
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · สมัยใหม่
161 Chs

Chapter 80

Oh, this **** little wild cat, if you tease me so much, aren't you afraid that I will eat her? The evil fire in Zhang Dongcheng's heart flared up one after another, but when he faced Patricia's beautiful face, he found that he seemed to have no ability to resist. Instead, he hoped that the time sitting with her like this would be more longer.

  Feng'er sent her smell to the nose, sweet and sweet, and itchy. Zhang Dongcheng shrank his legs in embarrassment, avoiding Patricia's harassment.

At this time, the actions on the shooting scene finally attracted Patricia, and her heart was temporarily separated from this little toy. She looked curiously at the camera installed on the rail car, under the operation of the photographer, from Slowly leave less than half a meter away from the actor, getting farther and farther away.

   "Zhang Dongcheng, what's their name?" Patricia is really a curious cat. She has to ask everything about making movies. It seems that movies are really attractive to her.

"Oh, this is zooming. It means that the subject does not move, and the shooting machine makes a backward shooting movement. The viewing range changes from small to large. It can also be divided into slow pulling, fast pulling, and violent pulling. The effect can make the lens language produce a sense of detachment, and the zoom lens is conducive to expressing the relationship between the subject and the subject and the environment. In addition, the viewfinder range and expression space of the zoom lens screen are constantly expanding from small to large, making the composition of the picture form multiple structural changes It is a picture form with vertical space changes. It can form contrast, contrast or metaphor effects through the vertical space and the picture image in the vertical direction. However, there are exceptions. There are some shots that are not easy to guess the part of the overall image. It is beneficial to mobilize the audience's imagination and guessing about the gradual appearance of the overall image until it presents a complete image. In addition, the camera lens changes continuously in one shot, maintaining the integrity and coherence of the picture performance space. The internal rhythm changes from tight to loose, Contrary to the push shot, it can give full play to the emotional aftertaste and produce many subtle emotional colors. Finally, the pull shot is often used as a concluding and conclusive shot. Or as a transition shot."

   Zhang Dongcheng smiled slightly after hearing this, and told Patricia the effect of pulling the camera. The eloquent article almost stunned Patricia.

"Oh, my God, there are so many functions and changes in one camera pull!" Patricia narrowed her beautiful big eyes, and then filtered Zhang Dongcheng's words in her mind, and finally found that she didn't remember many of them. strip.

"There are actually so many shooting techniques in movies, but how to combine them is what tests a director's skill. Should a shot be pushed or pulled? What are the different effects? How to analyze the pros and cons? Choices, hehe, there is a lot of learning here." Zhang Dongcheng pointed to the busy people not far away, and explained to Patricia.

"Oh, I often hear that the camera lens of a movie is a montage, or some kind of montage technique. What is this?" Patricia unconsciously moved closer to Zhang Dongcheng. The flashing black pupils in the film or filming techniques seem to have an indescribable magic power, attracting me.

"Montage (French: Montage) is a transliterated loanword. It was originally an architectural term, meaning composition and assembly. It is often used in three art fields and can be interpreted as a meaningful collage and editing technique of time and space. It was first extended to In film art, it was gradually widely used in derivative fields such as visual art. There are roughly three functions of montage. The first is to select and choose the material through the segmentation and assembly of shots, scenes, and paragraphs, so as to express the content. Clear primary and secondary, to achieve a high degree of generalization and concentration. Second, to guide the audience's attention and stimulate the audience's association. Although each shot only shows a certain content, but the combination of shots in a certain order can regulate and guide the audience's emotions Third, create a unique film and television time and space. Each shot is a record of real time and space, and after editing, it realizes the reconstruction of time and space, forming a unique film and television time and space."

   Zhang Dongcheng talked about the field he is best at, naturally he was eloquent, but Patricia was confused.

"Zhang Dongcheng, I don't understand. What you said is so abstract and complicated." Patricia rested her chin on her hand, her beautiful brown eyes were full of confusion: "Can you say something simple?" An example."

"Uh, okay. If you connect the following shots A, B, and C in different orders, different contents and meanings will appear. A, a person is laughing; B, a pistol is pointed straight at; C, The same man had a terrified look on his face.

  What kind of impression do these three close-up shots give the audience?

  If you connect in the order of A—B—C, the audience will feel that the person is a coward and a coward. However, the shots remain the same, we only need to change the order of the above shots, and we will draw the opposite conclusion.

  C. A person's face is frightened, B. A pistol is pointed straight at it; A. The same person is laughing.

  Connected in the order of C-B-A in this way, the person's face showed a frightened look, because there was a pistol pointed at him. However, when he thought about it, he felt that it was nothing special, so he smiled—laughed in front of the **** of death. Therefore, he gave the audience the impression of a brave man.

  In this way, changing the order of shots in a scene, without changing each shot itself, completely changes the meaning of a scene, draws diametrically opposite conclusions, and obtains completely different effects.

  This kind of coherent organization and arrangement is to use the unique montage method of film art, which is what we call the structure of the film. From the above examples, we can see the importance of this structure of arrangement and combination, which is an important means of organizing materials together to express the idea of ​​the film. at the same time. Due to the different permutations and combinations, different artistic effects such as positive and negative, deep and shallow, strong and weak, etc. are produced. "

  Looking at Patricia's half-understanding face, Zhang Dongcheng said with a smile: "Movies are very complicated things, and it can't be explained clearly in a few words. I'll talk to you slowly when I'm free some other day."

   "Hey, making a movie is really an extremely complicated thing. I think I should be my little actor, just figure out my own role." Patricia smiled, her eyebrows twitching slightly.

At this time, on the set that the two were paying attention to, a woman who was obviously the leading role suddenly became angry, pointed at one of the supporting female actors and cursed: "What are you doing! FUCK, why are you always stuck between me and the camera?" ? Are you trying to steal the spotlight?"

  When the leading actor said this, the filming of the entire crew stopped. The bearded director quickly stood up and called "CUT", and then asked the leading actress, "What's wrong, what happened?"

   "Who found this actress? She's not filming at all, she's always stealing the spotlight!" The leading actress raised her chin, looking at the supporting actress who was a little at a loss, with a fierce and ruthless expression.

   "Did the supporting actress steal the scene just now?" Patricia asked suspiciously not far away.

  Shot-stealing means that in order to attract the attention of the director, or make the audience notice themselves on the big screen, some supporting actors deliberately use some special methods, means or positions, so that they always appear in the shots.

But based on the shooting angle just now, according to Zhang Dongcheng's own experience, the supporting actress did not have the intention or suspicion of stealing the scene. At most, she just stood a little more towards the heroine. Does not stop, but keeps shooting.

"It seems that the heroine is a little jealous of the supporting actress, so I need to find some small shoes for her to wear. I think the director will obviously favor the protagonist, and the supporting actress will be in trouble." Zhang Dongcheng shook his head, and said to Pa Cui. Thea said.

  The heroine is regarded as a second-tier star in Hollywood, and she has several movies, but the supporting actress is not well-known at all. Judging by the smog here and the expression of the bearded director, it is absolutely certain that the supporting actress will be trained.

Sure enough, the bearded man turned his eyeballs and immediately stood by the heroine, yelling at the supporting actress, "Hey, what are you doing? Were you sleepwalking when you were filming? I told you to stand up." On the right side of the protagonist, a little behind, what are you doing so close? Are you the one who steals the scene like this?"

  The actress was a little overwhelmed by the heroine's training just now, and now she was shocked when she heard the bearded director questioning herself aggressively, and quickly argued: "No, director, I didn't want to steal the scene."