
Hopeless Isekai


GgDionne · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs


A year passed, and I was four years old.

I was having trouble sleeping, so, uhm.. I had Mommy tell me a bedtime story. I didn't feel weird about it at all. Not one bit.

Anyways, Lizbeth was happy to oblige. "Okay Sasa," she said with a smile, "What kind of story do you want to hear?"

"Mmm.. you decide!" The quickest way to learn about this would be to have her tell me about what she thought was relevant, of course. I was a child. Anything would help.

"How about.. the story of the world?"

Wow, right on the nose. "The world? What do you mean?"

"Well, long ago, there was nothing but darkness. And then, out of that darkness, four figures emerged."

This sounded familiar. Let me guess; let there be light? "Who were they?"

"They were the four gods. Gaia, Goddess of the earth, and her husband, and Elikos, God of wisdom. Azure, God of change, and his wife, Zenith, Goddess of life."

Was this a real story, or was it all some bologna religion? Regardless, I listened intently. Lizbeth continued:

"Together, they grew bored of the darkness, and together, they sought to make something new."

"Gaia created the land, and the sea, so that she would have a place to walk, and a place to swim."

"Her husband, Elikos, created the stars, so that he might admire them alongside his wife."

"Azure created the sun, and the moon, so that the earth would remain neither dark, nor bright."

"His wife, Zenith, created the plants, and the animals, so that they might marvel at his husband's creations."

"That's the story?" I said with a frown.

She laughed "No, silly Saul, we're just getting started. Shall I continue, or are you sleepy already?

"No! Please continue."

"Well, alright then." She winked. "Just for you."

"Gaia, impressed with how day turned to night, and night into day, approached Azure, so that they might collaborate on a new creation."

"And what did they create?"

"Azure created us, the Humans, to reap and enjoy the bounty of the plants, and the animals."

"Gaia created the bearded Dwedmar, to collect and to work the bounty of the earth."

"And who made the Lizafos?"

She booped me on the nose. "I'm getting to that, silly!"

"Elikos was impressed by their creations, so he, too, made his own creation. He called them the Alf, who would live long, so that they might pass down the tales of the world."

"However, Zenith was jealous of Gaia and Azure, and furious that her husband's creation would reap her own, without her permission."

"Seeking not to be outdone, she made three of her own creations."

"Were they the Lizafos? Ooh, or the Ferni?"

"Yes, yes. First, she created the Ferni, whose feathers shone greater than the stars, the sun, or the sea."

"Next, she created the Lizafos, whose scales would protect them from all danger, and whose strength could be compared to none"

"And finally, she created the Nekoni, whose eyes and ears would leave none unseen, and none unheard."


"Yes, Saul?"

"I'm sleepy."

She giggled. "Alright then. Shall we continue another time?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"Well, then. Sleep well, my baby boy." She kissed me on the cheek, and went to leave the room.


She stopped in the doorway. "Hmm?"

My words caught in my mouth. Was this weird? Should I feel weird? I felt like a liar. She didn't know who I really was.

But, if I meant it, did it really matter?

"Mom.. I love you."

Her smile instantly washed away my insecurity. "I love you, too! Goodnight, now."

And with that, she closed the door.

I had never felt happier, neither in this life, nor in my last.