
Chapter 7: Peaceful days

Already awaiting Xuan at home was Senti, who had teleported home beforehand, sitting on the sofa, watching TV.

Arriving home, Xuan opened the door. "I'm home," he announced, entering the living room to see Senti watching TV. Taking a pause, she then turned to him.

"Welcome," she replied before turning back to the TV.

Putting down his school bag beside the sofa, Xuan went towards the dining table, putting the other bag he was holding on the table. "Senti, let's eat."

"Alright!" Senti hopped onto the table as he started serving the food.

After that, he and Senti sat down before they began eating. Xuan suddenly paused. "Ah... I also bought this."

Xuan stretched his hands sideways, his hand seemingly warping away before he brought them back out.

"I got this for you." Technically, Senti is also Fu Hua due to having the several thousand worth of memories Fu Hua already has, so he pre-ordered a customized plushie she might like.

"A fat chicken?" Senti frowned as Xuan handed it over to her.

It was a white, plump bird, sporting a black crown with red at the center, along with a red crystal-like ornament on its forehead, wearing round black glasses over its eyes.

It had a similar appearance to the Herrscher form of Senti.

[P.S: The current form Senti is using is the one she first had (resembling Hua) when she first physically appeared.]

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, that is no ordinary chicken, you know..." Xuan shook his head before continuing.

"This is the black kite that is diametrically opposite to the red kite represented by Fu Hua, and this one in your hand is more special and unique." Xuan pointed at the black kite plushie in her hand as he proudly explained.

Of course, Senti was massively satisfied with his words, looking at the black kite plushie in her hand before looking at Xuan. "Xuan?"

"Hmm? What's up?"

"I'm becoming more fond of you." Senti hugged Xuan, basically teleporting over him, straddling his laps as she hugged him.

Xuan wryly smiled but still hugged her back before breaking it. "Let's eat first before our food gets cold." Senti silently nodded happily as she returned to her seat and began eating.

Finishing up and cleaning the dining area, Xuan went to the bedroom to arrange a change of clothing before heading to the bathroom.

And sure enough, no matter how many times he looked at his appearance in the mirror... it's weird.

With a wry sigh, he shook away his thoughts as he washed and dried himself as quickly as possible, wearing his nightwear before picking up a shorter towel to wipe his waist-length hair.

Walking out of the bathroom to the living room, only to see... Senti sleeping on the couch. '....'

"Well..." Xuan simply switched off the living room's light before walking towards his room, only for him to look back and see Senti following him from behind, rubbing her eyes.

"Senti... Wrong room." Xuan pointed to the room next to his before entering his room, shutting the door, effectively locking it.

"Hmph, don't think that's enough to stop me."


A pair of crimson eyes lit up the dark house, as she quietly approached Xuan's door, passing through it easily. She would have done this earlier, but Xuan would undoubtably send her out.

Watching Xuan sleeping peacefully, her lips curled up as she carefully burrows into his arms.

Xuan feeling a heavy weight on top of him slowly opened his eyes. As sure enough, Senti was already on top of him.

"Really... Must you do this. Do you seriously want to crush my insides?" Xuan deadpanned at Senti who hit his head hard. "With your physique? Why are you pretending?"

"Ouch, can't i pretend?" Xuan rubbed his head slightly before flicking Senti head.

The Herrsecher sat on the bed in daze, feeling the sensation coming from her forehead, not even paying attention to Xuan heading outside the room.

Next Morning.

Ah~ It's another beautiful morning ♪

On the way to school. Fu Xuan suddenly felt a pat on his shoulder. As he instinctively thought, 'Shit, I'll be late today!'

Grabbing the hand of whoever patted him, he ran wildly towards school, not stopping until he entered the school gate.

After coming to a pause, Xuan put his hands on his waist as he sighed heavily. Wiping his non-existent sweat. "Hahaha, I'm not late...."

"Kiana—" Turning around to see who he had just dragged, only for it to be Mei rather than Kiana. "—Crap."

He thought it was Kiana, because she's the only one that does something like that. But it turned out to be Mei instead. At this moment. Mei was still in a state of confusion, standing in place in a daze.

"Haah... Xuan, how are.... suddenly pulled.... Mei-senpai.... running." Kiana was so tired that she couldn't form a sentence, as she rested her hands on her knees still panting.


"I thought it was you who patted me on the shoulder just now, and meeting you on the road means I'm going to be late, so...." Xuan shook his head as he looked at Kiana in embarrassment, afterall, this was true.

"Gah! Why do you sound so confident I can never arrive early to school!" Kiana glared at Xuan with resentment in her eyes!

"I'm the class monitor, and you're only one who is always late to class! Yesterday, the day before yesterday, and the day before that, so, as long as I meet you on the road, I'm automatically late to class."

Fu Ming saw that Kiana was not self-aware, so he had to click on the topic, and he didn't have to give face to this paramecium.

"Alas, I didn't even realize it myself~(๑•̀ᄇ•́)و✧" Hearing Fu Ming's explanation, Kiana smirked, and sure enough, this is Kiana's true face!

On the other side, Raiden Mei also snapped out of her trance after Xuan's explanation, looking around incredulously. "How did I get to school? Kiana-chan, didn't I just see Xuan-san? How did we end up here?"

"Cough! Senpai, you're awake. After you patted my shoulder, you just froze," Xuan saw Kiana next to him wanting to answer, so he quickly explained the recent events, omitting many details.

Kiana widened her eyes, incredulously watching Xuan explain in all seriousness, unwillingly biting her finger. "I never thought I'd see someone with thicker skin than the Kaslana family today."

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