
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · สมัยใหม่
161 Chs

Chapter 82

And the bearded director kept coaxing the female lead, who was considered a second-tier star, and didn't regard herself as a human being at all, just swearing at herself indiscriminately, and even threatened to fire herself just now.

  Going across the ocean and coming to Hollywood, USA, isn't it just to realize your dream of being a movie star?

  The cruel and somewhat unbearable reality made Rachel, an English girl, really unable to bear it any longer. In her mind, those annoying scenes flashed one by one.

   "Makeup artist, what are you doing! How can I let this supporting role steal my limelight!" It was the face of the female lead with upturned brows and dismay.

   "Can you act? If you don't, go back to England, this is Hollywood, not a place for you to act in stage plays!" It was the angry face of the bearded director with the same nostril as the leading actress.

   "You look good. If you can be more sensible and know what to give up, you can get more." It was the obsessive producer, licking his face and stroking his hands, smiling obscenely.

  Asshole, asshole!

  This **** Hollywood, this **** life! Rachel looked at the huge white "HALLYWOOD" in the distance, and thought of her dream of being a star. Those faces that were disdainful, mocking, angry, insulting, or scheming echoed in her mind, which made her feel sad for a while. , fell on the table and began to cry.

The waiter came over with a hot dog and threw it on the table. This crying girl didn't arouse his sympathy at all. In this glamorous Hollywood, how many beautiful girls have their dreams broken here, and they come here with hopes and dreams. Come, but in the face of reality, he was beaten badly and had nothing.

  The waiter had seen a lot, so he didn't take it seriously, and didn't even say a word of comfort, but left without paying attention, whistling.

   There were not many people eating in the restaurant. Zhang Dongcheng and Patricia soon noticed that the girl they met just now was lying on the table, lowering her voice, but crying sadly.

   "Why don't you go to the hero to save the beauty? She is from England, and she is from the same country as you." Patricia bumped Zhang Dongcheng's hand with her elbow and signaled with her eyes.

"I am Chinese, and the UK can only be regarded as my second home." Zhang Dongcheng originally didn't want to meddle in other business, but in Patricia's charming eyes, he couldn't resist. He could only sigh and shook his head , stood up.

   "Waiter, here is a cup of coffee for me." Zhang Dongcheng sat down in front of Rachel and shouted to the waiter.

  The waiter was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes showed understanding, and he brought a cup of coffee with a slight smile.

   "This kid is probably going to be lucky tonight!" The waiter looked at Patricia, who was radiant with a devilish figure, and then at Rachel, who was very temperamental, thinking bored and nasty in his mind.

  Finding a man sitting in front of her, Rachel who was crying raised her tears, but found that she didn't know the oriental man in front of her at all.

His appearance is very ordinary, almost the same as Chinese people look at foreigners. She can't see any difference between Zhang Dongcheng and other yellow people, but just relying on a woman's intuition, she feels that the smile of the oriental man in front of her is very cute. Friendly, doesn't seem to have any bad intentions.

   "Hi, I know your name is Rachel, I'm Smith, nice to meet you." Zhang Dongcheng introduced himself with a smile.

   "How do you know my name is Rachel?" Rachel quickly wiped away tears, she didn't want to show her weak side in front of a strange man, and then asked strangely.

   "Oh, I'm so sorry, I was on the set just now, and my friend and I were visiting. I accidentally saw those scenes and heard your name." Zhang Dongcheng smiled and handed the coffee to Rachel.

   "Oh. My performance was so poor, I made you laugh." Rachel recalled that scene, her eyes darkened again.

"From my point of view, you didn't do anything wrong. It's because of the leading actress. Your position on the camera is very suitable, and it is also good for the photographer's overall view. I think it's the bearded director. It's not your fault, Rachel, that you're not good enough and wronged others to steal the spotlight," Zhang Dongcheng said with confidence, crossing his arms.

   "It's not because of me?" Rachel's eyes widened, and now she understands that things are not what she imagined.

"Yes, if I were the director, I should communicate with the actors when encountering problems, carefully analyze the scene and designate positions, and I will not make excuses to accommodate the mood of the female lead or my shallow directing skills. To scold the actors for not working hard. I believe that every actor, whether it is a supporting role or a side role, wants to show the best of himself to the audience."

  Zhang Dongcheng smiled slightly. In fact, he did the same.

Whether it was "The Tuner" or "Two Smoking Barrels", he never lost his temper on the set. Even if the actors didn't understand their intentions, he would explain and adjust repeatedly with a smile, so that the actors could find the best rather than thinking that yelling and insulting will do everything.

   This is also the reason why Zhang Dongcheng has received a lot of support from the crew, and even many people plan to go to Hollywood with him to work hard, even if they abandon their family and children.

  It is not easy to meet a talented and approachable director.

  Rachel blinked her big eyes, and asked a little tentatively: "Are you also a director?"

   "Yes, I'm a director. I graduated from the London Film School in the UK. Two films have come out. One of them is called "Two Smoking Barrels." Zhang Dongcheng responded with a smile.

   "What, you are the director who made Britain go crazy, Smith Zhang?" Rachel was really excited this time. Although she was far away in Hollywood, she still cared about what happened in Britain. The recent newspapers have been full of reports that Zhang Dongcheng's film "Two Smoking Barrels" has repeatedly broken box office records and has become the biggest dark horse in the UK. The British film circle lists his film as the pioneering work of the genre. , The sound of praise is everywhere.

"That's nothing. Being successful in the UK doesn't mean it will continue to be successful. Here, in the most prestigious Hollywood in the world, I am no different. The producers still look down on me, and some even laugh at me. , let me know that there is a huge ocean between Britain and the United States!" Zhang Dongcheng said lightly.

He secretly remembers the faces of those producers. A good temper does not mean that you have no temper. Zhang Dongcheng just watched with cold eyes, and is going to use his actual actions to show these producers who have high eyes but low hands that they know how powerful they are. .

"So, you don't have to be so sad. Just like me, the British film circle praises me like a flower, but when I come to Hollywood in the United States, don't I still act according to other people's faces? Only by showing results and letting everyone People are speechless, these humiliations will naturally go with the wind, it is just a memory with tears in the process of growing up."

  Hearing Zhang Dongcheng's words, Rachel felt better, she couldn't help nodding, and said with a little joy: "Thank you."

  British actress, Rachel? Zhang Dongcheng inadvertently searched in his mind, but stayed there for a while, stunned.

   "Smith? What's wrong with you?" Rachel saw Zhang Dongcheng suddenly startled, his black eyes were motionless, she couldn't help pushing him.

   Withdrew from the colorful movie world in his mind, Zhang Dongcheng's eyes were full of brilliance, and his eyes looking at Rachel and Patricia were extremely hot.

   "Have you thought of anything?" Rachel asked a little strangely.

   "Haha, in front of such a beautiful lady like you, what else can I think about?" Zhang Dongcheng laughed, making Rachel finally forget the unhappiness and smiled.

Seeing Rachel's smile again, Zhang Dongcheng stood up: "Meeting by chance, we will be friends from now on. Be confident. If no one in the world looks up to you, remember that I like you. You will be a Hollywood star in the future." A well-known big star!"

   "How do you know she will be a big star in the future?" Patricia looked at Zhang Dongcheng who was sitting back beside her, and asked curiously.

   "The secret must not be revealed!" Zhang Dongcheng said mysteriously.

   At this time, his heart was full of fire.

  Patricia - Velasquez, Rachel - Weisz, these two girls are the best gift from heaven. This only means one thing, and that is the new movie, "The Mummy"!