
Howl of Time

(This is my first novel that I've decided to commit to. Please let me know what your impressions are, as I would really like to grow as a writer.) Jason had lived a normal life. He had family and friends as well as a girlfriend he was thinking of proposing to. However the peaceful life he was accustomed to ended due to an apocalypse. A series of tragedies drove him to despair until he decided to start over. Using the knowledge he accumulated over a century of life he built a machine fueled by science and magic that would send his soul back in time. But will things progress the way he planned them? Will he get back the things he lost and become the hero of his own story? And was everything he thought he knew the way things really were? Only time can tell...

Sir_Stronghold · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

11. Entanglement

(Present Tense)

"Did I keep you waiting long?" I asked as I walked up to Tania. She noticed me after I greeted her and then she smiled and said, "Not long. Amy just dropped me off a few minutes ago."

"Amy? Is that a friend?" I asked in curiosity.

"No, she's employed by my father. Ready to go in?"

I nodded my head and then took her hand and held it. She blushed slightly as I did so. (She's surprisingly shy for a rich girl) I couldnt help but think.

We went to the admission booth and then entered the zoo. We started at the aquarium, and talked as we looked at the fish. She would point out colorful fish and comment how beautiful they were and I would give my own comments on them as well.

"Oh look! Theres penguins!" She smiled brightly as she dragged me over, "So cute! They look like they're wearing tuxedos."

Our date continued in such a fashion. I learned a lot about her as we talked. I would occasionally ask her some leading questions into her family life to move the conversation organically to her father and his company. And it was around when I was getting to the information I wanted that we ended up at the primate exhibits.

A large gorilla sat on a rock and was basking in the sunlight as he munched on berries. My eyes met with that gorilla and I realized we had met before, or I had met him before.

The gorilla I named Kong in the early days of the apocalypse was now in front of me, enjoying his snacks and the attention he was getting from the onlookers when I accidentally let slip some killing intent. Kong stiffened as he felt a threat from somewhere. His wild instincts threw him into a frenzy and he started beating his chest and frantically running around his enclosure, hitting the other gorrila looking for the threat.

I pulled back my killing intent and watched as the crazed gorilla was tranquilized by the zoo staff. (Hehehe serves you right bitch) I realize that what I did was petty but it was worth it.

"Oh my, I hope he's okay" Tania gave a sympathetic look as the unconscious gorilla was dragged into a holding pen.

"I'm sure he's fine. This probably happens all the time."

"I guess you're right" She stated but looked unconvinced.

We had been at the zoo for several hours and progress was smooth. I honestly was having more fun than I thought I would. After we left the zoo, we walked over to a cafe and enjoyed a light meal with eachother and continued getting to know the other.

"Excuse me, I'll be right back." Tania got up from her seat and went towards the restrooms close to the end of our meal. I waited for her at our table while sipping on a lemonade.

As I was sitting there, another round of customers came in. This alone is something I would have ignored but something caught my attention. A young woman with her arm interlocked with a young man. Both were attractive and looked to be enjoying each others company. However... (An elf...?)

The young woman looked human but I could faintly sense mana emanating from her. I quietly reached into my bag and pulled out a case that held a pair of earrings. Putting them on and then holding the dagger while my hand was still in the bag, I activated Mana Sense.



"Shh don't be so loud!" I whispered in a agitated manner.

*Clakakaka, No one else can hear us numbskull.*

*Clakakaka, Yeah! What my brother said, we don't have actual voice boxes, moron!*

(I want to take these bastard earrings and shove them up a bull's ass!) With Mana Sense, I looked at the young woman and sure enough she had a well developed mana core. She was indeed a elf. I quickly deactivated the spell and put the Skulls back into my bag, but it was too late. She had already noticed me.

I turned my head and pretended I didnt know anything. I casually glanced around the room and then saw her staring at me. (Fuck! She's definitely looking at me like she just found a new toy)

She walked over towards me and her date followed behind her looking confused at what she was doing. "Hi there. Would you mind if we sit?" Her date looked visibly annoyed by this situation in contrast she seemed a little excited.

