
Holy War of Haret

In a world where mystical realms of angels, demons, fairies, and mermaids intersect, the balance of power hangs by a thread. Wrath, a formidable warrior burdened by a turbulent past, finds himself at the heart of an escalating conflict that threatens to engulf the entire realm. As ancient elemental orbs awaken and powerful factions vie for dominance, Wrath must navigate a landscape of shifting alliances and hidden agendas. In the wake of devastating battles, Wrath’s journey leads him to the depths of Atlantis, where he forges a crucial alliance with the wise and enigmatic Poseidon. Together, they uncover secrets that could tip the scales of power and bring peace to their fractured world. Yet, not all is as it seems; treachery lurks in the shadows, and old friends may become unexpected foes. Amidst the chaos, Wrath must confront his own inner demons and make choices that will determine the fate of the realms. With vivid characters, intricate plots, and breathtaking landscapes, Haret Holy War is a riveting saga of courage, betrayal, and the unyielding quest for balance in a world on the brink of war. Will Wrath and his allies prevail against the forces that threaten to tear their world apart, or will darkness and discord reign supreme?

TugaCaralho · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Ferluci Invasion

Blessing Plans

The Blessing's secret missions had been meticulously planned and executed, but the full scope of their intentions remained hidden until now. In a stunning revelation, the true extent of their strategy came to light, sending shockwaves through the infernal realms. What had appeared to be isolated maneuvers suddenly coalesced into a devastatingly coordinated assault designed to bring Hell and the Fairy Kingdom to their knees.

Temperance had ventured into the perilous mountains within the borders of Dragon City. Her mission: to recruit Necrodra, a dragon of immense power rumored to possess necromantic abilities. The journey was fraught with danger, but the potential reward was too great to ignore. Meanwhile, Transparency had delved into the haunted expanse of the Deadlands, gathering the skeletal remains of warriors who had perished in a brutal civil war. These bones were intended to form the core of an undead army that would bolster their forces.

Upon securing Necrodra's allegiance, the angels had equipped him with the Water Orb, a relic of immense power that significantly enhanced his necromantic abilities. With this artifact, Necrodra's capability to control and command the dead grew exponentially. He was ordered to resurrect Pride and Sloth, two former spies whose loyalty to the angels had never wavered. This strategic resurrection gave the Blessing two formidable allies who would lead their forces in the coming conflict.

The full magnitude of the plot became apparent as Pride and Sloth approached Ferluci City. Their arrival was sudden and terrifying, each taking position on opposite fronts of the city's formidable walls. The city's defenders, upon recognizing the gravity of the threat, were immediately mobilized to confront these powerful adversaries.


The Assault on Ferluci City – Eastern Front

Pride approached the eastern front of Ferluci City, his presence a harbinger of impending doom. His towering figure, exuding an aura of unyielding power, cast a long shadow over the city. The ground trembled with each step, a testament to his immense strength. The demon guards atop the walls stared in horror as the mighty warrior advanced, their usual bravado replaced by a cold, creeping fear.

Inside the city, alarms echoed through the streets, a cacophony of urgency that spurred the defenders into action. Wrath and Curse, aware of the threat posed by Pride, rushed to the eastern gate. They knew that facing such a formidable foe would require every ounce of their strength and cunning.

Wrath: (with a fierce determination) "We can't let him breach the walls. This city is our last line of defense."

Curse: (his voice grave) "Pride's strength grows with every enemy he faces. We must be strategic. A direct confrontation will only make him stronger."

As they reached the gate, they saw Pride standing before them, his eyes glinting with a cruel confidence. The air crackled with tension as they prepared to engage.

Wrath: (stepping forward) "What do you want, Pride? Why are you here?"

Pride: (smiling coldly) "I'm here to conquer. This city will fall, and you will kneel before my power."

With a commanding gesture, Pride summoned his army. The ground before him erupted as the undead giants rose, their decayed forms towering over the walls. Their hollow eyes glowed with an unnatural light as they advanced, each step shaking the earth.


The Assault on Ferluci City – Western Front

On the western front, the situation was equally dire. Sloth approached the city, his presence a dark cloud of lethargy and decay. His movements, slow and deliberate, belied the immense power he wielded. Lust and Lie, aware of the threat he posed, hurried to confront him.

Lust: (her eyes narrowing) "Sloth… What do you seek here?"

Sloth: (with a voice like gravel) "I seek to drain the life from this city. To leave it a husk, devoid of energy and hope."

Lie: (his voice firm) "We won't let you take it. This is our home."

