
Holy War of Haret

In a world where mystical realms of angels, demons, fairies, and mermaids intersect, the balance of power hangs by a thread. Wrath, a formidable warrior burdened by a turbulent past, finds himself at the heart of an escalating conflict that threatens to engulf the entire realm. As ancient elemental orbs awaken and powerful factions vie for dominance, Wrath must navigate a landscape of shifting alliances and hidden agendas. In the wake of devastating battles, Wrath’s journey leads him to the depths of Atlantis, where he forges a crucial alliance with the wise and enigmatic Poseidon. Together, they uncover secrets that could tip the scales of power and bring peace to their fractured world. Yet, not all is as it seems; treachery lurks in the shadows, and old friends may become unexpected foes. Amidst the chaos, Wrath must confront his own inner demons and make choices that will determine the fate of the realms. With vivid characters, intricate plots, and breathtaking landscapes, Haret Holy War is a riveting saga of courage, betrayal, and the unyielding quest for balance in a world on the brink of war. Will Wrath and his allies prevail against the forces that threaten to tear their world apart, or will darkness and discord reign supreme?

TugaCaralho · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

The Rise of Chaos

The Tragedy in Magira

The assault on Magira had escalated to unimaginable brutality, tearing at the very fabric of the Fairy Kingdom's once peaceful and vibrant capital. Necrodra, the necromantic dragon, wielded the Water Orb with terrifying efficacy, turning the serene streets into a battlefield of chaos and despair. The defenders, brave and determined, struggled against the relentless tide of the undead, their morale wavering under the crushing weight of Necrodra's power.

In a tragic turn of events that would forever scar the hearts of the fairy defenders, Necrodra set his sights on Queen Titania. The Metal Fairy, known for her grace and strength, fought valiantly alongside her husband, King Tim. Her metallic wings reflected the light of the setting sun as she launched powerful attacks against the advancing undead, her presence a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness.

Necrodra, sensing an opportunity to break the spirit of the fairy forces, focused his dark magic on her. With a malevolent roar, he summoned the full power of the Water Orb, sending a wave of necrotic energy crashing towards Queen Titania. Despite her attempts to deflect the attack, the dark magic overwhelmed her defenses, striking her down with a force that sent shockwaves through the battlefield.

Queen Titania: (with a pained cry, falling to the ground) "Tim... I... I'm so sorry…"

King Tim, witnessing the fall of his beloved wife, felt his heart shatter. The sight of her crumpled form, her once radiant wings now dull and lifeless, drove him to his knees, a cry of anguish escaping his lips. The defenders, their spirits crushed, watched in horror as Necrodra descended upon the fallen queen.

Necrodra: (with a cruel sneer) "Witness the fall of your queen! She will serve me in death, just as she fought against me in life."

With a wave of his clawed hand, Necrodra used the Water Orb to reanimate Queen Titania. Her body, now a twisted parody of its former beauty, rose from the ground. Her eyes, once filled with kindness and strength, were now empty and lifeless, her movements jerky and unnatural. The sight of their beloved queen, now a mindless puppet of Necrodra, sent waves of despair through the ranks of the fairy defenders.

But as she rose, it became clear that Queen Titania retained all the strength and power she had in life. Her metallic wings gleamed with an otherworldly light, and her once-gentle face twisted into a grimace of unfeeling malice. She moved with the same grace and agility, her attacks as fierce and devastating as ever, but now turned against her own people.

King Tim: (with a voice filled with anguish) "No! Mother, no! How could you... how could this happen?"

Driven to the brink of madness, Tim's sorrow and rage consumed him. His body began to change, scales erupting across his skin as he transformed into his draconic form. His eyes burned with a feral intensity, and he unleashed his fury on the zombie army with reckless abandon. His powerful jaws and claws tore through the undead, his roars shaking the very ground beneath him.

Tim's draconic form was a sight to behold, his scales shimmering with a fiery glow as he fought with unmatched ferocity. He tore through the ranks of the undead, his attacks a whirlwind of destruction. But despite his immense power, Necrodra's dark magic proved to be overwhelming. The necromantic dragon's control over the undead was absolute, and he directed Queen Titania with ruthless efficiency, using her strength against her own people.

