
Celebration of the Belial Family

Masaru and Yui just arrived back at the Belial Manor, what entered their view was the Manor being renovated as well as expansion upwards and underground. Masaru did not know of the changes happening in the Territory but thanks to the money everyone earned from the Defense campaign the Belial had surplus funds to spend in upgrading some facilities as well as improving the current equipment they have been using to farm.

The best part was they were officially promoted to Viscount Rank thanks to the Devil Kings and Bael who joined in, with the rise in Ranks it was easier to pull in Merchants and other business partners to improve the expanded Belial Territory which was comparable to a Marquis Devil territory.

Dominic and Damian felt like crying while telling their ancestors the progress of the Family's rise, it could be said if the Bael family did not join in to support the Belial family the speed of things would not have progressed this fast which meant how important they view their relationship with Masaru since they realized they could not completely grasp control over Masaru but can use the give and take approach.

Today was the start of the week-long vacation Masaru and his peerage all arranged, it was also the day Masaru will be introducing Yui to the team. But before he could say anything the girls dragged Yui away while Masaru was dragged along with his father.

"Honestly I am not sure what to say ever since I found you, everything for the family was heading up to the point it was scary"

Diehauser spoke while the two of them were walking towards their territory Town that was slowly expanding with the influx of companies,

"And now. You gained the support of the four Devil Kings but you only met three of them! Although I feel a bit complicated about the Bael Family, for a while we will need their political support"

Masaru kept quiet listening to his father's thoughts, he could see his father felt more lively compared to that day he met him in the Hospital room for the first time.

"I also heard from Father you added the Security Company idea which is a well-thought plan, with this we can also secretly slip in some intelligence agents towards families who hire our manpower to get information easier"

Masaru could not help but smile embarrassingly due to him who never thought about this approach as he honestly only thought of creating the perfect job for the family such as Jacob who was a bit of a muscle head.

"Why did you think of starting a travel agency company?"

Masaru who heard this question thought for a moment before smiling,

"I actually thought of starting a Mall at first, and have each of the girls start their dream within it but then I realized that some of the girls don't have their dreams figured out yet. Then I remembered Angelica who said she wanted to travel the world so I started the idea while having her being a tourist guide as an excuse to travel and complete her dream slowly.

Ingvild wanted to sing and wish to visit the sea often, so with me managing an international company I can sponsor her dream as an idol while she uses the company services as an Advertisement."

Masaru smiled as he talked about a subject he once spoke to the girls about.

"Akeno will probably want to do Priestess duties in Japan like her mother once did although I am not certain if that is her dream. Everest has taken interest in cooking, I can support her dream of cooking with having a travel agency company where I can send her to learn from the best Hotels and Restaurants.

Jeanne who is quite a knightly person will probably end up working as one of the heads in the Security company unless she develops an interest in something else like Everest has."

"So you are starting with two companies that can support everyone's dreams while giving them work they can do till they realize a dream. That is so like you"

Masaru and Diehauser arrived at the town, they entered the newly established coffee shop to order their coffee and took a seat.

"Being a Devil we do have a long life span, but I thought of starting these two companies to create a starting point for our families from which they can start their own dreams without the need to rely on other Devil Families"

The father and son took the entire day to chat about random things, bringing up their thoughts.


"Eh? Uhm..."

Akeno could see Yui being confused while the entire girl team was heading towards the recently built private hot spring,

"No need to be tense, Masaru's father asked us to take you with us since he wished to spend the day with his son alone. We too want to talk with you before Masaru introduces you to the family"


Yui nodded feeling a bit complicated as she joined the team in order to survive, she was not certain if she was worthy of being in the team of such quality and strong bond. Everyone took off their clothes taking only a towel with them as they first went to take a shower, only after they were clean they entered the hot spring.

