
Meeting the Devil King of the Military!?

Another few months have come and gone, the missions of Masaru has increased as he was made to travel around the Devil Continent performing clean up (Monster Subjugation) before another stampede would form as the representative of Ajuka Beezlebub.

Other than that Masaru continued his studies in the sleeping disease, his search for a cure have not progressed that much further compared to his hypothesis he wrote. But with his relentless searching for answers, he did confirm unintentionally while fiddling with several blood samples of many devils that there were traces of the magical signature of the ancient ones.

This was especially true in Misla's case, he was led to believe that once the ancient bloodline awakens even if it's low purity the awakening causes the energy within the body to become chaotic and thus cause the sleeping disease as they know.

Thanks to this discovery, he began to broaden his studies from soul subject to include Bloodlines as well as magic energy signature theories. Thankfully Ajuka supervised him to ensure that Masaru did not stray from his objective since the subjects Masaru were researching, had led many astray in the past. According to Ajuka if his theories are proven and effective, he could within a year or two be able to stimulate Misla's soul to awaken without side effects.

As for the search of the ancient one beasts around the world, it was extremely difficult to find these beasts without any magic or power that could search for them who hide in a different dimension while being amongst humans. With no way to proactively search they could only send out devils on missions while being on a lookout, although Masaru felt it was more dangerous this way.

Yui Asaka, Masaru's newly appointed Pawn is still working in Ajuka's Research Facility but she already applied to resign the company the moment she will accompany Masaru when he will be going to high school to at least experience a school life since they have been busy lately.

The most shocking thing that happened the past few months would be the statement of the Bael Family who recognized Yui Asaka as their descendant although she was not allowed to participate for a spot in the line of inheriting the Bael Head position, she at least gained the freedom to walk in the open without being targeted by the Bael family.

Because of the shocking statement, the pureblood faction that was with the Bael family began to raise protest but it all mysteriously quiet down the very next day, other than that there was nothing quite shocking.

Jacob and his peerage managed to leave the Bael family without the family even raising a ruckus or any forms of complaints, they even sent Jacob and his team of which totally scared the wits of this werewolf who was not used to this kind of change of treatment.

"Ah, welcome back Masaru. Did you collect the intestines of the Demonic River tad Skales?"

Yui who was manning the reception of the research facility welcomed Masaru who was carrying a large bag on his back, don't be fooled by this bag as it is a spatial bag but some fool decided to make it appear large because they felt like it.

Within this bag were corpses of the Demonic River tad Skales that has been mass breeding at one of the large lakes in the Gremory Territories because of the appearance of the Skale Broodmother that was a creature on the verge of becoming a territory lord level creature.

"I brought the corpses as well, it will be better to leave the dismantling to those who requested the things because if I make a mistake I will never hear the end of it"

Yui who heard what Masaru said could not help but giggle thinking it was true, those researchers truly loved to complain about materials but ever since Masaru started bringing complete corpses they began complaining the dismantling process is a chore.

"Oh, please go see Ajuka-sama. Apparently a Letter has arrived and it was addressed for him but it was about you"

Masaru's eyes twitch wondering what was up with this, he handed the bag over to Yui before heading up the stairs towards Ajuka, the research facility has not changed in overall other than the fact it expanded even more.

Since the results of each department were coming out faster than before, the funds varies families were sponsoring the research came in more quantity as well.

"Come in"

Masaru had not even knocked the door yet but Ajuka already knew he was here so he simply went inside, this monstrous genius still had not changed one bit in his looks and he even became used to bossing Masaru around to do all the meaningless tasks he was meant to do. Masaru naturally used it to train himself since some of these tasks would be helpful to him in the future

"Welcome back, I am not going to waste time since I have to attend another meeting with those boring old devils. You have been invited to go to Capital Lillith, Falbium is waiting for your arrival at the Military Head Quarters"

'Military? Could it be that mom and the girls are working over there?'

