
Honkai Impact 3rd: I and Herrsecher of Sentience

In a small room, a young boy stood before a mirror, his long gray hair cascading down to his waist, his bright blue eyes filled with confusion. "Is this some sort of joke?" he muttered to himself, peering at his reflection. After a brief pause, he examined his body once more. Hmm, his slender frame that lacked the muscle of a man's and resembled that of a girl's. "And why do I look like Fu Hua!?" he exclaimed, clutching his head in frustration. "Where did my masculine body go!?" "Wait... I have a system?" "I have a stopwatch that can pause time for five seconds?" "Say less!" "Oi. You bastard Otto! Come here and let me send you to Mount Tai!" Storming into Shicksal, Fu Xuan shouted loudly. Facing Durandal and a lot of Valkyrie, he held his arms up as he shouted: "ZA WARULDO!" "As the saying in Shenzhou (not really) goes...."It is, what it is."."

Ley_Fay · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs

Chapter 6: Black Kite

Break will soon eventually come to an end as Mei, Kiana, and Xuan packed all their utensils and went down the stairs to their respective classrooms.

And just like that, the day went by quickly, as it was now afternoon.

Packing his stuff and his bag, Xuan went outside his class, only for him to see Kiana and Mei, with Kiana clinging herself to Mei. 'What is this tuna doing again?'

"Hey, Xuan, do you want to go shopping with us?" Kiana asked Xuan, seeing him coming out of the class too; however, Xuan shook his head.

With a wave of his hand, Xuan said, "I have to get home and take care of my immature sister." Hearing his words, Kiana's mouth formed an O in realization. "Ah, Sen-san..."

"Yeah. So, have a good time." Waving at them, he passed by them as he headed his own way. He was already sure that Senti would have been bored to the limits.

A little disappointed, Kiana watched Xuan's figure disappear before turning to hug Mei, burying her face deep in Mei's chest. "It's a pity Xuan isn't coming with us, Mei-Senpai."

"Yeah, I even wanted to ask him what food he likes," Mei sighed as she patted the paramecium rubbing against her chest.

—With Xuan.

Walking on the street back home, Xuan saw a plushie shop by the roadside. He paused for a moment, walking towards the shop with his backpack in hand.

"Shopkeeper, can I pre-order a customized plushie here?" The woman lying on the recliner looked at Xuan's handsome face, her lips curling up in a smile as she got up and approached him.

"Young man, what kind of plushie do you want? Do you think I fit the bill?"

Xuan looked at the shopkeeper who started with suggestive remarks, blinking his eyes in confusion for a moment before flatly rejecting her. "No," he said with his hand in front in a stop motion.

"Tsk. You're no fun, kid." Seeing Xuan's flat facial expression, the woman clicked her tongue and didn't push further. "What kind of plushie do you want? Do you have a picture?"

"Will this do? It needs to be about the size of a palm." Xuan reached out for his bag, taking out the drawing he drew in class, handing it over to the shopkeeper.

"Oh... You draw well." The shopkeeper looked at the drawing on the paper with a satisfied nod. "Of course, just come back tomorrow afternoon to pick them up."

"This is the payment; I'll come back tomorrow afternoon to pick them up." After paying the deposit, Xuan exited the shop promptly, his hands stretched out in a tired motion.

'Now then, let's head home.'

A few minutes later, arriving home, Xuan threw his backpack on the sofa before heading straight to his room. However, the person he was expecting to see wasn't inside the room. 'Senti?'

"Senti?" Xuan looked around the room, but she was nowhere to be found. 'Don't tell me she already went outside?'

Xuan nervously thought. He could pretty much imagine causing chaos outside, however, he hadn't sensed such happening.

Suddenly, there was a sound coming from the living room window. Xuan approached the curtain and pulled back the curtains only to see Senti banging at the window.

Senti, seeing Xuan through the window glass, also paused as they both stared at each other silently. When you know, you know.

"Xuan. Open the window for me?" Seeing Xuan's silent yet judging expression on his face, Senti composed herself, asking in a polite yet commanding tone.


Xuan sat on the living room sofa, hands crossed, looking at Senti across from him, who also sat down on the sofa opposite him. Both looked at each other with a serious expression.

"My dear sister, care to enlighten me on what you were doing outside?"

"Huh? Why should I tell you what I went outside to do?" Senti closed her eyes, turning her head away from Xuan, as Xuan silently stared at her without saying a word.

Senti, not hearing any form of retort, opened her eyes slightly to look at Xuan, who was still silently staring at her. "..."

"Haah, mou." Senti scratched her head under Xuan's serious gaze. "I was hungry. I went out to buy food, okay?" Senti then brought out a pack from beside her, extending it over to Xuan.

"Skewers. You want?"

"..." Xuan blinked twice, opening his mouth in exasperation. 'I think I forgot to prepare food for her before I left...' His thoughts trailed off before remembering he couldn't even cook.

