
Homemade Sorrow

Light can illuminate a dark room but it will never get rid of the darkness, it’ll only make it seem like it is no longer there. People despise it but what’s so wrong with darkness? That’s where I was born

C0mm0n · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

The Boy Whose Scream Pierced the Sky : Vol 1/Chap 1

  [It hurts]

The only thought of the boy who laid stricken on the floor.

The ground hard and cold, the room white as snow but the lights so dim it resembles ones hope.

The smell of mildew filled the room, the source? Piles of plates that were licked clean but still exerted a stench, clothes which were never washed and drops of blood stained from the ground to the ceiling.

[will you ever let me out? I'm s-sorry….]

the boy whimpered



The cell door slowly opened, the sound of steel brushing against the metal walls echoed throughout the room.

"Well heya buddy!" A very tall woman entered. Her hair brown, clothes white from head to toe, a smile gentle yet ominous wore her face.

"Cmon champ, you know what time it is."

"𝗡𝗼!" The boy shouted as he sprinted to the opposite of the room.

"Ah ah ahhh" The woman quickly grabbed him with her long arms before he could reach the opposite wall.

"Cmon now…. You don't wanna make this harder than it already is do ya?"

"𝗟𝗲𝘁 𝗴𝗼 𝗼𝗳 𝗺𝗲!" The boy yelled, flailing his arms around.


You could hear the impact of the boys hand hit the woman in the back of her head.



She grabbed the boys head and slammed it against the cold, hard wall.

"ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ʜᴜʀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ?"

The smile on her face no longer existent and her eyes beaming down as if she was trying to search his soul.


She grabbed his arm and dragged him outside the cell.

The boy remained quiet, scared of what would happen if he decided to speak.

He was slowly led through a corridor, long white halls is all that was in sight, some people in lab coats walked through but not many.

They finally reached a big red door



"ąɧ, ɬɧɛ ℘ąɬıɛŋɬ ɧąʂ ąཞཞı۷ɛɖ."

A voice which once brought joy, now a wicked melody; a comforting terror. Something he was all too used to.


"Y-yes mothe—


She screamed

"….I understand"

Dusk averted his eyes, now looking to the ground

"ђคђคђค…. เ'שє ฬคгภє๔ ץ๏ย ร๏ ๓คภץ Շเ๓єร…. 𝗜𝗻𝗷𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝗵𝗶𝗺"

"No! No! I'm sorry please!"

The boy kicked and hollered

"I didn't mean to!"

He pleaded

A man in a white lab coat came to dusk' side and shoved the needle of a long metal syringe into his left eye


The boy screamed in pain, struggling to break free from the chairs grasp but to no avail.

"𝕀𝕥 𝕙𝕦𝕣𝕥𝕤… 𝕚𝕥 𝕙𝕦𝕣𝕥𝕤.."

The boy could only groan in pain, not even the energy to yell remained in his body.

"๔๏ภ'Շ ฬ๏ггץ, ร๏๏ภ ՇђคՇ єץє ฬเɭɭ ђєคɭ ยק คภ๔ ץ๏ย'ɭɭ ๒є ค๒ɭє Շ๏ รєє คﻮคเภ, ђ๏קєŦยɭɭץ."

Samantha told him

"๔єɭץɭค, Շคкє ค Ŧเภﻮєг Ŧ๏г ﻮ๏๏๔ ๓єครยгє."

The same woman who dragged dusk from his cell approached him with a scalpel

"Don't blame me kid…"

"What are you tal—


"Ughhhhh! *hic… *hic"

Trying his best to cry in silence, he simply sat there looking at his dismembered finger on the floor…. This was now the life he was used to.




They drug the barely conscious boy back through the door and into his cell

"Sleep tight, tomorrows probably gonna be worse… well hope for the best!"

Delyla said to him, quickly shutting the cell door.

He sat there with his impaired vision looking at the greyish white ceiling painted with blood for what felt like days.

"She'll forgive me one day right?"

He said to himself

He put his hands over his eyes and sobbed

"I wish I could just go somewhere far far away!"

He screamed

Then out of nowhere, as if somebody besides me was listening the lights flickered, the ground shook and—


A cold breeze swept the hot and humid cell, a bright light with a blue tint shined, in the shape of a large circular mirror came about from nothingness

"W-what is that."

The boy approached the light with caution, the closer he got, the colder he felt. It felt like heaven to him compared to the hot and damp cell he was trapped in

"Is this a dream?"

It seemed like a light of hope had appeared before him… or could it be a false salvation?

I wondered that myself.