Ajuka could see this boy's habit of trying to figure out the reason he is called or given task is still present,

"No need to question the reason, that Falbium wants to meet you and probably test your combat ability" '

Although it was for something else as well, but let's leave it for him to discover'

Masaru saluted but then he thought for a moment and could not help but ask

"When should I leave?"

Ajuka waved his hand as if to tell him to get lost which meant he had to leave immediately.

'Damn this boss of mine, his attitude has not changed one bit as usual!'

Masaru thought while walking out

"Already heading out for another material job?"

Yui noticed Masaru heading into the Locker room, when Masaru came out he was wearing gray pants with a red belt held firmly around his waist and a silver chain attached to two points on his right side of the pants. Gray shirt with a Red jacket over, since it was a visit he combed his hair a little.

"No, I will be heading to Capital Lilith. Devil King Falbium has requested my presence so I will be gone for a while. Be sure to take care of yourself and make sure big sis Elizabeth eats, I can see lately she has not been coming out of that lab of hers"

"Be careful out there!"

Yui waved while Masaru picked up his sword and attached it to his back while leaving,

[Oh, so we finally meeting the last of the four Devil Kings, at last, huh?]

This sword's consciousness or perhaps it could be called its soul, well anyway its name is Drago and the sword itself is called Deadheart.

"It appears so, maybe doing a relaxing task like this once in a while is quite fun"

[kukuku, What about those material-gathering tasks?]

Masaru snorted

"That boss of mine covered those Material tasks under the name of Monster Subjugation which is a part of his official duties to send some of his men to deal with but instead shoved it on me"

Drago laughed at Masaru's bad luck for attracting troublesome things.

[Makes me think the path ahead is full of trouble]

"HELL No! Don't you dare jinx my visit!!"

Masaru began to worry whether there will be another problem sprouting when he visits the Military Head Quarters for the first time.


"It appears Ma-kun is on his way"

Akeno who was busy handling documentation together with Ingvild since Diana was currently meeting with Falbium and the rest of the commanders,

"Uh-huh... But is this even the best time for him to arrive?"

Akeno who heard Ingvild could not help but snort out of anger,

"It's a good time for him to come and shut up all those persistent fools all at once"

Ichika placed a cup of tea in front of Akeno and Ingvild,

"Akeno-sama and Ingvild-sama are natural beauties so it will only make sense the men would pursue you"

"Oh hoh? But aren't you also highly sought out for? Since you are not in any peerage your number should be higher than ours"

Ichika who heard Akeno point out a problem she was facing indeed, it was only a day ago the latest proposal arrived in front of her. Even with her rejection the man still declared he will not give up on her and save her from the demon's fangs to which Masaru was that said Demon, Ichika could not help but sigh.

"They already labelled Masaru-sama as a Demon because of me, I can't help but feel troubled about it"

"Heh... The Demonic Wonder child of Belial huh? I wonder who came up with such an absurd name for him"

Akeno began laughing when she first heard this name from within the Military, even Diana who usually protective over Masaru could not help but hysterically laugh while imagining the face Masaru would make if he were to know of this.

"Ah, that report should go in the Asset control folder"

Akeno pointed out a report Ingvild almost filed in the wrong folder.

Masaru who was travelling in the forest materialized his family's crest beneath his feet as he set the coordinates for Lilith Capital, within a breath time his surrounding that was once a forest changed to that of a modern city with devils walking on the sidewalks and cars moving on the roads.

"As expected for the Capital City, they even made it similar to that of a Human city to make Pure Blood devils familiar with the Human settlement style and the Reincarnated Devils will not feel out of place"

Masaru kept walking in the pathway that led towards the North-Western edge of the Capital where the Military District was at, although they call it the Military District it was simply one of the main bases of the Elite Devils who guards over the major cities of the underworld.

The surrounding walls of the Military base were at the height of four meters, it may appear to be defenceless but when Masaru pass through the security check and entered inside he saw several box-form machines lined up along the wall with several cylinder holes in 7 rows x 7 columns although the modern form of this weapon had a different form, this was an anti-aircraft weapon but designed to take down flying enemies.

"Is these weapons even strong?"

