
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · สมัยใหม่
161 Chs

Chapter 64

In the whole of the UK alone in a week, the income was more than 800,000 pounds, and the movie viewing craze was surging. Countless movie fans who could not buy tickets even gathered in front of the Cineworld Group, protesting their exclusive broadcasting rights, making the whole of the UK want to see this movie as soon as possible. The fans of the movie couldn't satisfy their wishes, and the slogans they shouted angrily almost shattered the glass in Mr. Edward's office!

Young people all over the UK are obsessed with this black comedy that makes people forget everything and can only laugh along with it. Public opinion in the UK follows the tide and uses it to talk about things every day, turning it over and over again, attracting countless audiences. people's eyes.

It is so incredible that a Chinese director who is only 20 years old with a moderate reputation and only one short film that was well-received at the French Film Festival has sparked a trend in the UK and conquered the proud audience all over the UK. things.

Crazy box office, crazy applause, Daily Mail's newspaper headquarters is smashed with rotten eggs by the most **** and obsessed fans of "Two Smoking Barrels" every day, the reporters and editors who go to work these days Everyone has to wear masks and sneak to work.

"Giger, how many did you prepare today?" With a smile on his face and a bag in his hand, Ivan chatted and laughed with a large group of people in front of the newspaper office of the Daily Mail. With sharp eyes, he spotted Giger Er came over with a girl in his arms, and hurried over to ask.

   "Hey, I have prepared seventy of them today! Haha!" Giger let go of the girl and showed the handbag in his hand, his eyes full of playful expressions.

   "HOHO, have you prepared so much? I only took thirty or so. Let's put on a good show for them today!" Aiwen laughed loudly, and lifted the package in his hand.

  The guy was wearing a black windbreaker and a huge mask, and he wanted to walk into the newspaper office.

"Hey, someone is going to enter the newspaper office!" I don't know who shouted, and hundreds of young people came out of the streets and alleys, holding eggs of different sizes in their hands, and with a sudden whistle, there were raindrops. Throw it over the head of anyone who tries to walk into the Daily Mail office.

   "This is for you megalomaniacs!"

   "This is for our favorite, Two Smoking Barrels!"

   "This is the retribution and punishment for your unprofessional ethics!"

   With a loud cry, the eggs were thrown out by the people who had transported enough strength, and attacked the unlucky guy like a cannonball.

The egg was on his body, his face, and his arm that was holding his head, and it exploded fiercely and mercilessly. The yellow egg liquid flew in all directions, until the guy rushed into the newspaper office rolling and crawling. , the young people whistled loudly, clapped their hands and stopped.

   "Hey, that guy too!" someone shouted again.

Countless eggs were lifted up, and countless pairs of angry eyes looked coldly. The guy who was temporarily blocked by the endless traffic flow quickly threw away the mask, raised his hand and shouted: "Don't, don't throw it! I Not the Daily Mail!"

   "Aren't you from the Daily Mail? Then why did you wear a mask to go in?" Ivan shouted, it seems that he is the leader of these young people.

   "I, I'm going to resign! I don't want to go to work with rotten eggs every day!" The guy said quickly, looking pitifully at the young people blocking the street.

   "Haha, you are a smart choice, but if you let me see you tomorrow, you will understand!" Ai Wen took a cigarette in his mouth, and put it on very sloppyly, arrogantly.

  Behind him, there were countless people standing.

   "I understand, I understand, my resignation letter is here!" The guy held up a letter and rushed into the newspaper office of the Daily Mail with a roar.

   "Haha, I'm so funny, this guy is really interesting!" Ivan and his partners laughed.

Just when everyone was laughing, as if they were proud of winning a very beautiful victory, a black Mercedes drove up in front of everyone, rolled down the window, and a fat British man cursed. .

   "Hey, what are you doing!"

   "HOHO, what are you talking about? Old guy, we don't understand!" Ai Wen said eccentrically, holding out a middle finger.

   "I am the president of the Daily Mail. You are making trouble at the gate of our newspaper office. I want to call the police!" The man snapped a hundred middle fingers angrily and cursed.

"FUCK! It's you, it's you who slandered "Two Smoking Barrels" and insulted our movie!" Ai Wen cursed, without ordering at all, hundreds of eggs flew over, smashing the man screaming, busy He closed the car window without folding and ran away in a hurry.

  When the British police arrived with their whistle blowing, Aiwen and the others had already dispersed, only the egg shells scattered on the ground, swaying helplessly with the tide sweeping the whole of Britain.

  In the Daily Mail, the culprit, Harris, was staying in his seat at a loss. He didn't even dare to raise his head, because once he raised his head, he would face countless angry eyes.

   Several reporters, whose noses and faces were bruised and swollen by the eggs, covered their faces with hot towels, and then stared at the guy who didn't even dare to raise his head, so angry that he didn't want to work at all.

Another editor with a face full of eggs, who seemed to have taken an egg bath, came in. There was another angry look in this space, shooting at Harris like a sharp sword, making Harris, who seemed to have a thorn in his back, tremble uncontrollably .



  The voice behind him sounded, and Harris knew that the president of the newspaper was coming, and even shrank his head, as if he wanted to squeeze into his computer.

   And the same president with a bruised nose, swollen face, egg liquid all over his face, and a filthy suit in a stiff suit, went into a rage!

   "Who the **** can tell me why there are a group of gangsters around our newspaper office? Why!" The president's roaring voice resounded violently throughout the space, but Harris' heart seemed to sink into the abyss.

"President, it's because of Harris, and because of his false reports, angry movie fans surrounded our door, and even beat up several reporters and editors who resigned!" Someone stood up and pointed his arm straight Harris, who shrank into a ball, shouted loudly.

"Yes, President, it's all because he is talking nonsense in order to grab the news, and he has no professionalism at all. He writes nonsense without standing on the basis of fairness and fairness that newspapers should have, which makes movie fans riot!" Someone also Standing up, he had an egg in his eye socket, which was black and purple.

   "Yes, the president, that's him! If we don't do something, our newspaper office will be finished!"

   "That's right, President, if this continues, I don't want to do it anymore."

   "President, those gangster police officers came and ran away, and the police came again after leaving! The clients I brought yesterday who wanted to sign a contract and advertise in the newspaper were all chased away by them!"


  In a short while, everyone stood up, pointing their arms at Harris, who dared not say a word. Countless angry voices and voices of condemnation exploded in the entire newspaper office.

   "President...I, I just want to increase the sales of the newspaper..." Harris raised his head with difficulty, looked at the president with a livid face pitifully, and stammered to explain to himself.

"Needless to say, you are not bringing sales to the newspaper, you are bringing jokes to the newspaper! Get out, I don't want to see you for a second!" The president pointed to the door, facing Harry roared.

   Oh, my God, why am I so obsessed with going to mess with that Chinese!

  Harris' face was ashamed.

Well, this joke that became the front page of newspapers across the UK, "Rotten Eggs Wash the Daily Mail, Reporters and Editors Hug Their Heads and Raise Their Heads", this joke became a topic of interest for families all over the UK after dinner, and was even popular among young people. The farce of solidarity was only caused by an interview by Zhang Dongcheng.