
How Joyful We Are

【Weekends won't be updated in the following serial period due to being overbusy in real life. — 18/04/2024】 "We did not meet at the peak, we arrived there together." - The tradition at A's First High School's opening ceremony includes selecting a "mystery box", and the chosen student will speak as the representative of the senior class. This year's representative is Meng Yin, whom nobody knows. Clearing her throat, Yin looked at the crowd below and introduced herself, "Hi everyone, I am Meng Yin, a new transfer student from Class 2 of the senior year. My pledge for senior year is to work hard and catch up with Xu Zhiyi. I also hope he continues to strive for excellence and bring glory to our class." At the school, anyone familiar with Xu knows he has a cherished keychain, which mysteriously disappeared after Yin transferred. As Yin realized that "Xu Zhiyi was never her light, but a comrade walking by her side," she also caught a glimpse of his concealment towards her. Tears streamed down her chin, Yin gazed at Zhiyi and said, "Xu Zhiyi, you will die if you like me for a moment!" He knew she misunderstood. Zhiyi closed the distance between them, and pulled her in his arms, stroking her back. At seventeen, he embraced the weeping Yin in such a vulnerable manner and felt the entire world trembling around them. His chin lightly rested on the top of Yin's head as he softly spoke, "I have long been lying at the bottom of your pit." The keychain is you, Wushipai is you, and that wood still belongs to you. The mistake of that summer was without regret in this winter.

AgathaHU · วัยรุ่น
76 Chs

Chapter 19.1| An unknown story

In December, apart from the Winter Solstice, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day, there is another important day for all the high school seniors at FHS - the Coming of Age Ceremony. FHS designates December 31st each year as the day for the ceremony, with the "New Year's Celebration" naturally being a must-attend event for the students.

Throughout December, amidst the busy and intense study schedules, the excitement for the upcoming final day cannot be overshadowed. 

On the Saturday before Christmas, Xing Xiuze rushed into Xu Zhiyi's room to play games. "Let's play a couple of rounds," Xiuze picked up the game controller and tossed it into Zhiyi's arms. 

Xu Zhiyi locked his phone and asked, "Are your daddies arguing again?" 

Xiuze shrugged as he sat on the couch, "arguing? Those who know it's an argument, those who don't might think they are doing something intimate. Have they forgotten there's a son in the house!" 

It's not uncommon for the two dads in the Xing family to argue, but unlike others whose relationships suffer from constant arguments, their bond strengthens with every argument. Since Xing Xiuze came into the picture, the two dads would involve him when discussing trivial matters and family disputes, making him choose a side to team up with. 

After junior high school, to avoid being caught in the crossfire, whenever his dads were about to argue, Xing Xiuze would immediately flee to Xu Zhiyi's place for refuge. However, it was rare to see him coming over today with emotions stirred up by his own father. 

No, it was the first time. 

"They get along well," Zhiyi examined Xiuze's tone and asked with a raised eyebrow, "Are you jealous of your own dad's relationship?" 

Xing Xiuze: "..." Xu Zhiyi, please mind your words."

"I mean," Xing Xiuze lounged on the soft sofa, legs spread out boldly, his tongue rolling over his palate, and retorted to Xu Zhiyi, "Xu Zhiyi, with such a great relationship with Meng Yin, what are you waiting for? Even my dad is getting impatient for you." 

Xu Zhiyi remained composed, tossed the game controller into Xing Xiuze's lap, and asked, "Are you going to play?"

Xing Xiuze suffered greatly at the hands of Xu Zhiyi in the game, without any sign of brotherly affection between them.

"Xu Zhiyi, do you dare leave me a way out," Xiuze roared, "Am I the top in liberal arts without any dignity?!"

"It's not the first time," Zhiyi looked at the projection screen, nonchalantly saying, "Besides, do you have any dignity?"

Xing Xiuze: " ... "Very hurtful, even more insulting.

Over the past decade, Xing Xiuze had seen Xu Zhiyi in all kinds of embarrassing situations, and upon reflection, he realized he really had no dignity, so he threw the game controller aside, lay back lazily, and met Xu Zhiyi's gaze, suddenly asking, "Xu Zhiyi, how did you deceive Meng Yin about the keychain incident?"

Xiuze was referring to the recent incident where Zhiyi had to explain the keychain story to another party, Meng Yin.

Clearly, they, as brothers, were not telling the truth.

"A friend from abroad gave it to me."

Feeling a sense of frustration after seeing his hopes dashed, Xiuze couldn't believe how ridiculous Xu Zhiyi could get.

"Xu Zhiyi," Xiuze abandoned his nonchalant attitude and earnestly said, "What you're doing is not right."

Being in the liberal arts class, he understood the female psyche more than the group of dead straight guys in the science class. Zhiyi's statement, coming from a straight guy, might seem bold to Yin in a positive light, but to any sensitive girl, it was like a bomb.

Honestly, Xiuze had never considered that Xu Zhiyi might like Meng Yin, especially in such a secretive way. But later he found out that Zhiyi falling for Yin might be an inevitable eventuality, although he never approved of the way Xu Zhiyi expressed his feelings.

Zhiyi's actions were very 'un-Xu Zhiyi-like', very unlike the Xu Zhiyi he had known for over a decade.