
HP : All That Glitters Is Not Gold

Harry Potter discovers that he can talk to snakes at a very young age.. What if The Dursleys punished Harry in a horrific way..Intelligent Dark Harry fanfiction...

LoneManic · Fantasy
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5 Chs


At a very young age Harry discovered that he was different. The way his family looked at him with hatred and how he was punished instead of being rewarded said that a lot. this was proved when he brought his marks card. Vernon threw Harry. into the cupboard under the stairs saying and berating how he made his poor Dudders look bad.

He was not extremely intelligent but smart enough to know that he was not wanted here and was hated by every member of the house.

he got a cupboard as a room while his cousin got good room. Even though there was a free room he was not given that.

His aunt and uncle always complained about how he was their burden and how he should be lucky they are taking care of him. They told him stories about how his mother was an whore and his father was a drunkard. But he knew none of them were true as from his life he knew adults always lie.

Dudley his cousin spread lies throughout the school he was attending about him being a freak. Moreover children who were going to be friends with Harry were bullied by Dudley and his gang. The favourite game of Dudley was Harry hunting.

Even as a child he grew fond of darkness which helped him in things like escape from bullies and steal food when all are asleep. He was a loner and found himself liking that.

Even when he did nothing he found that the Dursleys would not leave him be. Books were his friends and he read fantasies about how a hero defeats his enemies and his inner demons.

It was during this time he found out about the power hidden in him that made wonderful things. He once changed hos teachers wig into blue in the middle of the class and how he once appeared 2 floors above suddenly during the sick game of Harry Hunt. He also realised he could talk to snakes when he was plucking weeds from Petunia's garden.

From his life experience he concluded that the Dursleys had a small idea of what this power is but he didn't dare to ask them. He was weak, for now..
