
How Did I Become an Adventurer?

Follow the Story of a young woman named Hana. As she prepares to leave her home village to honor a marriage contract made by her king a sudden attack to her carriage changes everything. Deciding to fake her own death to have a chance at freedom she makes new friends and discovers a sinister curse that she and her new friends must try to break. Rewriting in third person point of view starting 4-16-23

happyhyuga1221 · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

And Along Came The Spiders That Sat Down Beside Her

Well this really sucks, I can't help but think waiting to be rescued. Unfortunately no of my weapons were on me because of the meeting with the elves. Here I am sitting blind and alone, for what seems like hours, a helpless damsel in distress.

"Well,well, well, what's wandered into our little web here", comes a husky voice, somewhere to my right. I turn my head sharply to the sound of the voice raising my fist in the most threatening manner I could manage.

"Don't come near me", I warn threateningly hoping it will keep whoever they are away. I hear a couple of men snigger and feel my heart drop to my stomach. This was to much like with the bandits and just imagining the same scenario makes my body tremble in fear.

"Now now my dear thats no way to greet your rescuers is it", the husky voice asks and I tilt my head skeptically at the thought. The only person I know that would come to my rescue would be Elias and that obviously isn't him.

"Who are you", I ask him pointedly not lowering my fists. I trust nothing these strangers say. What I wouldnt give to have a dagger right now to somewhat defend myself.

"We are the spiders my dear. The best combat group the elves have to offer. You were, after all, kidnapped on our property. As the King sees it, it is only right that he sends his best men to rescue the helpless human girl", the voice says closing its distance in between us. I glower his way at his description of me. Though it is momentarily right he could have the decency to not behave like such a jerk about it.

A hand grabs my chin and thumb traces my bottom lip shocking me. I go to smack the hand a way and I'm shoved roughly back. "Behave human, you're lucky that the king has appointed us to help with the task of freeing you village from the trance. We rarely interfere with matters of the lesser races. So humble yourself, your nothing special", the husky voice says sharply.

Tears fill my eyes but I refuse to let them fall, I swallow a lump in my throat. I never thought I was anything special but I dont like to be touched as an object, I can't help but think. I see a bit of light begin to form around what should be the edge of my vision. Thank goodness my sight must be beginning to finally come back.

"Come human, we need to make it back to the palace before people become more worried", the husky voice says grabbing my hand and jerking me forward where I trip over a fallen branch. Hearing an aggravated sigh from in front of me My wrists are grabbed once again pulling me up before releasing my wrist then an arm goes behind my shoulder and another scoops under my knee carrying me bridle style. I let out a squeak of surprise and reflexively my arms grab around where his neck should be.

"I know I'm good looking but are you really going to throw yourself at me", the husky voice whispers in my ear sounding cocky. My cheeks burn in embarrassment and I try to put my face further away from him.

"I'd never throw myself at anyone regardless how they look. Also don't get to cocky I'm temporarily blind", I assure him wanting nothing more to be at the palace away from this jerk. "Where is Elias", I ask shocked he didn't come to find me.

"The king didn't give your vampire permission to travel our woods. He is watching your human child and mutt", the husky voice says while walking some sort of bumpy path. My vision begins to lighten more and soon enough I can see though its still really blurry. I see greens and yellows and when looking at the the elf carrying me I see blurry black hair and white skin. No details just blurs. I close my eyes hoping it will help speed the process of my vision coming back.

Our movements stop and I feel the hold on my body loosen as he lets me down to stand. A cold pare of hands grab my head gently and a soothing cold feeling rushes through my head fixing my sight. I can see the white palace walls and Elias staring at me worriedly while holding Sky who is reaching for me impatiently.

"Momma momma", she cries shocking me as Elias sets her down and she runs to me. I pick her up and hug her tightly. I dont know what to tell her about calling me mom. I was adopting her and her real mom unfortunately is deceased so would it hurt to let her believe I'm her mom? I decide not to correct her and give her a kiss on the forehead. This child is an angel.

I look behind me to see the elf who carried me from the woods. His long black hair is tied in a braided half do. He is tall and slim and has a arrogant smirk on his face. His green eyes sparkle mischievously and I look away quickly not caring for the cocky elf.

I walk over quickly to Elias who welcomes me with a tight hug. His hands clutch me tightly and he burrows his face into my hair. "I was so worried about you", he informs me quietly and I cling to him and Sky.

"The guy that took me was trying to get some medallion back from Dante that he said was stolen from his grandparents. When he realized Dante wouldn't come for me he just left. I was temporarily blind from the hit so I have no idea what he looked like", I tell Elias who shakes his head angrily.

"Glad to see you returned safe young lady we were all really worried about you. The spiders will be traveling with you tomorrow to find the demons. Don't worry we will have your people back to normal in no time", the king says with surprising kindness. We all bow at his words before eating and retiring to bed to rest for the start of another long journey in the morning. The fact the the pompous elf would be traveling with us annoyed me but I also know that we could use all the help we can get.