"Ahh... It's my fault then." Xuan sighed, his head hanging low, before looking at Senti. "Wait... Where did you get the money for that?" Xuan, pointing at the skewer, locked gazes with Senti.

"Hmph! That is not a problem. I simply beat up a few people. Ah, don't worry, they're not good people anyways."

Senti crossed her hands under her non-existent chest proudly, her head rising high. "..." Xuan was confused if he should praise her or scold her. "...Well, don't do it again next time."

"...?" Senti only blinked at Xuan's words, not saying anything. If Xuan gives her money, then yes, she would stop. But if not, how would she continue to buy delicious food...?



—Next Morning.

Xuan's eyes groggily peered open, feeling something heavy weighing on him. It was as if a flat board had been placed onto him. 'Heavy.'

Focusing his eyes, he saw Senti... lying on top of him. "..."

Xuan tried adjusting himself slightly into a more comfortable position. But this, in turn, also woke Senti up, who rubbed her eyes groggily. "Hm... You're awake, Xuan?"

"Senti... How did you end up in my room?" Xuan lazily asked, since the darn Herrscher wasn't ready to move away, he was too lazy to tell her to move.

Senti sat up on his stomach area, still rubbing her eyes. If Xuan recalls correctly, he remembers her going to her room last night before he entered his. So, why is she here?

".... I sleepwalked." Senti gave a curt answer. Of course, Senti had other reasons. But would she admit it? Of course not.

'She's...' Xuan locked gaze with her. He could tell that was false, but he didn't push it further. Tapping her thighs, Xuan lazily muttered.

"I have school today. Please, let me get up. If you keep staying like that, I might fall back asleep."

With a short nod, Senti got up before disappearing from his view, returning to Xuan's consciousness space.

Getting up from bed, Xuan dressed up, taking care of everything before heading out. Before leaving, he grabbed a piece of bread from the kitchen and ran out the door.

Outside, seeing the hustle and bustle of the working crowd, he sighed heavily in his heart. "In a few days, you all won't have to struggle so hard for a living." Then, he headed for school.

A beautiful day began with classes and sleeping. ♪

Of course, it would be even better if there wasn't a tuna sitting close to him and pestering him.

Senti, too, who was resting inside his consciousness space, also fell asleep under the teacher's lullaby.

Class time always passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was lunchtime.

As the drill goes, Kiana, like yesterday, dragged him to the rooftop. And waiting there already was the tuna's favorite person, Raiden Mei, radiating a golden aura and maternal beauty.

"Kiana-chan, Xuan-san, good afternoon."

"Senpai, good afternoon."

"Mei-senpai!" Kiana wasted no time and lunged at Mei as usual, indulging in the softness of her chest, a treasure that Senti lacked. Of course, Xuan didn't even think of it; Senti would hear his thoughts after all. He just sighed wearily.

Without wasting time, they settled down to begin eating. "Ah, that reminds me, I made one for you too, Xuan-san."

"Eh?" Xuan blinked his eyes, 'Is that why Kiana didn't let me order food from the cafeteria?' The paramecium told him not to worry about going to the cafeteria and just outright dragged him here.

'So, this is what it's about....'

"Then, I won't be polite, Senpai." Xuan accepted the lunch box as he opened it, the food radiating a golden glow that was foreign to him.

"Mei-Senpai~ Your cooking tastes even better than before," Kiana, who had already started digging in, praised with a thumbs-up.

Xuan, on the other hand, after taking the first bite, his eyes widened. "As expected of the Herrscher of Cook. It was worth transmigrating for."

"Xuan-san?" Mei, hearing Xuan's words, didn't quite understand, but Xuan simply shook his head. "I was complimenting you, Senpai. No wonder that tuna hurriedly leaves for lunch every day."

"Stop it, that's not true." Mei blushed, clutching the hem of her skirt and twisting her body.

'Now that I think about it. Senti, are you okay?' Xuan tried telepathically communicating with Senti; however, Senti wasn't replying. 'Is she angry?'

After having the first satisfying meal after his transmigration, Xuan handed over the cleaned lunch box to Mei, thanking her as lunchtime ended.

With that, the day would soon also pass by quickly.

After school, Xuan went to the plushie shop from yesterday afternoon. The boss was still lying there, leisurely drinking tea. "Oh! Little brother finally came. Here are the plushies you wanted."

Xuan picked one up, feeling its smooth and soft texture. "Hmm, this is good."

Exiting the shop, Xuan took one of the small plushies and hung it on the pouch of his phone, while storing the rest in his inventory. 'Alright, the second one will be given to Senti after getting home.'

A certain Senti, invading privacy, felt happy when she heard his mind's voice.

[Editor's Note]:

I just realized, rephrasing and adjust the entire thing is even more tiring.

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