
HP : All That Glitters Is Not Gold

Harry Potter discovers that he can talk to snakes at a very young age.. What if The Dursleys punished Harry in a horrific way..Intelligent Dark Harry fanfiction...

LoneManic · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

3.Getting Stronger And Making a Friend

Harry aspired to become the apex predator of his locality. He embarked on a daily workout routine, starting with a 1km run, 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups, and gradually incorporating more stretching exercises as time progressed.

Desperate to gain control over his newfound power, he attempted various methods and even resorted to using force to extract and command it. However, his efforts proved fruitless.

Presently, he sat inside the cupboard of his room, engrossed in his quest to master his powers.

"Selene, do you have any insights on how to control this power?" he inquired.

"Sorry, Harry. But if you're interested, I can teach you how to hunt mice," Selene responded.

Selene was a kind, young female viper that Harry had encountered while tending to the gardens. He marveled at his ability to communicate with a non-human creature who could understand him, potentially becoming his friend. And just like that, Harry had found his first companion, albeit not as intellectually advanced as a human, but understanding and supportive. He cherished this newfound friendship.

"Okay, how do you hunt mice?" Harry inquired.

"We snakes are skilled hunters. Listen carefully. Stay in the shadows, minimize movement, and strike when your prey least expects it. Aim for vital areas of the prey's body, weakening it by suffocation or constriction to ensure a swift kill. Afterward, enjoy a satisfying meal and rest. Just like this," Selene explained.

"Ahaha... but you're always resting. Nonetheless, I must admit, your hunting technique is truly fascinating," Harry remarked.

"Shehehe, that's what professional hunters do," Selene chuckled.

Before Harry could respond, Dudley barged into the cupboard, interrupting their conversation.

"Freak! Get out of the cupboard. Let's play Harry Hunting! What are you--" Dudley's words were abruptly cut off as he let out a high-pitched scream, "Ahhhhhhhh... Mum, Dad, save me! The freak is trying to kill me with a snake!" He swiftly ran out of the cupboard.

To make things worse Petunia appeared at the door, shrieking, "Vernon, kill it! It tried to bite my Dudders and me. Vernon, come quickly!" Her voice sounded akin to dragging a piece of chalk across a blackboard. Even Dudley covered his ears, unable to bear the horrid sound emanating from the horse-like woman.

In less than 30 seconds, Vernon stormed in wielding a pitchfork. Harry's face turned pale, and he rushed towards Vernon to prevent any harm that might fall on his friend.

Selene, having just finished her meal, was unable to move swiftly. Harry's weak and small stature rendered him defenseless, and he was thrown aside like a ragdoll. Time seemed to slow down as he witnessed Selene's terrified expression, Vernon's deranged gaze, and the pitchfork descending upon the now vulnerable Selene.

It pierced her fragile body, eliciting a painful hiss, and she turned her gaze towards Harry, whispering her final words, "Friend..." before taking her last breath.

"Now that the deadly snake is dead, we can finally rest in peace. Freak, burn that dead piece of shit," Vernon coldly commanded.

In the aftermath, Harry remained motionless for the next few minutes.
