
Freedom of pirates

[Command 1 completed. Transferring data to frontal lobe … transfer complete.] said Alf.

Henry heard this notification while taking a shower after his morning workout and started humming while washing.

"The king and his men

Stole the queen from her bed" was running water out of his hair.

"And bound her in her bones" he was drying himself out of the shower.

"The seas be ours and by the Powers" he wrapped the towel around his waist, drying his body.

"Where we will, we'll roam" He took another towel to dry his hair and dried it.

He had dried his hair and left the towel hanging over his head, covering his head. He was sitting on the bed looking at the window in his room. If you were to look at Henry from the opposite side, you could only see one eye.

"Yoooo-hoooo, all hands

Hoist the colors high

Heave ho, thieves, and beggars

Never shall we die" his eyes were like black holes absorbing light from around them.

'Oh man, how I missed singing,' Henry sighed.

This song was one of his favourites. He had a bass-like voice in his past life and he enjoyed singing it.

'I guess some things don't change even if the universe changes,' thought Henry.

The magic adaptation and optimisation of the observation haki were finished. The method was similar, but with variations.

For training, eyes had to be blindfolded again, but it was not necessary for someone to hit you with a stick, but rather to hit you with magic, one of the silent ones.

Silent meant no spelling of the spell. The spell cast was supposed to create no sound or airflow. In order to escape from the magic in this way, you had to feel or foresee the change that the magic had created in the environment and get rid of the magic.

This was just the beginning part, after completing this step, the same magic range was continued with sound/silent spells. For each completed step, the range of the spell type and the damaged area increased.

It could still be called haki, but the changes were obvious. 'Alf creates a folder for the created method, calling it 'Freedom of Pirates' Henry commanded.

There was a problem to be solved. Fop (initials for method) needed not only space but other wizards/house elves/puppets for his training. At Hogwarts, there was a room with puppets and space to meet their needs.

There was no problem without the tenant, Voldemort, but unfortunately, that was the case. Training could be obtained with the simulation method, but the efficiency would decrease. Although Alf could use occlumency to make him feel the effects, his training would lose speed and efficiency.

The dark forest wasn't an option, it had the same situations and insufficient resources. He could have trained in his dorm room with multiple house elves, but that was also a waste of resources.

So it would be necessary to take risks, but it could reduce the risk. 'Alf analyses, optimises, and simulates methods of secrecy and concealment from the entire dataset with 10% processing power, creating the training method at the highest efficiency level, specifying the estimated completion time,' Henry commanded.

[Command received, estimate completion time:2 days] said Alf.

As long as he moved with controlled steps, it was difficult to discover the room of need, but it was not impossible. He didn't want to be doubted. He was reluctant about it, as the suspects would be Voldemort and Dumbledore.

He could have put concealment on his agenda earlier for his plans. It was delayed because it was not urgent. He planned the first year of his education more as a foundation for his future.

As a result of the lessons he learned from his experiences, his previous plans had been turned upside down.

This was to his advantage, but it also increased the risks he was taking.

For example, his goal for this year was to be perceived as a normal Hogwarts student, to get used to Magic, to reach his desired level in Obliviate magic by the end of the year, to rob the room of requirements, and to grow his magic muscle as much as he could to increase the magic release while still in the growth phase.

These were school goals. The reality was different, he had stopped pretending, created Alf, and stopped his continued attack of legillimency.

When you look at it, this can be considered a vulnerability. Even though you have a supercomputer and an AI chip like Alf in your mind, constantly attacking legillimency was not tiring, but wearisome.

It should not be forgotten that he is in a school full of children, not only because of the burden it creates on the person, but also because of its psychological effect.

He didn't mind at all morally, but with his legillimency, he had got to the point where he could barely feel the emotions that others felt in his memory. If there was one thing in the world he hated, it was the emotions that made him do it.

He had a lot of traumas about it in his past life, and couldn't say he got over it all. That's why he made such a decision. He knew about this world, but he could not be said to know everything.