(Bro, trust me I'm just as annoyed by this as you are. And the audacity of this elf! I can already tell shes trying to get a double dose of life energy tonight. Sorry ho but I dont engage in the Devil's 3p. That's a huge NOPE!)

"Sorry, I'm already on a da..."

"Jason? Ar-are these friends of yours?"

Like an angel of mercy, Tania had come back from the restroom. But she seemed a little conscious of the beautiful woman talking to me. I wont lie elves are sexy. Incredibly sexy. They are born to seduce men after all. But knowing how they really are repulses me.

"Ah, no we just met." I said with an innocent face.

"Marion, we should leave these two alone and return to our date." The man attempted to pull her away from us, but she didnt move.

"Are you his girlfriend?" The disguised elf apparantly named Marion asked Tania with a smile that didnt quite reach her eyes.

"I-I am." Tania replied nervously.

"I see." Marion looked towards me and placed her hand on my shoulder. "Sorry to trouble you. It was nice meeting you." She then walked away shaking her hips provocatively.

I noticed something before she walked away. When she touched my shoulder, she had left a mana trace on me. (This is not good. This is not good at all.)

Marion had left a tracker on me. For what purpose? Well, obviously so she can find me later. Worst thing is, while I can identify what she did, I have no actual way to remove it. (This is troublesome.)

Tania sat down and looked like she wanted to say something. Before she could, I pulled a small box from my bag and slid it toward her.

"What is this?" She asked, to which I replied, "I got a gift for you earlier and I wanted to give it to you before our date ended."

She looked at the small box and then opened it. Inside was a silver woven bracelet with charms of different shapes like stars, moons, and hearts. It wasn't to expensive and was pretty to look at.

Tania smiled brightly and thanked me, having completely forgotten the couple that was there moments ago. It looked like she really liked the gift. Once we were all done at the cafe, We left and Tania's driver pulled up in a blacked out luxury sedan.

"Looks it's time to go home. Thanks Jason, I had alot of fun today." She fidgeted nervously as if expecting something. I reached out gave her a hug as I spoke, "I had fun too. Call me later if you have time." I let go but she seemed reluctant to part and pouted slightly.

"I will. I definitely will." She waved as she got into the car and moments later she was gone.


All things considered the date was a success, but I could only curse my luck as I looked at my shoulder. (I feel like fate is against me here. Did I incur the wrath of some petty god somehow?) I couldnt help but to lament my situation.

My problems kept increasing despite me minding my own business. And those problems all revolve around women. I got back to my bike and began to ride home.

On my way I had time to think about things. I now needed to push though with my plans even earlier than before. I dont think the Predator Elf will go as far as hurt me, but she may cause issues for me if I'm not careful.

Yandere Stalker is likely a more pressing concern but I knew I had a little time before she could do anything. (If I'm gonna push my plans forward, I should get myself and Kyle prepared better.)

Using the method for mana training I discovered earlier to get myself and Kyle properly adapted to mana is also a priority.

The whole purpose for going to Mythral was to procure mana crystals for the mana treatment. But also to get materials that will strengthen us. The mana treatment I can do with the dagger and earrings, can adapt us to mana in the atmosphere, but we would never be able to evolve like that. And I don't want to use that method with everyone. It would take too long, and I still dont know if it's a viable treatment for others.

When I got close to my house I decided to turn the other direction and go to Kyle's house.

(If he's home I can practice the treatment with him and make sure it works.)

I planned to used the dagger and circulate mana though the two of us and then into the earrings, a small amount of mana at a time. A few days of treatment should be enough.

When I got to his house I noticed his parents were not home. I knocked on the door but nobody answered. I could hear a TV playing inside the house so I thought maybe no one heard me. This place was like my home away from home anyway so I walked in.

"Hello? Kyle?" I walked into the living room calling out for him when I heard, "He's not here." I turned around and Malka was standing the looking at me with cold indifference. She was wearing a t-shirt and shorts that cut off just below her bottom. I had to curse my teenage body at that moment.

"He went to the mall to purchase some anime doll or something."

(I'm fairly certain Kyle would snap back with "They are called figurines!" if he heard her say that.)