Necrodra: (mocking) "Your fury is admirable, King Tim, but it is futile. Your mother serves me now, and soon, you will join her."

As Necrodra prepared to deliver the final blow to King Tim, a sudden surge of energy erupted from the horizon. Poseidon, the god of the seas, arrived with his mermaid army. The ground trembled as the mermaids, wielding tridents and magical water-based weapons, clashed with the zombie fairies. Poseidon's presence brought a renewed hope to the defenders of Magira.

Poseidon: (with a commanding voice) "Tim, do not give up! We will fight together and save this kingdom!"

A fierce new battle erupted: Tim and Poseidon versus Necrodra, with the combined mermaid and fairy armies clashing against the zombie fairies. Poseidon's trident glowed with divine power, and each strike sent waves of energy that decimated the undead. Tim, regaining his composure, fought alongside Poseidon with renewed vigor.

Tim: (determined) "For Magira! For my mother!"

Despite the renewed effort, the sight of Queen Titania fighting against them, her powers as formidable as they had been in life, was a crushing psychological blow. The defenders struggled to maintain their resolve as they fought against the very person who had once led them.

Tim and Poseidon's battle against Necrodra was one of desperation and raw emotion. Every strike from Necrodra was met with the combined might of Tim's draconic fury and Poseidon's divine power. The air was thick with the sounds of battle, the clash of steel against scales, and the cries of the fallen.

Poseidon: (struggling against Necrodra's dark magic) "We cannot let him win, Tim. For the sake of your mother and all of Magira, we must prevail!"

Tim: (with tears in his eyes) "Mother… I will save you, I swear it!"

Despite their efforts, Necrodra's power, amplified by the Water Orb, was overwhelming. The dragon's necrotic energy tore through their defenses, and the sight of Queen Titania fighting against them, her body moving with a grace and strength that matched her living form, was a devastating reminder of their plight.

As the sun set over the horizon, casting long shadows over the battlefield, the fate of Magira hung by a thread. The defenders, though weary and battered, stood resolute, their courage and determination unwavering. The final battle was about to reach its conclusion, with the future of the Fairy Kingdom at stake.

The Soul Realm

Meanwhile, in the Soul Realm, time flowed differently. One hour in the normal realm equaled a year in the Soul Realm, allowing warriors to train without the constraints of aging or death. Wrath was undergoing a grueling training regimen under the watchful eye of the Soul Manager, a stern and formidable figure who pushed Wrath to his absolute limits and beyond.

Soul Manager: (sternly) "Wrath, to defeat Pride, you must engage him in a one-on-one battle. But your current body cannot handle the power required to face him."

The Soul Manager's training was nothing short of torturous. Wrath's every muscle was torn and repaired countless times as he was put through brutal drills designed to break his spirit and forge his body into a weapon of unparalleled power. Each death in the Soul Realm, a searing agony that twisted his soul, only served to reinforce his determination.

Wrath: (gasping, blood streaming from his wounds) "I won't... I won't give up. I can't fail."

The Soul Manager's aim was to drive Wrath to attain Berserker Orange, a form of unimaginable power despite the lack of self-control. However, Wrath had other plans, he had bad experiences with the lost of self-control. Amidst the pain and suffering, he proposed a daring idea—to combine his angelic and demonic powers into a new form, one that could surpass the Berserker Yellow, even tho not as powerful as Berseker Orange.

Wrath: (with a fierce resolve) "I want to combine my angelic and demonic powers. I'll create a new form, stronger than anything before. I'll call it... Chaos Form."

Soul Manager: (intrigued but skeptical) "You tread a dangerous path, Wrath. But if you can survive this trial, you might just achieve something truly formidable."

The training intensified. Wrath's body was torn apart and rebuilt, each death a testament to his iron will. His muscles burned with a constant, searing pain as he fought through each exercise, his skin blistering and tearing under the relentless pressure. The agony was beyond comprehension, every fiber of his being screaming in torment, but he endured, driven by an unyielding resolve.

