without looking at Adam.

The two boys entered the opening before the sliding door closed behind them.

- You shouldn't have said those words to him, you know," Harry said.

Adam sighed in turn.

- Sometimes the raw truth is better than a good lie, you know? Adam retorted as they climbed the stairs.

They pushed open a wooden door and arrived in a large, beautiful room filled with strange silver instruments, buzzing curiously. At the far end of the room, a huge desk with claw-like legs where, seated on an equally large chair sat an old man who was none other than Albus Dumbledore. 

- Lemon candy? he offered when he saw them enter.

Both boys shook their heads. Adam more because he suspected these candies weren't what they really claimed to be.

- Too bad for you!" he said. 

He lowered his half-moon glasses and looked at them with his brilliant gaze.

- Your exploits on the broom seemed to be the latest juicy news, you violated a teacher's command, performed on top of that dangerous tricks for a beginner and on top of that Mr Adam Potter did it behind everyone's back without any "heroic" purpose like Harry.

They bowed their heads, Harry in shame, Adam in mock shame.

- I should expel you for this, he sighed. But I'm in a good mood and Harry for wanting to defend the material good of your friends despite your teacher's prohibition, you'll spend the rest of the month cleaning men's toilets and I'm forcing your house to include you in their house Quidditch team in a position they need despite you being a beginner, the wrath of your peers might make you think before making serious mistakes later. Do you understand?

Harry nodded quickly, the fear of being expelled from Hogwarts and returning to the Weasleys had made him accept everything.

- As for you young Adam, apart from recklessness, arrogance in your skills and the idiocy of believing you're invincible, why did you do what you did and why didn't you help your younger brother in the altercation he had with young Malfoy?" asked Dumbledore.

Adam looked at him with new eyes; in his old life, he didn't believe in the fact that this man only cared about Harry in his grand plan for the common good. Even he his own brother, didn't matter and he was turning Harry against him.

"AHAHA if that's what you wish, you shall have it. I'll have my revenge one day, I promise, and if I don't keep that promise I'll lose my life."

At these thoughts, an ancient magic manifested itself, invisible to the naked eye, sealing his inner promise.

Dumbledore sensed this and frowned.

- 'The excitement of flying made me forget reality director. said Adam.

- If mere excitement makes you forget even your brother, I wonder if you really care about him. I hope you understand your mistake anyway. he said, staring at him.

Adam didn't meet his gaze. He'd learned his lesson with Snape and wouldn't repeat his mistake. He just nodded.

He felt Harry's gaze burn into his back at Dumbledore's words, but he wouldn't do anything about it.

His brother will learn the truth one day, but in the meantime it's best to keep him out of her plans.

- Minus 100 points for Slytherin and you'll spend the rest of your evenings from tomorrow in detention with Hagrid in the Forbidden Forest. Now get out! 

The two boys walked out, no words spoken as they descended the stairs. They found Professor McGonagall still waiting for them downstairs.

- Go and eat in the Great Hall and return to your dormitories afterwards.

With that she too left.

[Scene break]

Entering the Great Hall, Adam separated from Harry and went to the Slytherin table. The first years looked at him. Malfoy sneered and only Theodort greeted him with a smile.

"They must not have seen the missing points yet, or I'd already be ostracized."

Theodort didn't even mention what had happened with McGonagall and Adam was able to enjoy his meal.

His last that he could have in peace. 

He could feel it, life at Hogwarts was about to get more complicated for him.

Hello everyone ! New day, new chapter !

I'm announcing that there will be no chapter tomorrow, so we'll resume on Monday.

Have a good weekend and happy reading !

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