One of the nearby soldiers could not help but laugh,

"These weapons are strong for dealing against flying small to medium size beasts or humanoid enemies up to mid-rank High-Class"

"Then what about the stronger enemies then?"

The Soldier looked at the identity card attached like a necklace of Masaru's face could not help but cramp up his face, Masaru who saw this was confused

'When the hell did I offend this guy? I am certain I haven't offended anyone these past few months'

The Soldier looked at him

"Are you Masaru Belial? The Demonic Wonder child of Belial?"

Masaru who heard that strange-sounding title could not help but feel as if a thunderclap has strike his body

"Who the hell spread such a disgusting title of me!?"

The soldier who noticed Masaru was not happy with his title felt even more proud and decided to provoke him

"It's what us soldiers call you... There are many tales of your exploits but the most famous is about all the beautiful peerage members you are keeping for yourself! We men will not acknowledge you who are taking all the icing of the cake while leaving us the scrap leftovers!!!"

Masaru who heard this felt even more bewildered

'The Heck!?, what the hell is going on here!? I saw many beautiful women just now while walking through the capital city so where is the Justice at this man's accusation!!!'

"What the hell!?"

"Hmph! Since we already prepared your arrival, please follow me you demon"

The soldier's sudden change in attitude caused Masaru to truly feel complicated, angry but confused at the same time.

[Gwahahahaha, to think the devils even feel jealous of your peerage that they became blinded towards other beautiful women... I kind of pity these fools who has a narrow view of the world]

Masaru who heard this dragon knew he was enjoying his predicament while calling the soldiers fools.

They circled around the tallest building in the camp which Masaru was originally supposed to enter, but he followed the Soldier thinking Falbium is probably waiting for him at the back.

The area where they arrived was the basic training field that was open with no obstacles when it was time for training they would place equipment all over the place according to the training plan but today it was left empty but hundreds of devils were standing in a circular formation with Masaru in the middle of it.

All of the soldiers displayed envious looks and anger but no killing intent.

'Could it be these guys are feeling jealous of me?'

Masaru thought while smiling thinking this situation was quite, unique.

"Before we allow you to meet Lord Falbium you have to first face off against our Ace! If we win you have to stay away from Milady Akeno!"

One of the soldiers stepped forward, he wore black combat outfit with a ponytail tied dark brown hair.

"Oi Mordic! We agreed that he has to stay away from Lady Ingvild! Her cute and pure image must not be sullied by this Demonic Wonder Child!"

The men behind him began to nod simultaneously agreeing with his statement. But another man stepped forward wearing similar clothes but he was bald, he was referred to as the One Punch imitation Captain

"NO! you are wrong, Demo! We have to save the pure and lovely Ichika who has yet to fall for this Demon's ploy!"

Masaru chuckled a bit

'These guys... Hehe, their quite honest and upright to say their feelings so upfront without any pretences...'

Soon an argument broke out between the three fan club members even turning into a full out brawl, the innocent antagonist who was the cause or the reason for their current situation was left dumbfounded. After thinking for a bit,

'Guess I will join in this brawl, I am feeling a little frustrated with them having the rights to point but I had not given my defensive reasons yet!'

Masaru thought as he felt he could simply join the brawl since it was but a brawl, nothing serious so he can simply go beat em.

"Screw you all, I have done nothing to any of you and who the hell came out with this bloody title!"

Masaru was frustrated, joined into the brawl without using any of his Touki nor energy, the first Soldier tasted a fist on his right eye darkening the skin around the eye like a panda. The following nearby solder was kicked in the right side of his face when Masaru spin his body with a roundhouse kick, it was only after Masaru took down several soldiers the surrounding soldiers realized this punk was actually sneak attacking them while they were busy arguing.

"Kill this shameless brat!" The first one yelled,

"Crush his balls and turn him into a Eunuch!"

When Masaru heard the second man his attacks became even more ferocious out of Rage

"Who dare make me a eunuch!"

Since it was a brawl all of them fought with nothing but with their physical body, Masaru held the upper hand for being stronger than the majority but he was still beaten up in the end since he was still outnumbered.