Wrath's training was a journey through hell itself. His muscles were shredded, his bones broken, and his spirit tested in ways that defied belief. The Soul Manager subjected him to unimaginable tortures, forcing him to face his darkest fears and deepest weaknesses. Wrath was impaled by spectral weapons, his soul shredded by ethereal forces, and yet he continued to rise, each resurrection fueling his determination to achieve his goal. Through what felt like millennia of relentless torment, Wrath pushed himself beyond the brink of death, mastering the fusion of his angelic and demonic energies.

Wrath: (roaring in pain) "I will... I will master this power!"

Finally, the day came when Wrath, through sheer force of will, unlocked the Chaos Form. His body glowed with an intense, otherworldly light as the angelic and demonic energies merged within him, creating a form of unparalleled power.

Soul Manager: (nodding in approval) "You have done it, Wrath. You have achieved a power that could very well tip the scales in our favor."

Wrath's new form, the Chaos Form, tripled his strength compared to his normal state. His aura blazed with a fierce energy that crackled in the air, a testament to his newfound power. But deep within, there was a hint of another transformation, a latent power that the Soul Manager had hinted at but never fully revealed—a power that Wrath would soon discover in the battles to come.


Back in Ferluci, the situation was dire. The alarms blared through the city, a desperate call for reinforcements that seemed to go unanswered. The demon army, though formidable, was on the brink of defeat, struggling to hold the line against the relentless onslaught of Sloth and his army of zombie dragons on the western front, and the devastating force of Pride and his undead giants on the eastern front.

On the eastern side, Zariel, the current Devil, led his five most powerful demon lords into battle against the zombie hordes. Each lord was a formidable entity in their own right: Luciferon, the fiery bringer of destruction; Astaroth, the master of dark sorcery; Behemoth, the brute force incarnate; Asmodeus, the cunning and manipulative strategist; and Belphegor, the relentless bringer of decay and lethargy.

Zariel, his armor shimmering with dark energy, took command with a fearsome roar. His wings unfurled, casting a shadow over the battlefield, and his presence alone seemed to bolster the demon ranks. The five demon lords, each radiating an aura of immense power, spread out to confront the oncoming undead giants.

Zariel: (shouting to his lords) "Hold the line, my lords! For Ferluci! For Hell!"

Luciferon unleashed torrents of hellfire, incinerating waves of undead with each explosive burst. Astaroth chanted dark incantations, summoning bolts of black lightning that struck down giant after giant. Behemoth, his massive form plowing through the horde, smashed the undead with his colossal fists. Asmodeus, ever the tactician, orchestrated devastating traps that ensnared and obliterated their foes. Belphegor, exuding a miasma of decay, spread a wave of destruction that withered the undead giants where they stood.

Pride, towering over the battlefield, watched with an amused sneer as the demon lords unleashed their fury. His strength grew with each foe he faced, and he seemed almost invincible, shrugging off their attacks with contemptuous ease.

Pride: (laughing maniacally) "Is this all you have? Pathetic! You are nothing before my might!"

Despite their best efforts, the demon lords were slowly being overwhelmed. Zariel, his strength fading but his determination unyielding, fought on with a grim resolve. He knew they could not hold out much longer, but he refused to retreat.

Zariel: (gritting his teeth) "We will not fall to you, Pride. We fight for Hell!"

With a final, desperate surge of energy, Zariel and his lords launched a coordinated assault on Pride. The ground trembled as their combined might clashed with Pride's overwhelming power. However, Pride, now a juggernaut of strength, brushed aside their efforts and struck down Zariel with a single, crushing blow. The demon lords, their leader fallen, retreated with heavy hearts, knowing they had given everything in the defense of their home.

Wrath's Return

As the battle seemed all but lost, a massive portal opened in the sky, bathing the battlefield in a radiant, golden light. A huge thunderbolt struck the ground near Pride, sending a shockwave that rippled through the city. Many believed that the angels were attacking, but as the light faded, a figure descended from the heavens—a beacon of hope in the midst of chaos. It was Wrath, returning from the Soul Realm with newfound power and determination.

Wrath's entrance was nothing short of epic. He landed amidst the chaos in his base form, but the air around him vibrated with an intense energy that made it clear to everyone present that his power had grown significantly. His eyes, calm yet piercing, surveyed the battlefield with a new sense of purpose and clarity.