"Hm. I see. Well I guess I'll head home then." a sigh of disappointment leaked out. But before I left Malka said something.

"He shouldn't take long if you want to wait, you can."

To be honest, I was surprised she said that. When were kids, the three of us were inseparable. But when Malka got into junior high she made more friends her own age and we drifted apart. I'm sure she didnt want to play or hang out with her nerdy brother or his dorky friend.

"Ok." I said and then sat on the sofa and began watching TV. Malka sat down as well but I felt there was an awkward air between us, for some reason.

A few minutes later Malka asked me something, "So... What is that thing you guys are working on? For your project... or whatever."

I arched my brow at her question. (Is she actually interested in it?) I wasnt entirely sure so I told her the truth in a joking manner. Since she wouldnt believe it anyway.

"Actually that thing is called a Void Bracelet. It runs on magic and allows for short range teleportation."

"Tch! If your gonna lie, at least make it believable." She had a look of disdain and turned her attention back to the TV. I thought for a second and an idea crossed my mind. (I'm not sure if this will be good or bad but I came here to test it anyway...)

I looked at Malka and just stated, "I can prove to you that magic exists."

She turned her face back to look at me and her eyes were narrow. "Then prove it." Her words came off pretty chilly when she said them. (She really didn't believe I could prove it. I'll show her. Hehehe. This will blow her mind.)

I had her sit in front of me on the floor with our legs crossed. I pulled out the earrings from my bag and then put them on.

"Earrings? And really... Skulls?" She looked at me like a weirdo, which if I'm honest I felt like one. She saw me pull out a dagger from my bag and she reacted like I was a serial killer.

"Wha-What are you doing?!"

"Relax. This is just ceremonial." I laughed it off and had her put her hands on mine while I held the dagger. "I'm going to pull the magic power into the blade and circulate it through us before activating a spell."

She looked at me as if she was not actually expecting anything. "Yeah. Sure" She said flatly.

I began drawing mana through the blade and then our bodies. I activated Mana Sense and attempted to share it with her, which is not an easy thing to do. Immediately my vision changed and I began to see faint wisps of mana in the air around us. The Skull clacked from the activation of the spell. I couldn't share the spell no matter how much I tried though.

(I'm still too weak.)

However I noticed another problem right away.

(My body is heating up...)

I realized that maybe this wasnt the best idea, as the mana circulated through us and we were not adapted to it, a sort of euphoria was beginning to fill me.

(Uh... I think I need to stop this.)

I stopped channeling mana through the dagger and using the excess mana up with the spell. But it was too late.

By the time I had finished, Malka and I were breathing with ragged breath.

"What... What was that?!" She asked me. Her chest heaved up and down and she stared into my eyes. I couldn't tell what exactly she was thinking.

I was about to apologize and explain when...

"I'm sor- MPH!"

Malka had tackled me to the floor and has pressed her lips against mine. I thought about resisting but I think I underestimated my teenage hormones. Her body was on top of mine and neither of us could stop our hands from touching the others body. Soon our tongues entwined and began to dance with eachother...


Currently I was in sage mode. I was sitting on the edge of a bed staring the floor and reflecting on my poor choices.

(I fucked up...)

One might think with my actual age and experience that I wouldnt make such careless mistakes. But I looked behind me at the beautiful young girl resting peacefully on the other side of the bed, I had to cut myself some slack.

She was simply too beautiful. Her body was perfectly proportioned with generous curves and luscious long blonde hair. She normally had her hair in a neat ponytail but currently it was messy and wild.

I laid back down next to her with her face in front of mine as I looked at her. (I really am a bastard...) I laid there for a minute when I heard the sound of someone coming up the stairs.

(Fuck! What am I gonna do?!)

I looked around for somewhere to hide but there was nowhere. Our clothes were strewn across the room and theres no where I would be able to hide.

I quickly pulled the blanket up over myself when the door opened.

"Malka, we're home. We brought din-" Kyle's mother had come in to tell Malka they brought home food but ended up seeing me and her in bed together.

Our eyes met and for a second I thought she would get mad but instead she smirked and then slowly closed the door.