
chapter three.

Once I walked in the room I found Mr. Wakin seated and smoking on cigar as usual. He stood up and ran towards me with a big smile on his face and hugged me so tight till I felt my bones start cracking.

" I missed you soo much" he said happily. "I could not stop thinking about you, am sorry I hurt you, I didn't know you were a virgin" he said with a sorry expression on his face. " I brought you a present" he said happily grabbing my hand across the room towards the bed.

On the bed there was an a beautiful red dress and a pair of heels. I suddenly felt soo happy and tears stung my eyes. I don't remember when I lastly got a present from anyone.

"Thank you sir" I murmured.

"Don't call me sir again, call me harry that's my real name" he said.

"What about Mr. Wakin?" I asked feeling confused.

"That's an alias" he said pulling me close to him.

" I want to know everything about Diamond today. Am sure that's not your real name, please let me get to know you." he begged.

"Let's catch up over a drink". he led me towards the couch and headed to pour a drink.

He seemed Soo happy and was whistling a tune to himself. He was a tall, light in complexion, handsome and strongly built like he works out.

He seemed familiar, it's like I had seen him somewhere, a celebrity or it was just my imagination.

He handed me a glass of dark whiskey and sat next to me. " I don't drink alcohol Harry" I said soft. He seemed shocked by that statement and then changed his expression to seem like he understood something.

"Am soo sorry" he apologized taking the glass from me. "Please take a glass of wine" he begged me. I shock my head and he went ahead to pour me a glass. He is beautiful, I thought to my self as I watched him pour the wine.

I sipped on my wine wondering why it tasted nothing like the holy communion. Harry was a fast speaker, he kept on talking and talking nonstop about how he has traveled all over the world. At time I would loose concentration and snap back after he asked a question.

"Later today I will be attending my friend's party, will you join me?" he asked with a hopefully expression on his face.

"Thanks for the invite, I had evening plans I don't think I will manage". I lied.

My time was up and I wished Harry good bye. He grabbed my hand and softly kissed it saying he wished I could have joined him at the party. I smiled back saying nothing and hurriedly gathered my presents and left the room.

I felt Soo happy and warm in my insides. In my head I was having a debate on how I felt about Harry as I entered the changing room.When I saw Sam seated at her booth my heart skipped a bit.

"Am glad you did not faint today" she mocked me. Then her expression suddenly changed. "You know the rules of this game right?" she raised her eyebrow at me. I would feel my knees cave in. "Never ever get pregnant for her client". She snapped her fingers on my face .

"Why would you take a pregnancy test if you are on pills?" She said handing me my laboratory results. I quickly grabbed it and read through it. "I am not pregnant" I said out aloud and excitedly. Sam was staring so hard at me, I had to pretend.

"Girl, just visit a doctor today. I can tell you haven't taken any prevention measure". she advised me. "Me and the girls are going out to a yatch party today night, you should come with us.It will help you fish new and filthy rich clients"

I immediately accepted, I felt happy that I was pregnant and needed to celebrate.

"I will send you the location of the party, now go home and prepare".