
Chapter 98: Rain!

If you want to read ahead by 25+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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He didn't exactly know when Voldemort had given it to his crazy former cousin, the books and movies never really said. 

But this would be his first strike against the dark lord if it was successful.

He knew he couldn't destroy it at the moment, he lacked the means to do so but knew he could be able to acquire them in the next few years and if things went to plan.

He'd be able to snuff the dark wanker before he ever got a chance to come back, or at least make him much easier to kill if he does.

That meant he now had two of the Horcruxes within his grasp, hopefully. 

He knew that Kreacher would have the locket somewhere in Black manor and it wouldn't be going anywhere near the toad woman this time. 

He'd leave it with Kreacher for now until he had what he needed to destroy it.

He knew that the Diadem was still within the room of requirements, or it should be, he hadn't given Voldemort any reason to suspect he was after him, though his little outburst before the duel had no doubt pissed the dark bastard off. 

He planned to start searching for it when he had time, but he doubted he'd be going near the room this year as much as he was tempted to do so it would put the room at risk….

….If he was caught and until he had the marauder's map in his hands he couldn't risk someone, mainly the twins, seeing him disappear.

He was the talk of the castle at the moment, that and other things. After his duel with Draco and his verbal spar with dear old Lucy in his anger, he didn't want to gain any more attention for the time being.

He'd need to make sure to keep as low a profile as possible for the next while and keep his temper in check. 

That had been another thing that had been bothering him since his duel with Draco, his sudden outburst of anger.

He knew why he had been angry, Lucius was insulting both him and Andromeda and Dora with every sentence that left his mouth. 

But that anger was so unlike him, and he had been having trouble with other emotions as well, suddenly flaring up at times, he didn't know what the cause of it was.

He had first suspected that it had been his heir ring, but he knew that that couldn't happen now. 

His mental barriers prevented even the heir ring from directly controlling his actions like they had the first time. 

He still felt it trying though, but with his barriers in place, it was less of a controlling voice and more of one of suggestion. 

A whisper of words in the back of his mind, suggesting things to him at certain times, it helped him remember how to word things at certain times but it didn't control his actions any more.

With a sigh, Magnus folded the letters on his desk up and put them away into the top desk drawer as he put the matter from his mind for the moment. 

He could focus on that another time, it wasn't a priority at the moment.

Right now he was the talk of the school. Attention that he did not want. 

He smirked as an idea came to him as he fished out a roll of parchment from the second drawer of his desk. 

Well while he didn't know how to solve the first problem he had, he knew how to solve that one. 

Young minds were such a fickle thing, so easily distracted, if they were focused on one thing, all he had to do was make something else happen to distract them long enough to make them forget about the first.

And he knew just how to do such a thing. A low chuckle escaped his throat as he set to work making a list of things, a glint in his eye. 

This would be fun, after all, all work and no play makes Magnus a grumpy boy.


The next morning by eight the breakfast meal was in full swing, as students were idly chatting amongst one another as they got ready for another day of schooling.

The staff table was full with each of the professors getting their morning meals and much needed morning beverages to help fuel them for a full day of teaching.

Just as the time reached the half-hour mark, shadows began to move in noticed throughout the hall, until one moved over a first-year Gryffindor catching their attention and as they looked up they noticed that in the illusionary sky ceiling above, dark clouds were slowly drifting up the hall towards the head table.

Slowly more and more students began to take notice and the hall was full of mutters and whispers that eventually the Professors and teachers began to take notice and were looking at the clouds gathering over their heads thinking nothing of it at first glance before they started growing thicker and darker.

"Albus?" Professor McGonagall asked watching the clouds as they slowly stopped forming.

"Most curious indeed Minerva, I'm not sure…" Dumbledore began to respond before a loud booming roar of thunder filled the hall making the students jump in fright before the clouds opened and began to rain down sheet after sheet of heavy rain on top of the Professors and the head table getting cries of shock from all having only just finished their breakfasts.

It took all of ten seconds before the chuckles and laughter started with the older students, and quickly began to spread through the years until the entire student body was laughing, bar the Slytherin students who looked as though they were trying hard not to do so. 

As Snape sat at the head table with a murderous scowl on his face that promised pain to any of his house that would dare laugh at him.


If you want to read ahead by 25+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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