
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · Urban
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161 Chs

Chapter 63

"Oh my God, Smith, you're going to make a lot of money!" Emma, ​​the baby hot girl, also widened her eyes, looking at the almost crowded ticket office, and then pounded Zhang Dongcheng's chest excitedly.

Zhang Dongcheng listened to the words of the precious hot girl Emma, ​​he was slightly taken aback for a moment, and then raised his eyebrows lightly, full of domineering and confident, pointing to the movie fans who rushed into the screening hall holding movie tickets as if the battle had finally been won, said proudly:

   "Make money? Hehe, this is just a by-product when dreams come true. Take a look, they are my audience!"

Halliwell looked at Zhang Dongcheng in front of him, who seemed to be commanding thousands of troops. With his arm, people rushed towards the auditorium like a tide. He was like a general fighting a decisive battle thousands of miles away, and the lights streamed on him. This time, to coat him with a bright brilliance, that magical power that touches people's hearts, made her completely fascinated, completely lost resistance, and completely helpless.

Her heart was pounding and her eyes were on him and she didn't know how she got out of the movie theater when the other hot girls were laughing so hard they fell on the couch and rubbed their bellies ouch ouch At that time, when other audiences spit out the popcorn from their mouths with laughter, sweeping across the area like a machine gun fire, when the whole auditorium burst into laughter, everyone leaned forward and back, following the characters in the movie. While desperately wiping away her tears, she just stared at Zhang Dongcheng, who had a calm face and enjoyed the warmest applause from the audience. what is the relationship.

   She just looked at him, looked at him...

  The boss on the other side, Oston, was holding the phone happily, and notified his subordinate David: "Hey, David, the original plan has been cancelled, so let him keep Harris' dog legs!"

   "No, boss, I'm ready to go! Hey, my knife sharpens very quickly!"

"No need, I am immersed in great happiness now, don't disturb me, I want to enjoy it!" Alston hung up the phone, although he was a little unsteady when he was crowded by the crowd waving banknotes, but his face But it was full of smug smiles.

  On Saturday, there were more and more comments on "Two Smoking Barrels" in British newspapers, hundreds of newspapers, letters from fans, and entertainment headlines!

   All of these show the status of "Two Smoking Barrels" in the history of British film, and its profound influence on the future development of film all over the world.

  Times special correspondent Benedict wrote in the headline of the entertainment section:

  Black humor, a classic, this is not an egomaniac film, but a truly British film!

  A miracle has been going on these days. The small-production movie "Two Smoking Barrels" suddenly came out and became famous. This movie has become an endless topic among young people in London, England. I wanted to know about it with curiosity, but I was surprised to find how difficult it is to buy movie tickets for this movie!

When I struggled out of the siege of thousands of soldiers and several film critics who were squeezed into a photo, when we saw this movie, we realized that these things have not made us feel big for a long time. Khan's experience is so worth it.

  A gangster drama, black humor, multi-line development, erroneous circumstances, several forces check and chase each other. And most importantly, it looks really exciting. Every part is so funny, every shot is so classic. This kind of epoch-making movie must be recommended!

  Yes, I just recommend it, "Two Smoking Barrels" is worth watching for everyone!

   If you have to give a reason, well, then I will talk about it. The plot of this movie is so powerful that you dare not go to the bathroom throughout the whole process. It is compact and full of surprises. You will never know what will happen until the last second!

A wonderful and unconventional film. The black humor belonging to the East London area is also played smoothly. Such a masterpiece is so skillful in all aspects. I can't believe it is the director's debut work on the big screen (the tuner can only be regarded as a short film) , This is really a talent, a genius!

  It was obviously a very tragic story, but I was very happy to watch it, looked up and laughed, Smith, who was called a megalomaniac by tabloid reporters, was extremely powerful in attracting and manipulating the emotions of the audience!

  As for the actors, although I don't think there are any surprises, they are all competent and there are no failures. What should also be greatly praised is the lens processing of this film, which is crisp and neat, with a masterful demeanor. Among them, the gambling table scene is my favorite. The application of the lens is a classic. It is best to express a thousand words without saying a word , When I watched it, I kept praising and laughing non-stop.

  Classics will surely become classics, and will not be covered up by slanders of envy and jealousy.

   Its reputation is far and wide, and it will become famous far and wide. Once its brilliance is known to the world, no matter how deep the mud of the Thames River is, it will not stop people from admiring their hearts!

  A miracle that shocked Britain, a miracle that belongs to Britain, and a pinnacle work in history!

   Yeah, when people with ulterior motives say, hey man, you got paid to say that.

   Well, I declare loudly, I like "Two Smoking Barrels", I love "Two Smoking Barrels", I will wave the flag for it, I will roar loudly for it, all at my own **** expense!

  As a friend of Benedict, Bertram, a reporter from the Daily Telegraph, who went to the cinema together and was so crowded that even his wallet was stolen, expressed his solidarity loudly:

   "Two Smoking Barrels, A Movie Worth My Wallet Stolen Again"!

   When my friends and I fought our way out of the crowd, my wallet disappeared, oh damn, which thief with no eyes would dare to steal my wallet? Are you afraid that I will publish you in the newspaper tomorrow?

When my friends were happily sitting in their seats waiting for the movie to start, I was depressed and irritable, but when the movie opened, from the first scene, the first line, the first actor appeared, I My attention was finally drawn away from my **** wallet, and then, sinking.

Weird warm yellow tones, endless gang characters, five or six clues go hand in hand, until the last wave of snatching climaxes, it is suddenly realized that the structure is complete and precise from beginning to end, and the exaggerated coincidences are amazing, accompanied by rock music And smooth camera editing, worthy of being a classic black humor film.