Wrath: (with a voice that echoed across the battlefield) "Pride! Your reign of terror ends now!"

Pride, who had been rampaging through Ferluci City, turned to face Wrath. The two warriors locked eyes, their immense powers crackling in the air. The ground shook as they prepared to clash, the fate of the realms hanging in the balance.

Pride: (smirking) "So, you've returned, Wrath. Do you really think you can defeat me?"

Wrath: (with steely determination) "I know I can. This ends here."

The tension was palpable as the two titans faced off. The defenders of Ferluci, their hearts filled with hope and determination, watched with bated breath as the battle between Wrath and Pride began. The ground beneath them trembled with the force of their power, and the sky seemed to darken as if reflecting the gravity of the confrontation.

The first clash was a spectacle of raw power and sheer will. Wrath, still in his base form, launched himself at Pride, his fists glowing with an intense energy. Their blows collided with a force that sent shockwaves through the city, each impact a testament to their incredible strength.

Pride: (grinning) "Is that all you've got? You're still too weak, Wrath!"

Despite his increased power, Wrath found himself struggling against Pride, who was still stronger. The immense power that Pride wielded, amplified by each opponent he faced, was overwhelming. Wrath gritted his teeth, his mind racing as he searched for a way to turn the tide.

Wrath: (with determination) "You haven't seen anything yet."

With a fierce roar, Wrath transformed into his Berserker Yellow form. His body surged with energy, his aura blazing with a brilliant golden light. The ground beneath him cracked under the pressure of his power, and the air shimmered with heat.

Wrath: (his voice filled with resolve) "Now we're on equal footing."

Pride, sensing the shift in power, narrowed his eyes and prepared for the renewed assault. The next clash was even more intense, each blow sending ripples of energy that shook the very foundations of Ferluci. The two warriors were now evenly matched, their powers colliding in a battle that threatened to tear the city apart.

Pride: (with a hint of frustration) "You think you can match me? I am Pride, the greatest of all!"

Wrath: (with a smirk) "I'm just getting started."

As the battle raged on, Wrath began to draw upon the full extent of his training in the Soul Realm. With a surge of energy, he transitioned into his newly achieved Chaos Form. His body erupted with a fierce, otherworldly light as the angelic and demonic energies within him fused into a form of unparalleled power.

Wrath: (his voice echoing with power) "This is the end for you, Pride!"

The ground shook as Wrath, now in his Chaos Form, unleashed a torrent of energy that dwarfed anything he had shown before. His aura crackled with a fierce intensity, and his eyes burned with a confidence that bordered on arrogance.

Pride: (taken aback) "What is this power? You're stronger than ever!"

Wrath's attacks came with a ferocity and precision that left Pride struggling to defend himself. The power difference between them had shifted dramatically, and Wrath's newfound strength began to overwhelm Pride. Each strike from Wrath sent shockwaves through Pride's defenses, cracking his armor and shaking his resolve.

Wrath: (with a confident smirk) "You thought you could break me? Now it's your turn to feel helpless!"

As Wrath continued to press his advantage, his arrogance grew. The power he wielded was intoxicating, and he relished the chance to finally put an end to Pride's reign of terror. The defenders of Ferluci, watching from the sidelines, were awestruck by the display of raw power and determination.

The Ongoing Battle with Sloth

In the midst of this chaos, Lust and Lie continued their desperate fight against Sloth and his zombie dragons. The air was thick with the sounds of battle, the clash of steel against scales, and the roars of the undead. The demon army, though weary, fought with renewed vigor, inspired by Wrath's return and determined to protect their city.

Lust: (struggling against Sloth's dark energy) "We can't let him break through. Hold the line!"

Lie: (using his illusions to mislead the dragons) "Keep them disoriented! We can't afford to let them gain ground!"

Despite their efforts, the pressure of the assault grew. Sloth, his dark powers draining the life force of his opponents, proved to be a relentless adversary. The battle continued with no clear advantage, each side pushing the other to their limits.

As the sun set over the horizon, casting long shadows over the battlefield, the fate of Ferluci and Magira hung by a thread. The defenders, though weary and battered, stood resolute, their courage and determination unwavering. The final battle was about to reach its conclusion, with the future of the infernal and fairy realms at stake.