Everest looked at each girl's body and could not help but comment

"I recently began to wonder just what is young master Masaru's fetish. Most of us have big breasts or will develop big breasts, but he also included those who are lean and a big firm butt"

The girls who heard this began to giggle,

"Well you are the most suspicious one, when it's only us you act boldly but when Masaru is here you will act completely like a maiden"

Stephani could not help but throw a comment at the dragon girl's words, and Everest reacted quite maiden-like towards that comment

"Wa-wait we are all girls so naturally, I can speak freely... To--- to speak so perversely in front of Masaru... awa wa wa..."

Akeno giggled and could not help but say

"I am sure he won't mind having a perverted dragon girl"

Everest shook her head furiously. Angelica who usually quiet tried to go to the corner but was intercepted by Akeno

"Today you will be joining us"

Angelica was flustered at Akeno's hand movements gently massaging her breasts, she as an elf never had such an experience was quite sensitive

"I was wondering why, but it was true what Masaru-sama said... The body and beauty of an elf is truly a sin, just the feeling of it is quite addictive"

Angelica who heard what Akeno said especially the part of Masaru could not help but feel shy but happy about the fact Masaru considered her a beauty, she was after all bothered about her darkish skin.

Once Akeno saw Angelica feel calmer to stay close to them, she released the sensitive elf girl.

"Elder sis, you haven't played with me after so long!"

Stephani came over to Akeno earning her a slap on her naked but


She moaned when the girls saw this they could not help but blush. It was not a secret that Stephani was actually bisexual who enjoyed the interaction with both girls and boy although the boy is only Masaru.


Everest sharp scream reverberate to the surroundings when the girls were looking they saw Shirone was busy pinching Everest's large breast, clear envy could be seen on the girl's face

"Why do you keep seducing my big brother with these big jugs! Even my big sister has them big!! Mine is still developing"

Shirone began to complain although it was not serious since she was growing, she still felt frustrated. Ingvild climbs into the hot spring, due to her still in a vigilant state towards the girls so she would be a target for teasing physically that is.

"kukuku.... Seems you girls want to play with breasts today"

When the girls noticed Jeanne they began to scramble if there was someone who can knock out a girl with just her fingers it was this swordswoman. She even stated that playing with a girl is no different from polishing a blade.

Ichika was not here today as she was helping Calfa and Shuri prepare a Banquet for the family, but the last person to enter the hot spring was Yui Bael Asaka.

"Everyone this is our newest member and also sister, Yui Bael Asaka, she is a pawn like Angelica"

Akeno announced using Yui as an excuse to stop Jeanne's rampage,

"The big breast Redhead over there is Everest, she is a Rook. The one pinching her is Shirone also a Rook, The purple innocent girl is Ingvild, she is the Queen. The enemy of women blonde head over there is Jeanne, she is the knight. This little blonde cute girl here is Stephani, she is a bishop like me. And I am Akeno"

"Pleased to meet you all"

Yui respectfully stood up and bowed, but when she took a seat the girls saw she had something to say or ask.

"What's bothering you Yui?"

Everest was the best candidate to ask since out of all the girls she is blunt as long as Masaru was not around,

"Uhm... I am wondering if I am even worthy of being in this team. I have joined this team to survive against my family's attacks"

Stephani who heard this tapped Yui's shoulder trying to act like a senior

"No need to worry, I joined Masaru's team at first to take revenge on the family who tried to kill me"


Yui was shocked, she never knew there was a fellow sister who had a similar experience as she had,

"Ma-kun saved me and my mom when our family tried to kill us"

Akeno added more shock to Yui, even Jeanne could not help but blush

"Young master Masaru saved me in the Vatican"

Yui looked at Jeanne remembering a report Masaru gave to Ajuka about his trip in the Vatican, to think he went to save someone.

It didn't take long for the gloomy atmosphere to disappear, Yui felt even more close to the girls after each of them shared their first meeting with Masaru. There was gossip in between as well but it was best to be left unknown to males, after all... It's a girl's secret.


"I'm Home!"