But since this was not a serious fight Masaru did not feel angry for being ganged up from all directions but he made sure to get some punches in, in the meantime

"Fuck what is his body made of!?"

One of the soldiers who injured his fist began stomping Masaru,

"Damn it feels like I have been hitting stones for hours"

It was only after an hour since the brawl broke out Falbium arrived with Diana together with a giant man whom Masaru did not know of, when the soldiers saw their boss was here all of them scram away from Masaru who only had superficial injuries but was dirty from all the stomping.

"Cough cough... It's an honour to meet you at last Devil King Asmodeus, I would like to ask for your forgiveness of my current looks since I was getting too into my welcome party my comrades the soldiers has given me"

'But I will get you all for this someday since I can't act now' Masaru thought,

The soldiers who heard this felt complicated as they wanted to beat him up some more but their feet and hands were in such pain they can't use it for a while so all of them thought

'We will let you off for today... Only for today'

"Well I can certainly see the vigour of the soldiers has increased and even faces that looks refreshed! Well since it was your first visit I will let it slide"

The soldiers felt relieved that they will not be getting a punishment

"Welcome to the Devil's Military Head Quarters! I am grateful you came faster than I expected and since the soldiers came up with a welcoming party you liked how can I not join in!"

The eyes of the surrounding soldiers lit up thinking this Demonic bastard was about to get his ass kicked by a Devil King,

"But because of my status I can't participate but I can elect a representative"

The soldiers all cheered loudly when the man who was following Falbium and Diana, Masaru could feel a threatening aura around the man.

"His name is Nero Buné, he's a commander similar to Diana. He requested to have a spar with you since Diana told us many tales of your exploits"

Masaru who heard this cursed

'This shameless devil king wants to test my strength under a welcome party pretence!?'

The surrounding soldiers made way for the two who stood in the middle of the field facing each other,

"Nero Buné, It's an honour to meet the famed Demonic Wonder Child of Belial"

a tick mark formed on Masaru's head but he did not lose control as he knew this man was testing him.

"Masaru Belial, I am not sure how or where this title started but I will be sure to sent my UTMOST gratitude to that person"

Dominic, Masaru's grandfather from far away shivered "Did I catch a cold?"

While at the same time a soldier in the intelligence department shivered as well.

"Hoho, your quite spunky... I hope you won't go down too easily"

Masaru lowered his body taking his battle stance when he heard Nero's wish,

"I would like to see it... The power of a High-class devil that reach that state with effort instead of family ties and bloodline"

The area was silent, no one dared to make a sound while looking at the two warriors facing one another, Masaru barely turned 11 years old, 4 foot 10 inches in height was facing a man double his height.

It was truly a remake of the story quite well known to humans and heaven as the battle between David the shorty and Goliath the giant, Masaru noticed he could not see any opening in the man's defence despite standing normally.

'So this is a real warrior huh? It's similar to father, Edward and Jacob but they would never face me seriously... I can't help but feel excited'

Nero could see a trace of excitement for the incoming thrilling battle flash in Masaru's eyes could not help but smile thinking he surely is one of those...

"Earthen steps"

Masaru sprinted, with each step he moved swiftly as if he was teleporting. Appearing behind Nero almost instantly, unlike the past he would normally attack instantly. Instead, this time he used magic he never did before since he could seriously come at this man with his all.

"Illusion Magic: Shadow Mirage"

This illusion magic is special doppelganger magic he was using to transform his shadow into a look-alike copy of himself, he then retreated backwards at the same moment the shadow was produced and conjured several magic circles within the demonic arts of the Yokai magic system

"Youjutsu: Four snake bites"

What materialized from the magical energy gathered around the magical formation, was several flying snakes embued with poisonous attributes before it was sent flying towards Nero.

Nero smirked thinking this boy was quite smart to use poison for a start, he instantly began his dragonification transformation which his family was famous for transforming into a Humanoid Dragon which blocked the incoming poison attacks with his scales.

