
How Did I Become an Adventurer?

Follow the Story of a young woman named Hana. As she prepares to leave her home village to honor a marriage contract made by her king a sudden attack to her carriage changes everything. Deciding to fake her own death to have a chance at freedom she makes new friends and discovers a sinister curse that she and her new friends must try to break. Rewriting in third person point of view starting 4-16-23

happyhyuga1221 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

The Annoying New Group

The next morning comes quickly and the group doesn't hesitate to leave early, already making tracks as the sun begins to rise. Dante remains quiet about the medallion guy even after Elias threatens to rip him apart. Luna who is happy to see me refuses to leave from my feet and I pet my loyal companion behind the ears. To me she is definitely worth her weight in gold.

The seekers had returned and the elves said they were able to make out the general area where the demons were located as of right now. They were to the south of the elves and it should take about eleven days if nothing unexpected happens though giving our current luck I'm not holding my breath.

Though timing does seem to be in our favor considering that the next full moon is twelve days away. Only a day after when we should reach the demons. We just can't afford to be delayed at all.

The elves had created some blood tablets for Elias concerned about him running low. I had heard from the spiders that there wasn't a shortage of volunteers to donate blood for his tablets. Apparently many of the elven women had developed quite the crush on Elias and was more than willing to do give blood.

The atmosphere between Elias and I had shifted. We felt more close, and the affection and brief touches he often did now lingered it felt different than before. Dante had been given a separate horse to keep some distance in between himself and Elias. He was still angry that I had been injured because of him and he still refused to give the name of the man that had done it. I was curious if what the man had said was true. If Dante was a thief what other kind of moral questioning things would he be capable of. Would he mess up our quest or would he take care knowing that his peoples life remain in the balance as well.

Sky must have been scared when I had disappeared for the day because her little hand hadnt released me since. I still couldn't believe she had called me momma, it touched my heart and my love for the little one only grows day to day. She may not be my blood but she felt as close to me as anyone before.

Elias drives the carriage dutifully and converses with me every now and again when Sky isn't to loud and I can hear him. We make a couple of really quick stops for bathroom breaks but besides that we don't stop until it is to late to travel. I fix Elias another canteen which he gratefully chugs then wipes the red from his lips before giving a contented sigh. We stretch out our stiff joints and begin making a camp fire to fix a hot meal. The leader of the Spiders, Dregin, watches me closely nagging at every decision I make.

He was the same husky voice from before and my skin crawls when he is near. I want to tell him to get lost but I know we really need there help. Elias walks up to me carrying Sky at seeing Dregin hovering so close.

"Unless you want to cook for yourself leave her in peace", he growls out positioning himself between I and the self appreciative elf. Dregin just scoffs in reply as if he isn't threatened before walking off to his other two friends.

"Thank you", I whisper as I let out a breath of relief. I hadn't told Elias about what had happened with Dregin in the woods because of keeping the peace. I had felt Dregins eyes on my everytime I was out of the carriage, he always would have a slimy smirk on his face and it made me feel uncomfortable being observed by him. I think Elias could sense my unease because he often showed up whenever the annoying elf was around to long.

Once the stew is done I ladle out everyone except Elias and Dante a bowl (since they typically don't eat what the rest of us do). I eat the stew quickly and my stomach fills leaving the feeling of immense satisfaction. Sky enjoys her bowl and demands seconds which makes me smile that she enjoys my cooking so much. On the other side of the campfire though is the elves who try the stew before emptying it out in front of my eyes

"You'd think the humans can do at least one thing right but no", Dregin laughs to his elf brethren Fredrick and William before his eyes land on mine challengingly. Elias goes to confront them but my hand grabs his wrist before he can make it past the campfire.

"Ignore them it matters little what they say. Let's just focus on ourselves and our goal. He wants to start discord and I want no part of it", I tell Elias who turns back around and takes his spot by me. He still has a angry look on his face but he respectfully listens to me which is refreshing. Sky lays in my lap dozing off and I run my fingers through Elias's hair and his frown transforms to a look of content as he leans his head on my shoulder. Elias smiles at me and his eyes darken. "Do you need a tablet I ask him worriedly knowing that he was probably exhausted he just smiles lazily while shaking his head no.

"No I'm good on blood, thank you for your concern though", he says before placing a gentle kiss on my cheek and standing up and walking into the carriage to retire for bed.

After a few moments letting Elias get out of ear shot Dregin walks nearer scffong a t me. "You've got him trained quite well. I see why he was replaced as heir since he bows to the will of a measly human so easily. What a joke and pathetic disgrace to all of vampire kind", Dregin comments looking to eager for a fight.

His comments about Elias infuriate me and I give him a look of disgust. "Look i dont know what your problem with Elias and myself is but I'd prefer if you kept your thoughts to yourself", I bite out as I stand up with Sky in my arms. I'm not going to sit here and allow myself to be worked up its a lose lose situation. Making my way to the carriage I lay Sky on the empty seat and lean my head on an already snoozing Elias's shoulder. The sooner we dealt with the demons and got away from these elves the better.