
Con artist

"You little piece of shit. You played me, didn't you?" Peter asked Noah when the event ended. 

Noah laughed out. "Played you? Why do you say so?" 


"You knew that wasn't Rachel's painting, but you purposely did what you did to make me bet on it."


"Dear friend," Noah placed a hand on Peter's shoulder. "I never forced you to bet on it. Did I?" He turned to ask Andrew, who shook his head while laughing. 


"How did you know that was Rachel's painting?" Andrew asked curiously. 


Noah dropped his hand from Peter's shoulder and shrugged. "I didn't buy it because it was Rachel's painting, but for some reason, I felt it was too perfect to not be hers. I liked it." He said, smiling brightly. 


"You're an asshole. I won't do those chores." Peter eyed him.