  The play advances layer by layer, and the interlocking coincidences are mainly the coincidence of events, people and things.

  The first "coincidence" is the coincidence of the event.

  At the beginning, there was a group of rough-talking gangsters, gangsters, and robbers. But the seven groups of people in the film are like seven lines, each of them appearing in turn has nothing to do with each other. Coincidentally, due to the interests and needs of the characters, they are involved one after another. It seems random but meticulous and precise.

The interest entanglements that arise with the appearance of the characters are just independent and seemingly messy lines. All kinds of coincidental conflicts created inadvertently converge to form a circular causal chain, revenge, revenge, and gunmen one after another. The meeting, the time and place are just right, the audience is surprised by these nodes, but what we are surprised by is the bureau carefully laid out by the screenwriter. He leads the independently extended ropes to the same direction with potential relationships, and finally The collection is twisted into a hemp rope, and the exaggerated plot forms the great tension and comedy effect of the drama. Interlocking, cause and effect intertwined, extremely exaggerated coincidences are unexpected, but they are all reasonable, and the black humor of this coincidence is brought into full play.

  The second "ingenuity" is the ingenuity of people and things.

  The seven gangs form clues for parallel development. The reason why jaw-dropping coincidences keep happening is full of rationality and inevitability. The root cause lies in the coincidence of characters. Everyone has his specific character traits, and it is precisely these characters that make everything happen, so there is a coincidence of the above events. Just like the two stupid thieves with simple minds and sloppy actions, they sold the gun in a daze, and they didn't even see the house number in the process of searching for the gun. Coincidentally, Harry is rigorous and doesn't appear in person to do things, so the two hired thieves have never seen him, which leads to the birth of tragedy and comedy. Another example is that Roy showed his cruel personality when he clashed with people in the bar. Coincidentally, his marijuana was robbed and sold back to him. Therefore, according to the character of cruelty must win, he directly chased Ed's. At home, it happened that Ed's neighbor, who had a vengeance, was in ambush at Ed's house, so a conflict broke out. Every conflict here is dominated by coincidental character conflicts, so the coincidence of events is inevitable.

And there are three conflicts throughout the play: money, guns and drugs. The constant scrambling and transmission in the hands has become the fuse and driving force of all conflicts and contradictions. Coincidental items scramble to make a series of coincidences create a connection between light and dark clues.

   It is precisely because of the ingenuity of the character and the ingenuity of material needs that this series of coincidental events happened at an extremely coincidental time point, so the exaggeration is full of black humor, and the absurd accidents are inevitable everywhere.

   When I walked out of the cinema with countless audiences leaning on the wall and yelling that their stomach hurts, I suddenly realized, what a wallet! In front of such a classic that will be handed down to future generations, what if we lose it again?

And it has just become a gathering place for new and new humans. On Internet forums throughout the UK, people are braving the slow Internet speed, cursing the telecommunication company, but at the same time, they are as paranoid as a bull who has seen a red cloth, and they are excitedly posting their own opinions. opinions, and the heart of worship for "Two Smoking Barrels".

  The plot of the Great Reincarnation is full of praise. The soundtrack is superb. The close-up shows even the pores and stubble. Precariously, sitting on the corner of the mouth where all kinds of jokes echoed, looking for the creaking teeth that were yellowed by smoke, and were about to slip out of the mouth. It was the handsome guy's stern, indulgent and sometimes bitterly broken face that laughed so hard. After taking risks and going crazy, the young people would never think that all this is just the beginning of entanglements. Hats off to Mr Smith for totally making a film that belongs to the Brits! —— Netizen Slade.

  Complicated clues, black humor, classic lines, bunker shots, awesome narrative structure, well, my only regret is that it is not a British director who made this movie, but a Chinese director who has only lived in London for five years? Regardless, I give it full marks! —— Netizens bombarded wildly.

  The taste of black teasing is ubiquitous, black eating black is really interesting, a classic among classics! —— Netizen Bivis.

  Who the **** said this was a movie made by egomaniacs? Who the **** has the right to slander others? It's easier to destroy than to build, well, I don't buy or subscribe to the Daily Mail anymore, it's a farting newspaper! ―― Netizen Blake

   "Go away, Daily Mail! Smith, on behalf of all the smokers in our school, I announce that we love you!" - Netizen Brelsey.

   In direct proportion to the hymns in the newspapers and the Internet, it is the box office that has soared, and it is a miracle that has stunned the entire British film industry!

  Let's take a look at the pitiful box office of "Two Smoking Barrels" in the past few days, and finally tear off the disguise, revealing the true face of the extremely ferocious box office gold swallowing beast.

   On Monday, it was released on two screens, with a box office receipt of 28 pounds and an attendance rate of 7%.

  Tuesday, two screens were released, with a box office income of 84 pounds and an attendance rate of 14.7%.

  Wednesday, it was released on two screens, with a box office revenue of 424 pounds and an attendance rate of over 60%!

  Four Stars, released on two screens, grossed £800 at the box office, and the attendance rate reached 100%!

  Friday, 312 screens were released, with a box office income of 62,400 pounds, and the attendance rate is still an astonishing 100%!

  Saturday, it was shown on 312 screens, with extra shows until late at night, the box office received 249,600 pounds, and the attendance rate was still **** 100%!

  Sunday, 312 screens were screened, and the broadcast was broadcast throughout the day. The box office received 499,200 pounds, and the attendance rate was still 100%, which made the Harris reporter of the Daily Mail feel depressed.


  The total box office revenue of "Two Smoking Barrels" in the first week changed from tens of pounds that made people laugh out loud to 812,536 pounds!