Masaru called out since he came back home alone, his father went to speak with some of the people in charge of the planning for the town to ensure everything was progressing as planned.

"Ah, Masaru your home"

Calfa came over and gave her grandson a hug,

"I'm home, grandmother"

Calfa smiled at her grandson

"Honey don't keep my grandson all to yourself! I also need to talk to him"

"Hmpf! You can wait, I have missed my grandson for so long!"

Dominic looked at his wife with a helpless smile

'I missed him too you know!? My precious grandson did so much for our family although some of it he never intended and it only happened this way but... aiya... I can't win against my wife when she is like this'

Dominic went back to the room and took a seat next to his father.

"I, my son and grandson are probably luckier than my great-grandson"

Damian looked at his son

"We only have one wife while he has multiple potential wives"

Damian who heard this said nothing and nodded, the history of Belial Family has always been the men can fight anything but their women. Reasons were never included in history as it is a black history for them.

Meanwhile, Masaru went together with his grandmother to help them cook for the Banquet, thanks to him learning how to cook under Shuri during his free time while he trained he could be said to be at least decent.

"Ma-kun can you chop the onions?"

Shuri passes on the onions, Ichika was looking at Masaru with a complicated facial expression almost as if she was envying yet admiring him at the same time, a truly complicated feeling. Masaru naturally did not know of this, Calfa did discover this by chance but it was not so visible when Masaru is here.

Late-night approached and tables with candles were set at the back yard of the Manor since the manor was being renovated there was not much space to eat in, there were several rows of seats since each of Diehauser's peerage member also brought their peerage members so it was quite a large Banquet.

Once everyone was seated Dominic stood up since he was the head of the family, he was naturally required to make a speech.

"I am certain some of you who have been with the Belial Family for a long long time, would know of the sufferings we have endured under the attacks of our fellow devils who could not allow the Belial Family to ascend to one of the top families. But fate has a plan for us and gave birth to our very own Champion of the Rating Games my son!"

Everyone began to clap while looking at Diehauser who could only smile wryly at his father.

"I still remember the day when Diehauser announced he will be taking part in the Rating Game to help the family, that day still remains in my heart because it was the same day my wife beat me up"

Everyone began to laugh since the relationship between everyone was that of a close family,

"Ever since then our path reestablish our family as a proper noble began to move upwards, then our wonder child appears. Who would have imagined Diehauser's son Masaru could change our destiny as a declined household into a rising dragon, by miracle his talent and prowess gained the acknowledgement of the four Devil Kings including the Bael family to where we are today"

Dominic could not help tear up, even some men and women were already crying, they felt pride and joy for the family they were loyal to was rising, time for suffering has come to an end.

"Thanks to the restaurant dealings in the UK has been progressing quite well, there are even talks about branches in other countries. And not only that we also recently started Masaru's Travel Agency and Security Company, but our income is also already increasing explosively since we are the first travel agency company people can call to hire us to plan their entire vacation for them!"

Everyone began to clap hands once again even cheering,

"So, to make an end of this rambling of an old head like me... I would like to thank you all for sticking with the Belial Family for so long, it has been hard but we won. Yes, we won a future not only for us but for our future generations as well! Let the feast begin!"

Diehauser was holding his laughter looking at his son who was glaring at him,

"What wrong? Why are you glaring at me?"

Masaru taps his chin

"I feel like you are thinking something bad about me"

Diehauser coughed

"What? did I make a mistake in thinking you're a boy but your a girl having intuition!?"

The surrounding people began to laugh, but no one knew

'Heh, Belial's Wonder child... If that title spreads pfftt'

It was only a few years later Masaru realized what his father thought of, but it was simply too late to change the people's point of view since he did after all brought several changes to their lives improving it.

01/08/2020 - Changes made

We have a strange custom in our office. The food has names there. Yesterday for example I got me a sandwich out of the fridge and its name was Michael.

CompleteNoobcreators' thoughts