
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · Urban
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161 Chs

Chapter 81

"Didn't you want to steal the scene? Then give me a bit of a **** back! What do you think you are? Can anyone steal the scene?" The bearded director roared sharply, and the supporting actress nodded quickly, signaling I understand.

  At this time, the heroine raised her haughty chin, glanced at the supporting actress contentedly like the Queen of Darkness returning from victory, and said in a slightly threatening tone: "Act well, don't make trouble for me!"

  The supporting actress had tears in her eyes, but she had to show a smiling face and said humbly: "Okay, I will play well."

Patricia is a supermodel and has also played supporting roles in movies, but because of her huge fame, she has no director or starring role to make things difficult for herself. Now seeing the most common scene in Hollywood, I can't help feeling a little uneasy: " This director and actress are too bullying."

"This is the way this world is, the weak prey on the strong. If you want not to be bullied by others, you must show your advantages as soon as possible, whether it is acting skills or works. Before you are famous, it is inevitable to be bullied. I think the female lead is jealous The supporting actress is prettier than her, so I stumbled secretly." Zhang Dongcheng sighed, thinking that he was kicked like a ball by the producers in Hollywood, and felt a little uncomfortable, looking at The weak supporting actress's eyes were full of sympathy.

But sympathy belongs to sympathy. Both Zhang Dongcheng and Patricia came to visit, but they didn't plan to go into this troubled water. Directors have their own styles and ways of doing things. Naturally, it is impossible to rush to question other directors, or teach How others treat others when filming.

"Zhang Dongcheng, when you were the director, you wouldn't be so fierce like this, right?" Patricia tilted her head, not noticing that her hair was blown up by the wind and stroked gently on his neck, It made Zhang Dongcheng feel uncomfortable all over.

"Of course not. I am very friendly to the crew. I believe in the power of a smile. In addition, the leading role and supporting role are both indispensable roles in the movie. I will treat them equally." Zhang Dongcheng ducked to the side , said with some embarrassment.

  The crew started filming again, this time the supporting actress did not stand as far forward as last time, but shrank back, for fear that she would block the heroine's camera.

   "CUT!" The bearded director yelled again, angrily yelling at the supporting actress: "Rachel, what kind of plane are you flying? You are standing so far away, you are not in the camera!"

Ok? The supporting actress is called Rachel? Zhang Dongcheng's heart skipped a beat.

   "Director, I'm following your order, stand a little back..." the supporting actress named Rachel replied in a panic, but the bearded director's face became more angry.

"FUCK, my order? I told you to stand back, but not out of the camera! Can your brain, which is harder than granite, think of what is appropriate? What is appropriate? Do you **** know? Acting? Did you come here to make trouble on purpose because you were dissatisfied with what happened just now?" The bearded director cursed and spat all over the place.

"I'm sorry director, I have no other meaning, I'm sorry...I'm sorry...give me another chance." Rachel was so scolded that she couldn't lift her head, but she suppressed the tears in her eyes and explained in a low voice, begging.

"Forget it, let's not shoot this shot, let's shoot another set of shots first. Rachel, this is America, not England, don't **** think that your British style is useful here! If you can't shoot in the afternoon, you will give I'm going back to England to play your stage play!" The bearded director yelled cursingly, directing the crew to film the next scene, leaving only Rachel standing helplessly trembling in the autumn wind.

  She is an actress who came to Hollywood from England? Zhang Dongcheng stood up, patted the fallen leaves on his body, and said to Patricia: "Okay, let's find a place to eat. The atmosphere here is really depressing, making me hungry."

  Competition is cruel, and Zhang Dongcheng is not the director of this movie, and some bad-tempered directors are completely tyrants on the set, so he didn't think of doing anything at all.

Patricia also stood up, and accompanied Zhang Dongcheng to leave here. She came from Venezuela, a country full of beauties. Naturally, she knew how much humiliation she had to endure before becoming famous. These insults were really true in her heart. It's all little things.

Originally, Zhang Dongcheng wanted to take Patricia to eat something good, but because he didn't know the location of the restaurant on the set, he took Patricia around for a long time, only to find an ordinary fast food restaurant selling hot dogs .

"Zhang Dongcheng, why don't we just eat here, we are not familiar with this place, just eat whatever you want. You see, my stomach is almost starving." Patricia patted her belly, tenderly said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll treat you to something good tonight, let's settle it casually now." Zhang Dongcheng raised his head and looked at the signboard of the hot dog shop. He is not the kind of person who wants to act like a nouveau riche when he has money. Therefore, he nodded and led Patricia through the door.

It was almost two o'clock in the afternoon, and there was no one in the hot dog shop. Zhang Dongcheng and Patricia randomly picked a seat and sat down, ordered two hot dogs and two cups of coffee, and just made do with the noon meal. dismissed.

"This world is real and cruel. If you don't want to be famous and want to join the colorful circles of Hollywood, you can't do it without putting in a hundredfold effort." Patricia recalled Rachel who was almost scolded and cried. Said with some emotion.

"These are the tests before the dream is fulfilled. After all, only a few can make a big splash. Most people still need to work hard and accumulate their own strength and fame step by step in order to succeed." Zhang Dongcheng took a big bite of the hot dog, After taking a sip of coffee, he looked at Patricia's beautiful brown eyes and said with a smile.

"You can be regarded as a model of blockbusters. Isn't your movie a sensation in the UK? Why are you still like us, thinking that you have to achieve your goal step by step?" Patricia smiled slightly, picking on Zhang Dongcheng's thorns .

   "HOHO, Patricia, don't you know how much effort and price I paid before I became a blockbuster?" Zhang Dongcheng shrugged and said helplessly.

"Ha ha.."

  Patricia was talking with Zhang Dongcheng, bowing her head and whispering from time to time. At this moment, the door of the hot dog shop was pushed open.

   The two looked up. Isn't this the British actress Rachel who was reprimanded by the director on the set?

In any case, Rachel's face is considered very beautiful. She has the intellectual beauty that men fall in love with at first sight. She thinks that if her career is not an actress, then the Royal Academy teacher or the British librarian would be the best. suits her.

She exudes a scent of books from inside to outside, with the unique nobility of British girls, and between this nobility and intellectuality, there is also a touch of **** that makes men's hearts entangled, making her beyond the noble and intellectual , and added a sense of charm and provocation.

If you look at it from the perspective of future generations of wolf friends, Rachel should be a **** who wears glasses and refuses to welcome, or wears a seventeenth-century British royal princess dress, which is charming and heroic. Princess, it is so unusually stirring.

  Right now, Rachel's face is ashen and defeated, as if she has just experienced a major blow, and she is a little shaky when she walks.

   "Miss, what do you want?" The hot dog shop waiter greeted attentively.

   When Rachel heard the words, she regained some light with her dull eyes, looked at the menu, and said bitterly, "Let's have a hot dog."

   "Don't you want to order drinks, miss?" The waiter greeted politely.

  Drawing out her pocket, Rachel took out the banknotes and counted them carefully, her gray face became even darker, and she said with a little embarrassment: "Oh, I'm so sorry, I don't need a drink."

   "Okay, the hot dog will be here soon." Seeing Rachel's destitute appearance, the waiter no longer had a smile on his face, and just said something plainly, and then left.

  Rachel's current mood is really like knocking over a five-flavored bottle, full of mixed flavors. The lead actress just looked at her with jealousy and hatred. She didn't know why the lead actress didn't target others, so she kept blaming herself. Later, she finally understood that because she was young and beautiful, her appearance in the play It was also a little glamorous, which completely covered up the beauty of the leading actress, which made her angry and kept making trouble for herself.