
New day new worries

Diana woke up before Victoria. She took the time to look over the sleeping wolf. Victoria was very beautiful with her snow white coat and her lush and fluffy pelt. She really did belong in the snow of the Northern mountains.

Feeling her tummy rumble before hearing it she decides she should go see where that stag was that Victoria had hunted for them. She licked her lip as drool collected just remembering how delicious it was. Especially when fresh. Now it's a half day old and was left outside.

Giving a good stretch before slipping through the little door in the large door, Diana takes in the scents of the day. Everything always smelled so fresh after a good rain, she loved it. It was still a little dark and cold out, she guesses it was still raining mere minutes ago.

She followed the scent and smeared blood of the kill to where Victoria hid it. It was still good to eat and there was still so much left of it. Her tail wagged as she dug in. Her ears were constantly twitching to keep alert, but all she heard was the chirp of birds and the soft snores of her mate.


That word still gave her shivers and made her tail wag harder.

"Someone loves the food."

Diana yelped and jumped up from where she was chewing on her leg bone. She dropped her head and flattened her ears as she sheepishly looked up to Victoria. The white wolf still looked as regal and beautiful as ever, even after just waking up.

"It's still super yummy," Diana said and gently pawed closer to nuzzle and lick at Victoria's muzzle. The Alpha smiled and gave long and strong licks to the Omega's ears, flattening the unruly fur.

It was so nice how they fell into this affectionate state so easily. Diana immensely enjoyed the attention and she didn't want it to stop soon. Victoria was just so happy to be with her beloved copper wolf after all these years. She's always known her heart belonged to her.

"You should eat! Keep your strength up, we don't know what will happen till we can head back," Diana said after some more grooming and nuzzling.

"You just want to get back to your bone," Victoria teased and the copper wolf's jaw dropped.

"I will have you know I am a lady!" Diana huffed and looked away.

"I'm joking Diana," Victoria giggled and nipped the girls ear. This made the girl giggle and playfully nip Victoria's ear back.

Diana watched as Victoria went about eating, her tail wagging gently.

"Do you think the others are okay?" Diana asked as she settled back down with the bone she was busy with.

"I hope so, we were lucky to be away from everyone when the shit struck the fan. I really hope the casualties were low," Victoria sighed then rested her head on her paws. Her appetite spoiled for the moment.

Diana looked down at the almost clean bone between her paws, her ears pulled down. Victoria was just looking at her, deep in thought.

"I'm sorry I brought it up," Diana said softly. Victoria's ears perked up to her.

"Hey, it's okay, it's a real concern and we should be worried," Victoria said before standing and giving the side of Diana's muzzle a lick.

"I'm just going to look around and establish a temporary perimeter, that way any lost or wandering wolf can find us," Victoria said softly. Diana nodded and went back to her bone.

The Alpha to be smiled as she walked of and once out of ear shot from the copper wolf, Victoria sighed and sat down near a tree. The dream from last night was still fresh and replaying in her mind. She knows she should tell Diana about it, but in all honesty she would rather be certain of what Fenrir told her. There was no reason for her to not believe their God, but she just didn't want to be disappointed.

Victoria sighed again and leaned against the tree. She hates that she'd questioned what she was told, but...it had been a dream...she's never had visions before. This was all so frustrating!

It took her a few silent minutes before she continued her perimeter mission. She really hopes they hear some good news soon and that those humans from the day before don't come back this way. She couldn't smell them anymore though, the rain washed what little scent they had away.

She tried seeing if she could pick up scents of other wolves, but there was nothing. She couldn't even hear anything resembling a wolf. She really hopes everyone made it out okay, but she knows there would be some losses, there always were.

Taking a deep breath and circling back to her starting point Victoria's ears perked up and she turned to the cabin they were staying in. Something felt off and her heart lurched in her chest when she heard Diana yelp.

Running as fast as her legs could carry her she rushed back to where she left the Omega. The distance wasn't huge so she made it there in a few seconds. As she closed in she could hear a male voice. Her veins ran cold as she wondered if the hunters sneaked past her while she was circling.

When she got close enough to see she felt all her adrenalin drain from her. Diana was fine. There was another wolf with her and they seemed to know one another.

"Diana you scared the crap out of me, I heard you yelp and thought you were being attacked," Victoria sighed as she was panting.

"Victoria! I'm sorry, but Bruce caught me off guard and he was just so happy to find another wolf he pounced me," Diana explained as she nuzzled into the white wolf. Her tail was wagging and her body nearly moved with it.

A big brute of a light furred wolf had his head tilted at them.

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