In response, Sloth raised his hand, and the air grew cold and still. The ground trembled as undead dragons emerged from the shadows, their skeletal forms wreathed in dark energy. Their roars filled the night air as they took to the sky, ready to unleash their fury upon the city.


The Assault on Magira

While Ferluci City prepared to defend against the dual onslaught, the Fairy Kingdom's capital of Magira faced a dire threat of its own. Necrodra, wielding the Water Orb, descended upon the city in his dragon form, his enormous wings casting a dark shadow over the land. The fairies, caught off guard by the sudden assault, scrambled to mount a defense.

Necrodra's roar echoed through the city, a chilling sound that sent shivers down the spines of all who heard it. With a sweep of his claw, he unleashed a torrent of dark energy that reanimated the fallen fairies, transforming them into mindless zombies under his control.

King Tim and Queen Titania, their hearts heavy with the sight of their fallen kin turned against them, rallied their forces to face the oncoming threat. The battle was intense, with the defenders struggling to repel the onslaught while Necrodra, using the power of the Water Orb, continued to raise more of the dead to bolster his ranks.

King Tim: (shouting over the din of battle) "We cannot let him destroy our city! We must stand strong, for Magira and for our fallen brethren!"

Queen Titania: (her voice fierce and resolute) "We will fight to our last breath! This is our home, and we will not let it fall!"

Despite their bravery, the sight of their fallen kin being reanimated and turned against them was a devastating psychological blow. Necrodra's power seemed limitless as he continued to summon more undead, each one a stark reminder of the kingdom's vulnerability.


The Battle at Ferluci City – Eastern Front

Back in Ferluci, the alarm bells echoed through the entire city and its surroundings, a clarion call that summoned the demon army to the walls. The defenders gathered quickly, their eyes wide with fear and determination as they faced the two armies threatening to breach their city.

Pride, standing at the forefront of the eastern assault, watched as the demon army gathered before him. With a single, devastating swing of his arm, he swept through the ranks of the defenders, sending them flying in all directions. The sheer force of his attack left a swath of destruction in its wake, and the remaining soldiers stared in horror at the devastation he had wrought.

Curse, recognizing the danger, quickly explained Pride's powers to Wrath.

Curse: (urgently) "Pride grows stronger with every enemy he faces. He's already far more powerful than any of us. We need more than strength to defeat him. You must go to the Soul Realm to gain the power we need."

Without hesitation, Curse cast a spell, opening a portal to the Soul Realm. Wrath, understanding the gravity of the situation, stepped through, disappearing into the otherworldly dimension. As soon as he was gone, Curse, his eyes filled with urgency, cast another spell and disappeared through a different portal, leaving the defenders to wonder what critical realization had driven him to such a hasty departure.


The Battle at Ferluci City – Western Front

On the western front, the battle raged on as the demon army fought valiantly against the undead dragons summoned by Sloth. The sky was filled with the sounds of clashing steel and the roars of the dragons as they swooped down upon the defenders.

Lust and Lie engaged Sloth directly, their every move a desperate attempt to turn the tide of battle. Lust, her stamina seemingly limitless, struck at Sloth with relentless fury, each blow aimed at breaking through his defenses. Lie, using his illusions to confuse and mislead the undead dragons, created a series of phantom targets and barriers that kept the dragons at bay and protected the defenders.

Sloth, his power to drain the life force of his opponents, proved to be a formidable adversary. His dark energy sapped the strength of all who came near, leaving them weak and vulnerable. Yet, Lust's unyielding endurance allowed her to withstand his draining attacks, her determination driving her to fight on despite the overwhelming odds.

Lie: (gritting his teeth) "We have to keep him occupied. If we can hold him here, we might have a chance to turn the tide."

Lust: (nodding) "We can't let him breach the walls. We must fight with everything we have."

The battle continued to rage, with neither side gaining a clear advantage. The demon army, bolstered by Lust and Lie's efforts, fought bravely against the undead dragons, each clash a desperate attempt to hold the line and protect their city.


Pride's Invasion of Ferluci City

While the battle raged on both fronts, Pride, having decimated the defenders on the eastern side, began his invasion of Ferluci City. His towering form moved through the streets; a force of destruction that seemed unstoppable. The remaining defenders, unable to match his immense power, could do little to slow his advance.

As Pride marched through the city, the buildings trembled and the streets shook with the force of his steps. The few demons who dared to stand in his way were swept aside with ease, their bodies flung through the air like ragdolls.

The defenders, their spirits battered but unbroken, rallied for one last stand against the invincible foe. The city of Ferluci, the heart of Hell and a symbol of demonic strength, now faced the greatest threat it had ever known.