
Hot Secretary Mistakenly Falls In Love With CEO

Hannah Snow: the poor secretary They met for the first time when she accidentally caught him having passionate sex with a hot woman. Since then, their fates have been sealed! After graduating from college, her soft heart led her to be deceived into working like a slave in his company. She had never seen someone so shamelessly promiscuous, changing girlfriends more frequently than clothes—he was basically a playboy! As his indispensable secretary, she not only handled daily tasks but also endured being slapped by his occasional flings. On top of that, she had to memorize all the birthdays and preferences of the ladies in his dating roster! She even had to prepare hotels for him and clean up all the messes he left behind. Late at night, she would receive his calls and rush to hotels without a single complaint, handling his rendezvous affairs. Look around the entire secretary world, and you won't find anyone as versatile as her! Enough was enough!!!! This time, she was determined to say goodbye to him. Charles Smith- the CEO He was the CEO of Universal Pictures, a playboy who never rejected any beautiful woman. No matter what type of woman, they all fell for him easily, surrendering to his charm. However, there are exceptions to his charm, and this cold-faced secretary was simply born to be his undoing. A bet gave him a reason to pursue her! This woman he had been eyeing for so long, he had finally taken her for himself!

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18 Chs

Chapter 014: The Walking Sperm Bank

The secretary's office was short-handed, and if Hannah Snow didn't return to work at the company, those people would surely go crazy. Despite feeling weak and lethargic, Hannah Snow started working overnight again.

Until she couldn't hold on any longer and collapsed on her desk, falling into a deep sleep...

When she woke up, she unexpectedly saw a small bag of pills on the desk, and there was a note stuck to the computer screen. Charles Smith's spirited handwriting caught her eye:

"You're sick and didn't say a word. Hurry up and take the medicine! Without my cheap and durable universal secretary, I can't find anyone comparable to you."

Cheap? Did he just call her cheap?

But the subsequent salary increase proved that she was indeed indispensable to Charles Smith. Thanks to his care, Hannah Snow began to see the sperm bank activity in a new light. Her heart seemed to start beating restlessly for him, until she witnessed a new secretary falling sick in the secretary's office.

Charles Smith's tenderness and thoughtfulness made Hannah Snow fall back to reality from her fantasies. Was she an idiot?

She already knew that Charles Smith was like this with every woman; he was naturally affectionate and would never settle down with one woman. From that day on, Hannah Snow no longer held any illusions about Charles Smith and even engaged in witty battles with him, the kind that stung.

Perhaps, this was her outlet for not being able to get closer to him.

Thinking of her mother's request over the phone, Hannah realized that Charles Smith was almost thirty years old, and she was almost twenty-eight. The most beautiful and youthful time for women would soon be gone. It might be necessary to go on a blind date!

She should find a good man and try dating!

She didn't want to be subjected to his rampant philandering anymore, always imagining that she could be the one to change him.

A young girl's beautiful dreams were allowed!

He wasn't nervous, but she was nervous as hell?

Currently, the company's stock price was plummeting every day. Rumors spread that an unknown individual was buying the company's stocks at a low price, and there were even rumors that the major shareholder of the company would soon change. It was a tumultuous time, but Charles Smith seemed completely unaffected. No wonder Adolf, who was furious every day, made everyone at Global Films anxious.

He had the leisure to chase girls even in such a critical time. It was as if the emperor was not in a hurry, but the eunuch was!

Charles Smith grinned cheekily, "Little Snow, don't worry! You're almost twenty-eight now, and getting angry all the time will lead to premature aging. Be careful not to end up as the leader of Emei Sect for life!"

Did she really think so little of him in her mind?

Couldn't he even handle such a small matter?

Tutting, she didn't have the energy to banter with him. Hannah Snow placed the latest financial report in front of him. "Take a look at this. The shareholders have announced that they are determined to remove you from your position. Aren't you worried at all?"

Walking back and forth anxiously, he said, "I'm going to find out who leaked Chaya and Florence's affair. That bastard, I won't spare him!"

Looking at his normally stable and reliable universal secretary, Charles Smith asked, "Little Snow, are you worried?"

"Of course!" Hannah Snow blurted out without thinking, but her words were cut short when she saw a cunning glint in his charming peach blossom eyes. What did he just call her?

"Little Snow"? Goosebumps suddenly surfaced all over her body, and alarm bells rang in her mind. "This is the place where I have worked hard for several years. How could I not be worried?"