"Not bad, if you could further improve your shadow replacement magic to copy even your presence and aura while erasing your own it might have worked..."

Masaru who saw his initial strike was brushed off so easily did not feel disheartened, instead of he unconsciously began to smile broadly.

Masaru sprinted once again towards Nero, manipulating his strong vitality force to cloak his body while enhancing his body's specs. With his body enhanced he began to imitate the same attack he once did during the noble party, by moulding the natural ki around him instead of using his own he began to negative influence towards his mind with his worthless ability while maintaining the highest negative energy balance he could handle.

This was the current limit multi-tasking he could do during combat at the same time, the surrounding soldiers were cheering when explosive gales broke out when fist met fist.


"Beat the crap out of that Demon!!! Save our girls!!!"

"Well since you said 'our' girls I will support the idea!"


"Urk! So this is a technique you once used at the noble party? No wonder Lord Falbium was interested in you"

Nero muttered while the natural energy that once infiltrated his body from Masaru's attacks was forced out by his strong demonic energy.

"The heck!?"

Masaru was surprised to see someone forcibly pushed out that attack, but he could not help but smile broader as he leaps toward Nero.

"Close combat huh? Come then!"



swoosh swoosh

Boom! Boom!

Punch against a punch, kick against a kick. Masaru understood he was facing a real master who could read through his techniques, he could feel the raw strength yet flawless technique Nero was countering his blows with minimal movements.

Knowing his current technique was not on par Masaru began to start imitate the movements and attacks Nero was inflicting him while using the spellbook to recover his injury using his Demonic energy and his stamina was being controlled by taking in Natural Ki to be refined before merging with his inner ki and distributed within his body to help himself recover his stamina slightly faster.

"Your quite good"

Nero complimented Masaru who was able to keep up with him,

"Not good enough yet..."

Perhaps it was during combat he grew too excited he did not realize he was breaking through his multitask bottleneck he once had, even Nero felt this boy in front of him was monstrous talent, if Masaru had the same amount of strength as Nero then Nero would have been in trouble

'Seems he still need to train his body even harder, he will be able to reach my level quite soon'

"What's wrong? I can see you have a question about our fight"

Nero who was still countering Masaru's assault with minimal movements could see this child was confused,

"I am not certain about the power rankings... I have faced low-Ultimate Ranks before but they are severely weaker than you"

Nero chuckled

"Well that is a given. Some of them only placed in the high power ranking because of their family's bloodline power but not of their true combat power."

Masaru realized that his fight with his father and his peerage they were still holding back by a large margin.

"But then again... Those devils are placed in that rank because of Politics"

From a distance where Falbium and Diana was standing could not help but feel shocked,

"To think his learning while fighting. What a frightening child"

Diana felt like puffing up her chest with pride as she began to brag

"It's only natural the child I adopted as my son to be this amazing, according to lord Diehauser he discovered Masaru's love for combat which he was not aware of or trying to hide it. Because of that, Masaru's training has always been through sparring instead of teaching him techniques Diehauser chose to forge him while Masaru built his own techniques and temper them but then again some of the techniques were derived from his father, Jacob and Edward after all."

Falbium smirked

"It's a good thing I invited him here, even Nero who was stoic like you in the past is smiling while fighting... To think this boy has something special to bring changes to those who interact with him"


Masaru suffered a heavy body blow from Nero's punch in his abdomen was launched into the air, before he could reach the highest his speed could take him into the skies he was kicked back towards the ground once again.



With the accelerated drop speed, Masaru fell towards the ground with no ways to stop his descent except for bracing himself. A moment after the impact of his crash, the surrounding ground began to quake followed by fierce winds blowing in all directions. a Massive spiderweb crack appeared around the caved in grounds with Masaru as the centre.

"Come, is that all you got Masaru?"

Nero who landed on the ground looked at Masaru with a ferocious grin, his battle instincts have fully awakened and he still did not feel satisfied enough with the battle.

"I'm not done yet!"

01/08/2020 - changes made

CompleteNoobcreators' thoughts
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