
chapter two

"Hey sweetie" Sam greeted me when I arrived at work, "you look terrible darling, it seems like you needed more days to rest woman" she told me twisting her face.

"Guess what? Someone was impressed and has been requesting for you the whole time you were away. I bet he will be excited when I give him a call to inform him that you back. Oohhh!!! he also requested that you don't attend to anyone else". Sam said excitedly and walked away to make a call .

I slowly sat at my booth and started doing my makeup. Mr.David who was our manager walked in and his face shone when he saw me. "Hallo my top performing girl?, if only the rest of you would be making me the kind of money she made me even when she was away I would be the happiest and richest man." he chuckled and started playing with my ponytail.

I hated how he smelled like bacon and suddenly I had the urge to throw up. I ran all the way to the washroom and threw up till my stomach and ribs hurt. I stood up and straighten myself to leave then Sam walked in and pulled me back to the washroom.

"Are you on pills? she asked me calmly. I didn't know what she meant but I was scared and nodded my head and she seemed relieved. She walked away and I immediately texted Eva my childhood friend asking her what Sam meant.

As I moved back to the changing room I met one girl and she looked at me keenly and said "I hope you aren't pregnant if only you knew what they would do to you, you would run away right now." I was dumfounded for a moment.

I checked my calendar and was relieved because I had three days to my periods but my heart felt heavy with doubt as I walked in the changing room. "Your client will be arriving in the afternoon you can take the morning off to run your errands" Mr David told me and winked at me.

I hurriedly gathered my bag and almost ran out. My mind was in doubt and I need to confirm if I was pregnant. I walked in the first clinic that I came across. I met a very friendly nurse who welcomed me nicely.

She handed me my test results and smiled at me. I dropped the piece of paper in my bag, I was too scared to check it. I walked aimlessly around the town and found myself in a baby clothes shop admiring the tiny clothes.

When the attendant asked me if I needed help that when I realized I was smiling. I said no and hurriedly left the shop. I enter a coffee shop few blocks from the loft where I worked. l was very tempted to check out my test results but declined convincing myself to check in the evening when I got back to my apartment.

I sipped my coffee slowly as I tried to convince myself that I wasn't sinning by working as an escort. I have been brought up in a very religious homestead where our parents made my siblings and I attend church every Sunday and also participate in all church events.

I checked time on my phone and was shocked that I was running late, I paid my bill and ran out towards the loft. As I entered the changing room I met with some girls who started teasing me, "your client was very thirsty, he arrived thirty minutes ago. You have have to share your secret recipe new girl". They walked passed and headed out of the building.

Sam came running towards me as I sat down. "I have been calling you the whole day" she said breathlessly. "Hurry up and get ready to attend to your client, I had to give him a discount because of you running late" I suddenly felt like throwing up and ran out of the room.

When I came back in the changing room I met Sam staring at my test results. I suddenly felt the space get smaller and hot. I started unbuttoning my blouse as I struggled to breathe. "Go attend to your client, we shall talk about this later" Sam said to me sternly with her eyes piercing through my skin.